Unread ====== Ruby gem to manage read/unread status of ActiveRecord objects - and it's fast. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ledermann/unread.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ledermann/unread) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/ledermann/unread.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/ledermann/unread) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/ledermann/unread/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/ledermann/unread?branch=master) ## Features * Manages unread records for anything you want users to read (like messages, documents, comments etc.) * Supports _mark as read_ to mark a **single** record as read * Supports _mark all as read_ to mark **all** records as read in a single step * Gives you a scope to get the unread records for a given user * Needs only one additional database table * Most important: Great performance ## Requirements * Ruby 1.9.3 or newer * Rails 3 (including 3.0, 3.1, 3.2) and Rails 4. For use with Rails 2.3 there is a branch named "rails2" * Needs a timestamp field in your models (like created_at or updated_at) with a database index on it ## Changelog https://github.com/ledermann/unread/releases ## Installation Step 1: Add this to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'unread' ``` and run ```shell bundle ``` Step 2: Generate and run the migration: ```shell rails g unread:migration rake db:migrate ``` ## Usage ```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_reader # or, if only a subset of users are readers: scope :admins, -> { where(:is_admin => true) } acts_as_reader :scope => -> { admins } end class Message < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_readable :on => :created_at end message1 = Message.create! message2 = Message.create! ## Get unread messages for a given user Message.unread_by(current_user) # => [ message1, message2 ] message1.mark_as_read! :for => current_user Message.unread_by(current_user) # => [ message2 ] ## Get read messages for a given user Message.read_by(current_user) # => [ ] message1.mark_as_read! :for => current_user Message.read_by(current_user) # => [ message1 ] ## Get all messages including the read status for a given user messages = Message.with_read_marks_for(current_user) # => [ message1, message2 ] messages[0].unread?(current_user) # => false messages[1].unread?(current_user) # => true Message.mark_as_read! :all, :for => current_user Message.unread_by(current_user) # => [ ] Message.read_by(current_user) # => [ message1, message2 ] ## Get users that have not read a given message user1 = User.create! user2 = User.create! User.have_not_read(message1) # => [ user1, user2 ] message1.mark_as_read! :for => user1 User.have_not_read(message1) # => [ user2 ] ## Get users that have read a given message User.have_read(message1) # => [ user1 ] message1.mark_as_read! :for => user2 User.have_read(message1) # => [ user1, user2 ] Message.mark_as_read! :all, :for => user1 User.have_not_read(message1) # => [ ] User.have_not_read(message2) # => [ user2 ] User.have_read(message1) # => [ user1, user2 ] User.have_read(message2) # => [ user1 ] ## Get all users including their read status for a given message users = User.with_read_marks_for(message1) # => [ user1, user2 ] users[0].have_read?(message1) # => true users[1].have_read?(message2) # => false # Optional: Cleaning up unneeded markers # Do this in a cron job once a day Message.cleanup_read_marks! ``` ## How does it work? The main idea of this gem is to manage a list of read items for every reader **after** a certain timestamp. The gem defines a scope doing a LEFT JOIN to this list, so your app can get the unread items in a performant manner. Of course, other scopes can be combined. It will be ensured that the list of read items will not grow up too much: * If a user uses "mark all as read", his list gets deleted and the timestamp is set to the current time. * If a user never uses "mark all as read", the list will grow and grow with each item he reads. But there is help: Your app can use a cleanup method which removes unnecessary list items. Overall, this gem can be used for large data. Please have a look at the generated SQL queries, here is an example: ```ruby # Assuming we have a user who has marked all messages as read on 2010-10-20 08:50 current_user = User.find(42) # Get the unread messages for this user Message.unread_by(current_user) ``` Generated query: ```sql SELECT messages.* FROM messages LEFT JOIN read_marks ON read_marks.readable_type = "Message" AND read_marks.readable_id = messages.id AND read_marks.user_id = 42 AND read_marks.timestamp >= messages.created_at WHERE read_marks.id IS NULL AND messages.created_at > '2010-10-20 08:50:00' ``` Hint: You should add a database index on `messages.created_at`. Copyright (c) 2010-2015 [Georg Ledermann](http://www.georg-ledermann.de), released under the MIT license