require 'faye/websocket' require 'addressable/uri' require 'eventmachine' require 'json' require 'colorize' module Binnacle::Commands def self.tail if ENV["TEST_MODE"] == 'true' String.disable_colorization = true end opts = Trollop::options do banner TAIL_BANNER opt(:host, "Binnacle Host", type: :string, default: 'localhost') opt(:channel, "Binnacle Channel", type: :string) opt(:app, "Binnacle App", type: :string) opt(:api_key, "Binnacle API Key", type: :string, short: '-u') opt(:api_secret, "Binnacle API Secret", type: :string, short: '-p') opt(:follow, "Monitors a Binnacle Channel or App") opt(:lines, "Get the last n events on the Channel", type: :int, short: '-n') opt(:since, "Number of minutes in the past to search for events", type: :int) opt(:encrypted, "Use SSL/HTTPS", default: true) opt(:environment, "The target environment (Rails.env)", type: :string, default: 'production') opt(:payload, "Show JSON Payload", default: false) end if (errors = validate(opts)).empty? dispatch(opts) else puts "The following errors prevented the tail command from executing:" errors.each { |e| puts " - #{e}" } puts "\nSUBCOMMAND" puts " tail -- listen to a Binnacle channel or app\n\n" Trollop::educate unless ENV["TEST_MODE"] == 'true' end end def self.validate(opts) errors = [] errors << "No channel or app given" unless (opts[:channel_given] || opts[:app_given]) errors << "No authentication information given" unless (opts[:api_key_given] && opts[:api_secret_given]) errors << "Cannot use both 'follow' and 'lines'" if (opts[:follow_given] && opts[:lines_given]) errors << "Cannot use both 'app' and 'channel'" if (opts[:channel_given] && opts[:app_given]) errors << "Lines subcommand does not support montoring of Apps at this moment" if (opts[:lines_given] && opts[:app_given]) errors end def self.dispatch(opts) # tail --follow if opts[:follow_given] && opts[:app_given] monitor(opts[:host], opts[:api_key], opts[:api_secret], opts[:app], opts[:environment], true, opts[:encrypted], opts[:payload]) elsif opts[:follow_given] && opts[:channel_given] monitor(opts[:host], opts[:api_key], opts[:api_secret], opts[:channel], opts[:environment], false, opts[:encrypted], opts[:payload]) end # tail --lines lines(opts[:host], opts[:api_key], opts[:api_secret], opts[:channel], opts[:lines], opts[:since], opts[:environment], opts[:encrypted]) if opts[:lines_given] end # # tail --follow --host=my_host --channel=my_channel def self.monitor(host, api_key, api_secret, channel, environment, is_app = false, encrypted = true, payload = false) do Signal.trap("INT") { EventMachine.stop } Signal.trap("TERM") { EventMachine.stop } ws_url = build_ws_url(host, api_key, api_secret, channel, environment, is_app, encrypted) ws = ws.on :open do |event| puts "Monitoring #{is_app ? 'App' : 'Channel'} #{channel} on #{host}..." end ws.on :message do |event| if !~ /\s/ && != 'X' print_event_from_json(, payload) end end ws.on :close do |event| ws = nil end end end # # tail --lines=50 --since=10 --host=my_host --channel=my_channel def self.lines(host, api_key, api_secret, channel, lines, since, environment = 'production', encrypted = true, payload = false) puts "Retrieving last #{lines} lines since #{since} minutes ago from Channel #{channel} ..." Binnacle.configuration.encrypted = encrypted client =, api_secret, host) client.recents(lines, since, channel).each do |e| print_event(e, payload) end end protected def self.build_ws_url(host, api_key, api_secret, channel, environment, is_app = false, encrypted = Binnacle.configuration.encrypted) host: host, port: Binnacle::Configuration::DEFAULT_PORT, scheme: encrypted ? 'wss' : 'ws', path: ["/api/subscribe", is_app ? "app" : "channel", channel, environment].join("/"), query: build_ws_query(api_key, api_secret) ).to_s end def self.build_ws_query(api_key, api_secret) { "Authorization" => %[Basic #{Base64.encode64("#{api_key}:#{api_secret}").strip}], "X-Atmosphere-tracking-id" => "0", "X-Atmosphere-Framework" => "2.3.2-javascript", "X-Atmosphere-Transport" => "websocket", "Content-Type" => "application/json", "X-atmo-protocol" => "true" }.map { |n,v| "#{n}=#{v}" }.join("&") end def self.print_event(event, payload = false) message = "" level = '%-10.10s' % event.log_level level = case when ['INFO', 'EXPORT_JOB'].include?(level) level.colorize(:blue) when ['WARN', 'WARNING', 'OVERAGE'].include?(level) level.colorize(:yellow) when ['ERROR', 'FATAL', 'DELIVERY_FAILURE', 'EXCEPTION', 'OOPS', 'MYBAD'].include?(level) level.colorize(:red) when ['DEBUG'].include?(level) level.colorize(:cyan) when ['UNKNOWN'].include?(level) level.colorize(:magenta) else level.colorize(:blue) end.colorize(mode: :bold) env = event.environment.colorize(mode: :bold) message << "#{env}::#{level} [#{}] " message << ('%-10.10s' % event.event_name).colorize(color: :green, mode: :bold) rest = [] unless event.client_id.nil? || event.client_id.empty? rest << " #{'client_id'.colorize(mode: :bold)} = #{event.client_id}" end unless event.session_id.nil? || event.session_id.empty? rest << "#{'session_id'.colorize(mode: :bold)} = #{event.session_id}" end unless event.ip_address.nil? || event.ip_address.empty? rest << "#{'ip'.colorize(mode: :bold)} = #{('%-15.15s' % event.ip_address)}" end unless event.tags.empty? tags = event.tags.join(',') rest << "#{'tags'.colorize(mode: :bold)} = [#{tags}]" end message << " :: ".colorize(mode: :bold) + rest.join(", ") unless rest.empty? if payload && event.json message << "\n\t ==> #{event.json}" end puts message end def self.print_event_from_json(json, payload = false) begin data = JSON.parse(json) event = Binnacle::Event.from_hash(data) print_event(event, payload) rescue JSON::ParserError => jpe # do nothing! end end end TAIL_BANNER = <<-EOS Usage: binnacle tail [options] where [options] are: EOS