require 'yaml' require 'time' require 'erb' require 'rack' require 'digest' require 'open-uri' require 'rdiscount' require 'builder' $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) require 'ext/ext' module Toto Paths = { :templates => "templates", :pages => "templates/pages", :articles => "articles" } def self.env ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'production' end def self.env= env ENV['RACK_ENV'] = env end module Template def to_html page, config, &blk path = ([:layout, :repo].include?(page) ? Paths[:templates] : Paths[:pages]) config[:to_html].call(path, page, binding) end def markdown text if (options = @config[:markdown]), *(options.eql?(true) ? [] : options)).to_html else text.strip end end def method_missing m, *args, &blk self.keys.include?(m) ? self[m] : super end def self.included obj obj.class_eval do define_method(obj.to_s.split('::').last.downcase) { self } end end end module ConfigHelpers def [] *args @config[*args] end def []= key, value @config.set key, value end end module PageHelpers include ConfigHelpers def archives filter = "" entries = ! self.articles.empty?? do |a| filter !~ /^\d{4}/ || a.path =~ /^\/#{filter}/ end : [] return, @config) end def title self[:title] end def articles ext = self[:ext] Dir["#{Paths[:articles]}/*.#{ext}"] do |article| article, @config end end def root self[:root] end def import(file) file = "#{Paths[:templates]}/#{file}" unless file =~ /^#{Paths[:templates]}/ end end class Site include PageHelpers def initialize config @config = config end def index type = :html case type when :html {:articles => articles, :archives => archives } when :xml, :json return :articles => articles else return {} end end def article route"#{Paths[:articles]}/#{route}.#{self[:ext]}", @config).load end def / self[:root] end def is_root?(path) path == '/' end def go route, type = :html route << self./ if route.empty? type, path = type =~ /html|xml|json/ ? type.to_sym : :html, route.join('/') context = lambda do |data, page|, @config, path).render(page, type) end body, status = if"to_#{type}") if route.first =~ /\d{4}/ case route.size when 1..3 route.pop if route.last == 'archives' context[{:archives => archives(route * '/')}, :archives] when 4 context[article(route.last), :article] else http 400 end elsif is_root?(path) context[send(@config[:root], type), path.to_sym] elsif (repo = @config[:github][:repos].grep(/#{path}/).first) && !@config[:github][:user].empty? context[, @config), :repo] else context[{}, path.to_sym] end else http 400 end rescue Errno::ENOENT => e return :body => http(404).first, :type => :html, :status => 404 else return :body => body || "", :type => type, :status => status || 200 end protected def http code return ["<font style='font-size:300%'>toto, we're not in Kansas anymore (#{code})</font>", code] end class Context include Template include PageHelpers def initialize ctx = {}, config = {}, path = "/" @config, @context, @path = config, ctx, path @articles = articles ctx.each do |k, v| meta_def(k) { ctx.instance_of?(Hash) ? v : ctx.send(k) } end end def render page, type type == :html ? to_html(:layout, @config, & { to_html page, @config }) : send(:"to_#{type}", :feed) end def to_xml page xml = => 2) instance_eval"#{Paths[:templates]}/#{page}.builder") end alias :to_atom to_xml def method_missing m, *args, &blk @context.respond_to?(m) ? @context.send(m) : super end end end class Repo < Hash include Template README = "" def initialize name, config self[:name], @config = name, config end def readme markdown open(README % [@config[:github][:user], self[:name], @config[:github][:ext]]).read rescue Timeout::Error, OpenURI::HTTPError => e "This page isn't available." end alias :content readme end class Archives < Array include Template def initialize articles, config self.replace articles @config = config end def [] a a.is_a?(Range) ? || [], @config) : super end def to_html super(:archives, @config) end alias :to_s to_html alias :archive archives end class Article < Hash include Template def initialize obj, config = {} @obj, @config = obj, config self.load if obj.is_a? Hash end def load data = if @obj.is_a? String meta, self[:body] =\n\n/, 2) YAML.load(meta) elsif @obj.is_a? Hash @obj end.inject({}) {|h, (k,v)| h.merge(k.to_sym => v) } self.taint self.update data self[:date] = Time.parse(self[:date].gsub('/', '-')) rescue self end def [] key self.load unless self.tainted? super end def slug self[:slug] || self[:title].slugize end def summary length = nil config = @config[:summary] sum = if self[:body] =~ config[:delim] self[:body].split(config[:delim]).first else self[:body].match(/(.{1,#{length || config[:length] || config[:max]}}.*?)(\n|\Z)/m).to_s end markdown(sum.length == self[:body].length ? sum : sum.strip.sub(/\.\Z/, '…')) end def url "http://#{(@config[:url].sub("http://", '') + self.path).squeeze('/')}" end alias :permalink url def body markdown self[:body].sub(@config[:summary][:delim], '') rescue markdown self[:body] end def title() self[:title] || "an article" end def date() @config[:date].call(self[:date]) end def path() self[:date].strftime("/%Y/%m/%d/#{slug}/") end def author() self[:author] || @config[:author] end def to_html() self.load; super(:article, @config) end alias :to_s to_html end class Config < Hash Defaults = { :author => ENV['USER'], # blog author :title => Dir.pwd.split('/').last, # site title :root => "index", # site index :url => "", :date => lambda {|now| now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") }, # date function :markdown => :smart, # use markdown :disqus => false, # disqus name :summary => {:max => 150, :delim => /~\n/}, # length of summary and delimiter :ext => 'txt', # extension for articles :cache => 28800, # cache duration (seconds) :github => {:user => "", :repos => [], :ext => 'md'}, # Github username and list of repos :to_html => lambda {|path, page, ctx| # returns an html, from a path & context"#{path}/#{page}.rhtml")).result(ctx) } } def initialize obj self.update Defaults self.update obj end def set key, val = nil, &blk if val.is_a? Hash self[key].update val else self[key] = block_given?? blk : val end end end class Server attr_reader :config def initialize config = {}, &blk @config = config.is_a?(Config) ? config : @config.instance_eval(&blk) if block_given? end def call env @request = env @response = return [400, {}, []] unless @request.get? path, mime = @request.path_info.split('.') route = (path || '/').split('/').reject {|i| i.empty? } response =, *(mime ? mime : [])) @response.body = [response[:body]] @response['Content-Length'] = response[:body].length.to_s unless response[:body].empty? @response['Content-Type'] = Rack::Mime.mime_type(".#{response[:type]}") # Set http cache headers @response['Cache-Control'] = if Toto.env == 'production' "public, max-age=#{@config[:cache]}" else "no-cache, must-revalidate" end @response['Etag'] = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(response[:body]) @response.status = response[:status] @response.finish end end end