require 'calabash-cucumber' require 'date' require 'benchmark' =begin change_picker_date_time (target_dt, options) change_time_on_picker_with_time_str (time_str, options) change_time_on_picker_with_time (time, options) change_date_on_picker_with_date_str (date_str, options) change_date_on_picker_with_date (date, options) options ==> { # calabash returns dates in terms of the local timezone # sometimes you have pickers (like alarms or reminders) that use utc timezone # WARN: only set this if you need times converted to UTC - if you are in UTC # timezone, don't set this :convert_time_to_utc => false, # animate the change :animate => true, # optionally pass the picker id :picker_id => nil, # iterate over the picker's target/action pairs and call them using # performSelector:SEL object: :notify_targets => true } =end BRIAR_PICKER_ISO8601_TIME_FMT = '%H:%M' # our canonical format for testing if two dates are the same BRIAR_PICKER_ISO8601_BRIEF_DATE_FMT = '%Y-%m-%d' BRIAR_PICKER_ISO8601_BRIEF_DATE_TIME_FMT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' # ex. 2012_11_18_16_45 BRIAR_PICKER_RUBY_DATE_AND_TIME_FMT_ZONED = '%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%z' BRIAR_PICKER_OBJC_DATE_AND_TIME_FMT_ZONED = 'yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_Z' BRIAR_PICKER_RUBY_DATE_AND_TIME_FMT = '%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M' BRIAR_PICKER_OBJC_DATE_AND_TIME_FMT = 'yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm' BRIAR_DATE_CONVERSION_FORMATS = {:objc => {:zoned => BRIAR_PICKER_OBJC_DATE_AND_TIME_FMT_ZONED, :default => BRIAR_PICKER_OBJC_DATE_AND_TIME_FMT}, :ruby => {:zoned => BRIAR_PICKER_RUBY_DATE_AND_TIME_FMT_ZONED, :default => BRIAR_PICKER_RUBY_DATE_AND_TIME_FMT}} module Briar module Picker module DateManipulation def date_format_for_target (target, zoned) res = BRIAR_DATE_CONVERSION_FORMATS[target][zoned] if res.nil? screenshot_and_raise "could not find format for target '#{target}' and zone '#{zoned}'" end res end def convert_date_time_to_objc_fmt (date_time, convert=false) format = date_format_for_target(:ruby, convert ? :zoned : :default) date_time.strftime(format).squeeze(' ').strip end def args_for_change_date_on_picker(options) args = [] if options.has_key?(:notify_targets) args << options[:notify_targets] ? 1 : 0 else args << 1 end if options.has_key?(:animate) args << options[:animate] ? 1 : 0 else args << 1 end args end def target_date_for_change_time_on_picker_with_time_str(time_str, convert, picker_id=nil) if time_str.nil? || time_str.length == 0 screenshot_and_raise "time str '#{time_str}' must be non-nil and non-empty" end time = Time.parse(time_str) target_date_for_change_time_on_picker_with_time time, convert, picker_id end def target_date_for_change_time_on_picker_with_time(target_time, convert, picker_id=nil) current_time = ruby_time_from_picker({:picker_id => picker_id}) tz_offset = (convert) ? 0 : Rational((target_time.utc_offset/3600.0)/24.0), current_time.mon,, target_time.hour, target_time.min, 0, tz_offset) end def target_date_for_change_date_on_picker_with_date_str(date_str, picker_id=nil) if date_str.nil? || date_str.length == 0 screenshot_and_raise "date str '#{date_str}' must be non-nil and non-empty" end date = Date.parse(date_str) target_date_for_change_date_on_picker_with_date date, picker_id end def target_date_for_change_date_on_picker_with_date(target_date, picker_id=nil) current_time = ruby_time_from_picker picker_id, target_date.mon,, current_time.hour, current_time.min, 0, current_time.offset) end # pickers that use utc (reminders, alerts, etc. do no usually have # min/max dates def ensure_can_change_picker_to_date(target_dt, picker_id=nil) max_date = maximum_date_time_from_picker picker_id if max_date and target_dt > max_date puts "\ntarget: '#{target_dt}'" puts " max: '#{max_date}'" screenshot_and_raise "cannot change time to '#{target_dt}' because the picker has a maximum date of '#{max_date}'" end min_date = minimum_date_time_from_picker picker_id if min_date and target_dt < min_date p "target: '#{target_dt}'" p " min: '#{min_date}'" screenshot_and_raise "cannot change time to #{target_dt} because the picker has a minimum date of '#{min_date}'" end end def change_picker_date_time (target_dt, options = {:convert_time_to_utc => false, :animate => true, :picker_id => nil, :notify_targets => true}) picker_id = picker_id_from_options options unless picker_is_in_time_mode picker_id or picker_is_in_date_and_time_mode picker_id screenshot_and_raise 'picker is not in date time or time mode' end should_see_date_picker picker_id convert = convert_to_utc_from_options options ensure_can_change_picker_to_date target_dt, picker_id target_str = convert_date_time_to_objc_fmt target_dt, convert fmt_str = date_format_for_target(:objc, convert ? :zoned : :default) args = args_for_change_date_on_picker options query_str = query_string_for_picker picker_id views_touched = map(query_str, :changeDatePickerDate, target_str, fmt_str, *args) msg = "could not change date on picker to '#{target_dt}' using query '#{query_str}' with options '#{options}'" views_touched = assert_map_results(views_touched, msg) set_briar_date_picker_variables target_dt, options step_pause views_touched end def change_time_on_picker_with_time_str (time_str, options = {:convert_time_to_utc => false, :animate => true, :picker_id => nil, :notify_targets => true}) convert = convert_to_utc_from_options options picker_id = picker_id_from_options options target_dt = target_date_for_change_time_on_picker_with_time_str time_str, convert, picker_id change_picker_date_time target_dt, options end def change_time_on_picker_with_time (time, options = {:convert_time_to_utc => false, :animate => true, :picker_id => nil, :notify_targets => true}) convert = convert_to_utc_from_options options picker_id = picker_id_from_options options target_dt = target_date_for_change_time_on_picker_with_time time, convert, picker_id change_picker_date_time target_dt, options end def change_date_on_picker_with_date_str (date_str, options = {:animate => true, :picker_id => nil, :notify_targets => true}) picker_id = picker_id_from_options options target_dt = target_date_for_change_date_on_picker_with_date_str date_str, picker_id change_picker_date_time target_dt, options end def change_date_on_picker_with_date (date, options = {:animate => true, :picker_id => nil, :notify_targets => true}) picker_id = picker_id_from_options options target_dt = target_date_for_change_date_on_picker_with_date date, picker_id change_picker_date_time target_dt, options end def set_briar_date_picker_variables(target_dt, options={}) default_options = {:picker_id => nil, :convert_time_to_utc => false, :assert_mode => false} options = default_options.merge(options) options[:assert_picker] = false ruby_picker_time = ruby_time_from_picker options options[:time_on_picker] = ruby_picker_time picker_mode = picker_mode(options[:picker_id]) if picker_mode == UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime or picker_mode == UIDatePickerModeTime @date_picker_time_12h = picker_time_str :h12, options @date_picker_time_24h = picker_time_str :h24, options @date_picker_time_hash = picker_time_strs_hash options @date_picker_time_arr = picker_time_strs_arr options unless time_strings_are_equivalent @date_picker_time_12h, @date_picker_time_24h screenshot_and_raise "ERROR: changing the picker resulted in two different times: '#{@date_picker_time_hash}'" end end @date_picker_brief_date_12h = picker_brief_date_str :brief_12h, options @date_picker_brief_date_24h = picker_brief_date_str :brief_24h, options @date_picker_brief_date_hash = picker_brief_date_strs_hash options @date_picker_brief_date_arr = picker_brief_date_strs_arr options unless brief_date_strings_are_equivalent @date_picker_brief_date_12h, @date_picker_brief_date_24h screenshot_and_raise "ERROR: changing the picker resulted in two different dates: '#{@date_picker_brief_date_hash}'" end @date_picker_date_time = target_dt end # utility def time_strings_are_equivalent (a, b) a_iso_str = Time.parse(a).strftime(BRIAR_PICKER_ISO8601_TIME_FMT) b_iso_str = Time.parse(b).strftime(BRIAR_PICKER_ISO8601_TIME_FMT) a_iso_str.eql? b_iso_str end def brief_date_strings_are_equivalent (a, b) a_iso_str = Date.parse(a).strftime(BRIAR_PICKER_ISO8601_BRIEF_DATE_FMT) b_iso_str = Date.parse(b).strftime(BRIAR_PICKER_ISO8601_BRIEF_DATE_FMT) a_iso_str.eql? b_iso_str end def brief_date_time_strings_are_equivalent (a, b) a_iso_str = Date.parse(a).strftime(BRIAR_PICKER_ISO8601_BRIEF_DATE_TIME_FMT) b_iso_str = Date.parse(b).strftime(BRIAR_PICKER_ISO8601_BRIEF_DATE_TIME_FMT) a_iso_str.eql? b_iso_str end end end end