module RedisThrottler module Model def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) base.instance_eval { @limits ||= {} } end module ClassMethods # @param [Symbol] key # @param [Hash] opts def throttle(key, opts = {}) klass = self.to_s.downcase key = "#{key.to_s}" subject = opts[:by] || :id limit = opts[:limit] || 5 threshold = opts[:for] || 900 interval = opts[:interval] || 5 bucket_span = [interval, 600].max throttler ="#{klass}:#{key}", bucket_interval: interval, bucket_span: bucket_span) @limits[key] = "#{subject.to_s} limit #{limit} per #{threshold} sec" # includes('?') will return true method = "#{key}_throttler" %w(limits limits?).each do |string| define_singleton_method(string) { string.include?('?') || @limits } define_method(string) { string.include?('?') || self.class.instance_variable_get('@limits')} end # i used Procs because they don't complain about arity # these Procs will return a string to be evaluated in context methods = { :exceeded? => proc { |to_call, within| "#{method}.exceeded? \"#{to_call}\", threshold: #{limit}, interval: #{within}" }, :increment => proc { |to_call| "#{method}.add(\"#{to_call}\")" }, :count => proc { |to_call, within| "#{method}.count(\"#{to_call}\", #{within})" } } # define the class & instance methods # pass the id to access counters define_singleton_method(method) { throttler } define_method(method) { self.class.send method } methods.each do |magic, meth| define_singleton_method("#{key}_#{magic.to_s}") { |id, within = threshold| eval, within) } define_method("#{key}_#{magic.to_s}") { |within = threshold| eval"#{self.send subject}", within) } end end end end end