require 'kontena/command' describe Kontena::Command do let(:subject) {'kontena') } context 'for a command that raises RuntimeError without including Kontena::Cli::Common' do let(:command_class) { do def execute fail 'test' end end} subject {'test') } it 'logs an error and aborts' do expect{[])}.to raise_error(SystemExit).and output(/\[error\] RuntimeError : test\s+See .* or run the command again with environment DEBUG=true set to see the full exception/m).to_stderr end context 'with DEBUG' do before do allow(Kontena).to receive(:debug?).and_return(true) end it 'lets the error raise through' do expect{[])}.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'test') end end end context 'for a command that raises StandardError without including Kontena::Cli::Common' do let(:command_class) { do def execute raise, "Not Found") end end} subject {'test') } it 'logs an error and aborts' do expect{[])}.to raise_error(SystemExit).and output(" [error] 404 : Not Found\n").to_stderr end context 'with DEBUG' do before do allow(Kontena).to receive(:debug?).and_return(true) end it 'lets the error raise through' do expect{[])}.to raise_error(Kontena::Errors::StandardError) end end end context 'option placement handling' do subject do do parameter 'TESTPARAM', 'Test parameter' option '--long-only', 'LONGONLY', 'Option with long only' option ['--long-and-short', '-l'], :flag, 'Flag with short and long', default: false def execute { param: testparam, longopt: long_only, shortflag: long_and_short? } end end end it 'allows using options before parameters' do expect('kontena').run(%w(-l --long-only longopt test))).to match hash_including( param: 'test', longopt: 'longopt', shortflag: true ) expect('kontena').run(%w(--long-only longopt test))).to match hash_including( param: 'test', longopt: 'longopt', shortflag: false ) expect('kontena').run(%w(--long-and-short test))).to match hash_including( param: 'test', longopt: nil, shortflag: true ) end it 'allows using options after parameters' do expect('kontena').run(%w(test -l --long-only longopt))).to match hash_including( param: 'test', longopt: 'longopt', shortflag: true ) expect('kontena').run(%w(test --long-only longopt))).to match hash_including( param: 'test', longopt: 'longopt', shortflag: false ) expect('kontena').run(%w(test --long-and-short))).to match hash_including( param: 'test', longopt: nil, shortflag: true ) end it 'allows using options mixed with parameters' do expect('kontena').run(%w(-l test --long-only longopt))).to match hash_including( param: 'test', longopt: 'longopt', shortflag: true ) expect('kontena').run(%w(--long-and-short test --long-only longopt))).to match hash_including( param: 'test', longopt: 'longopt', shortflag: true ) end context 'with double dash' do subject do do parameter 'TESTPARAM ...', 'Test parameter' option '--opt', 'OPT', 'Option' def execute { param_list: testparam_list, opt: opt } end end end it 'does not parse options after -- double dash' do expect('kontena').run(%w(--opt hello foo -- --bar hello))).to match hash_including( param_list: %w(foo --bar hello), opt: 'hello' ) end end end end