module Recurly class XML class << self def cast el return if el.attribute 'nil' if el.attribute 'type' type = el.attribute('type').value end case type when 'array' then { |e| XML.cast e } when 'boolean' then el.text == 'true' when 'date' then Date.parse el.text when 'datetime' then DateTime.parse el.text when 'float' then el.text.to_f when 'integer' then el.text.to_i else # FIXME: Move some of this logic to Resource.from_xml? resource_name = Helper.classify if Recurly.const_defined? resource_name, false return Recurly.const_get(resource_name, false).from_xml el end if el.elements.empty? el.text else Hash[ { |e| [, XML.cast(e)] }] end end end def filter text xml = text xml.each do |el| el = el case when "number" text = el.text last = text[-4, 4] el.text = "#{text[0, text.length - 4].to_s.gsub(/\d/, '*')}#{last}" when "verification_value" el.text = el.text.gsub(/\d/, '*') end end xml.to_s end end attr_reader :root def initialize xml @root = xml.is_a?(String) ? super : xml end # Adds an element to the root. def add_element name, value = nil value = value.respond_to?(:xmlschema) ? value.xmlschema : value.to_s super(name, value) end # Iterates over the root's elements. def each_element xpath = nil return enum_for :each_element unless block_given? super end # Returns the root's name. def name super end # Returns an XML string. def to_s super end end end if defined? Nokogiri require 'recurly/xml/nokogiri' else require 'recurly/xml/rexml' end