# frozen_string_literal: true #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. # # The MIT License(MIT) # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- require "rbconfig" require "azure/storage/common/version" module Azure::Storage::Common module Default # Default REST service (STG) version number. This is used only for SAS generator. STG_VERSION = "2016-05-31" # The number of default concurrent requests for parallel operation. DEFAULT_PARALLEL_OPERATION_THREAD_COUNT = 1 # Constant representing a kilobyte (Non-SI version). KB = 1024 # Constant representing a megabyte (Non-SI version). MB = 1024 * 1024 # Constant representing a gigabyte (Non-SI version). GB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 # Specifies HTTP. HTTP = "http" # Specifies HTTPS. HTTPS = "https" # Default HTTP port. DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = 80 # Default HTTPS port. DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT = 443 # Marker for atom metadata. XML_METADATA_MARKER = "$" # Marker for atom value. XML_VALUE_MARKER = "_" def os host_os = RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] case host_os when /mswin|msys|mingw|cygwin|bccwin|wince|emc/ "Windows #{host_os}" when /darwin|mac os/ "MacOS #{host_os}" when /linux/ "Linux #{host_os}" when /solaris|bsd/ "Unix #{host_os}" else "Unknown #{host_os}" end end module_function :os class << self def options Hash[Azure::Storage::Common::Configurable.keys.map { |key| [key, send(key)] }] end # Default storage access key # @return [String] def storage_access_key ENV["AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY"] end # Default storage account name # @return [String] def storage_account_name ENV["AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT"] end # Default storage connection string # @return [String] def storage_connection_string ENV["AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING"] end # Default storage shared access signature token # @return [String] def storage_sas_token ENV["AZURE_STORAGE_SAS_TOKEN"] end # Default storage table host # @return [String] def storage_table_host ENV["AZURE_STORAGE_TABLE_HOST"] end # Default storage blob host # @return [String] def storage_blob_host ENV["AZURE_STORAGE_BLOB_HOST"] end # Default storage queue host # @return [String] def storage_queue_host ENV["AZURE_STORAGE_QUEUE_HOST"] end # Default storage file host # @return [String] def storage_file_host ENV["AZURE_STORAGE_FILE_HOST"] end # A placeholder to map with the Azure::Storage::Common::Configurable.keys # @return nil def signer end end end # Service Types module ServiceType BLOB = "blob" QUEUE = "queue" TABLE = "table" FILE = "file" end # Specifies the location mode used to decide which location the request should be sent to. module LocationMode PRIMARY_ONLY = 0 PRIMARY_THEN_SECONDARY = 1 SECONDARY_ONLY = 2 SECONDARY_THEN_PRIMARY = 3 end # Specifies the location used to indicate which location the operation (REST API) can be performed against. # This is determined by the API and cannot be specified by the users. module RequestLocationMode PRIMARY_ONLY = 0 SECONDARY_ONLY = 1 PRIMARY_OR_SECONDARY = 2 end # Represents a storage service location. module StorageLocation PRIMARY = 0 SECONDARY = 1 end # Defines constants for use with shared access policies. module AclConstants # XML element for an access policy. ACCESS_POLICY = "AccessPolicy" # XML element for the end time of an access policy. EXPIRY = "Expiry" # XML attribute for IDs. ID = "Id" # XML element for the permission of an access policy. PERMISSION = "Permission" # XML element for a signed identifier. SIGNED_IDENTIFIER_ELEMENT = "SignedIdentifier" # XML element for signed identifiers. SIGNED_IDENTIFIERS_ELEMENT = "SignedIdentifiers" # XML element for the start time of an access policy. START = "Start" end # Defines constants for use with service properties. module ServicePropertiesConstants # XML element for storage service properties. STORAGE_SERVICE_PROPERTIES_ELEMENT = "StorageServiceProperties" # Default analytics version to send for logging, hour metrics and minute metrics. DEFAULT_ANALYTICS_VERSION = "1.0" # XML element for logging. LOGGING_ELEMENT = "Logging" # XML element for version. VERSION_ELEMENT = "Version" # XML element for delete. DELETE_ELEMENT = "Delete" # XML element for read. READ_ELEMENT = "Read" # XML element for write. WRITE_ELEMENT = "Write" # XML element for retention policy. RETENTION_POLICY_ELEMENT = "RetentionPolicy" # XML element for enabled. ENABLED_ELEMENT = "Enabled" # XML element for days. DAYS_ELEMENT = "Days" # XML element for HourMetrics. HOUR_METRICS_ELEMENT = "HourMetrics" # XML element for MinuteMetrics. MINUTE_METRICS_ELEMENT = "MinuteMetrics" # XML element for Cors. CORS_ELEMENT = "Cors" # XML element for CorsRule. CORS_RULE_ELEMENT = "CorsRule" # XML element for AllowedOrigins. ALLOWED_ORIGINS_ELEMENT = "AllowedOrigins" # XML element for AllowedMethods. ALLOWED_METHODS_ELEMENT = "AllowedMethods" # XML element for MaxAgeInSeconds. MAX_AGE_IN_SECONDS_ELEMENT = "MaxAgeInSeconds" # XML element for ExposedHeaders. EXPOSED_HEADERS_ELEMENT = "ExposedHeaders" # XML element for AllowedHeaders. ALLOWED_HEADERS_ELEMENT = "AllowedHeaders" # XML element for IncludeAPIs. INCLUDE_APIS_ELEMENT = "IncludeAPIs" # XML element for DefaultServiceVersion. DEFAULT_SERVICE_VERSION_ELEMENT = "DefaultServiceVersion" end # Defines constants for use with HTTP headers. module HeaderConstants # The accept ranges header. ACCEPT_RANGES = "accept_ranges" # The content transfer encoding header. CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING = "content-transfer-encoding" # The transfer encoding header. TRANSFER_ENCODING = "transfer-encoding" # The server header. SERVER = "server" # The location header. LOCATION = "location" # The Last-Modified header LAST_MODIFIED = "Last-Modified" # The data service version. DATA_SERVICE_VERSION = "DataServiceVersion" # The maximum data service version. MAX_DATA_SERVICE_VERSION = "maxdataserviceversion" # The master Windows Azure Storage header prefix. PREFIX_FOR_STORAGE = "x-ms-" # The client request Id header. CLIENT_REQUEST_ID = "x-ms-client-request-id" # The header that specifies the approximate message count of a queue. APPROXIMATE_MESSAGES_COUNT = "x-ms-approximate-messages-count" # The Authorization header. AUTHORIZATION = "authorization" # The header that specifies public access to blobs. BLOB_PUBLIC_ACCESS = "x-ms-blob-public-access" # The header for the blob type. BLOB_TYPE = "x-ms-blob-type" # The header for the type. TYPE = "x-ms-type" # Specifies the block blob type. BLOCK_BLOB = "blockblob" # The CacheControl header. CACHE_CONTROL = "cache-control" # The header that specifies blob caching control. BLOB_CACHE_CONTROL = "x-ms-blob-cache-control" # The header that specifies caching control. FILE_CACHE_CONTROL = "x-ms-cache-control" # The copy status. COPY_STATUS = "x-ms-copy-status" # The copy completion time COPY_COMPLETION_TIME = "x-ms-copy-completion-time" # The copy status message COPY_STATUS_DESCRIPTION = "x-ms-copy-status-description" # The copy identifier. COPY_ID = "x-ms-copy-id" # Progress of any copy operation COPY_PROGRESS = "x-ms-copy-progress" # The copy action. COPY_ACTION = "x-ms-copy-action" # The ContentID header. CONTENT_ID = "content-id" # The ContentEncoding header. CONTENT_ENCODING = "content-encoding" # The header that specifies blob content encoding. BLOB_CONTENT_ENCODING = "x-ms-blob-content-encoding" # The header that specifies content encoding. FILE_CONTENT_ENCODING = "x-ms-content-encoding" # The ContentLangauge header. CONTENT_LANGUAGE = "content-language" # The header that specifies blob content language. BLOB_CONTENT_LANGUAGE = "x-ms-blob-content-language" # The header that specifies content language. FILE_CONTENT_LANGUAGE = "x-ms-content-language" # The ContentLength header. CONTENT_LENGTH = "content-length" # The header that specifies blob content length. BLOB_CONTENT_LENGTH = "x-ms-blob-content-length" # The header that specifies content length. FILE_CONTENT_LENGTH = "x-ms-content-length" # The ContentDisposition header. CONTENT_DISPOSITION = "content-disposition" # The header that specifies blob content disposition. BLOB_CONTENT_DISPOSITION = "x-ms-blob-content-disposition" # The header that specifies content disposition. FILE_CONTENT_DISPOSITION = "x-ms-content-disposition" # The ContentMD5 header. CONTENT_MD5 = "content-md5" # The header that specifies blob content MD5. BLOB_CONTENT_MD5 = "x-ms-blob-content-md5" # The header that specifies content MD5. FILE_CONTENT_MD5 = "x-ms-content-md5" # The ContentRange header. CONTENT_RANGE = "cache-range" # The ContentType header. CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type" # The header that specifies blob content type. BLOB_CONTENT_TYPE = "x-ms-blob-content-type" # The header that specifies content type. FILE_CONTENT_TYPE = "x-ms-content-type" # The header for copy source. COPY_SOURCE = "x-ms-copy-source" # The header that specifies the date. DATE = "date" # The header that specifies the date. MS_DATE = "x-ms-date" # The header to delete snapshots. DELETE_SNAPSHOT = "x-ms-delete-snapshots" # The ETag header. ETAG = "etag" # The IfMatch header. IF_MATCH = "if-match" # The IfModifiedSince header. IF_MODIFIED_SINCE = "if-modified-since" # The IfNoneMatch header. IF_NONE_MATCH = "if-none-match" # The IfUnmodifiedSince header. IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE = "if-unmodified-since" # Specifies snapshots are to be included. INCLUDE_SNAPSHOTS_VALUE = "include" # Specifies that the content-type is JSON. JSON_CONTENT_TYPE_VALUE = "application/json" # The header that specifies lease ID. LEASE_ID = "x-ms-lease-id" # The header that specifies the lease break period. LEASE_BREAK_PERIOD = "x-ms-lease-break-period" # The header that specifies the proposed lease identifier. PROPOSED_LEASE_ID = "x-ms-proposed-lease-id" # The header that specifies the lease duration. LEASE_DURATION = "x-ms-lease-duration" # The header that specifies the source lease ID. SOURCE_LEASE_ID = "x-ms-source-lease-id" # The header that specifies lease time. LEASE_TIME = "x-ms-lease-time" # The header that specifies lease status. LEASE_STATUS = "x-ms-lease-status" # The header that specifies lease state. LEASE_STATE = "x-ms-lease-state" # Specifies the page blob type. PAGE_BLOB = "PageBlob" # The header that specifies page write mode. PAGE_WRITE = "x-ms-page-write" # The header that specifies file range write mode. FILE_WRITE = "x-ms-write" # The header that specifies whether the response should include the inserted entity. PREFER = "Prefer" # The header value which specifies that the response should include the inserted entity. PREFER_CONTENT = "return-content" # The header value which specifies that the response should not include the inserted entity. PREFER_NO_CONTENT = "return-no-content" # The header prefix for metadata. PREFIX_FOR_STORAGE_METADATA = "x-ms-meta-" # The header prefix for properties. PREFIX_FOR_STORAGE_PROPERTIES = "x-ms-prop-" # The Range header. RANGE = "Range" # The header that specifies if the request will populate the ContentMD5 header for range gets. RANGE_GET_CONTENT_MD5 = "x-ms-range-get-content-md5" # The format string for specifying ranges. RANGE_HEADER_FORMAT = "bytes:%d-%d" # The header that indicates the request ID. REQUEST_ID = "x-ms-request-id" # The header for specifying the sequence number. SEQUENCE_NUMBER = "x-ms-blob-sequence-number" # The header for specifying the If-Sequence-Number-EQ condition. SEQUENCE_NUMBER_EQUAL = "x-ms-if-sequence-number-eq" # The header for specifying the If-Sequence-Number-LT condition. SEQUENCE_NUMBER_LESS_THAN = "x-ms-if-sequence-number-lt" # The header for specifying the If-Sequence-Number-LE condition. SEQUENCE_NUMBER_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL = "x-ms-if-sequence-number-le" # The header that specifies sequence number action. SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ACTION = "x-ms-sequence-number-action" # The header for the blob content length. SIZE = "x-ms-blob-content-length" # The header for snapshots. SNAPSHOT = "x-ms-snapshot" # Specifies only snapshots are to be included. SNAPSHOTS_ONLY_VALUE = "only" # The header for the If-Match condition. SOURCE_IF_MATCH = "x-ms-source-if-match" # The header for the If-Modified-Since condition. SOURCE_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE = "x-ms-source-if-modified-since" # The header for the If-None-Match condition. SOURCE_IF_NONE_MATCH = "x-ms-source-if-none-match" # The header for the If-Unmodified-Since condition. SOURCE_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE = "x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since" # The header for data ranges. STORAGE_RANGE = "x-ms-range" # The header for storage version. STORAGE_VERSION = "x-ms-version" # The UserAgent header. USER_AGENT = "user-agent" # The pop receipt header. POP_RECEIPT = "x-ms-popreceipt" # The time next visibile header. TIME_NEXT_VISIBLE = "x-ms-time-next-visible" # The approximate message counter header. APPROXIMATE_MESSAGE_COUNT = "x-ms-approximate-message-count" # The lease action header. LEASE_ACTION = "x-ms-lease-action" # The accept header. ACCEPT = "Accept" # The accept charset header. ACCEPT_CHARSET = "Accept-Charset" # The host header. HOST = "host" # The correlation identifier header. CORRELATION_ID = "x-ms-correlation-id" # The group identifier header. GROUP_ID = "x-ms-group-id" # The share quota header. SHARE_QUOTA = "x-ms-share-quota" # The max blob size header. BLOB_CONDITION_MAX_SIZE = "x-ms-blob-condition-maxsize" # The append blob position header. BLOB_CONDITION_APPEND_POSITION = "x-ms-blob-condition-appendpos" # The append blob append offset header. BLOB_APPEND_OFFSET = "x-ms-blob-append-offset" # The append blob committed block header. BLOB_COMMITTED_BLOCK_COUNT = "x-ms-blob-committed-block-count" # The returned response payload should be with no metadata. ODATA_NO_META = "application/json;odata=nometadata" # The returned response payload should be with minimal metadata. ODATA_MIN_META = "application/json;odata=minimalmetadata" # The returned response payload should be with full metadata. ODATA_FULL_META = "application/json;odata=fullmetadata" # The header for if request has been encrypted at server side. REQUEST_SERVER_ENCRYPTED = "x-ms-request-server-encrypted" # The header for if blob data and application metadata has been encrypted at server side. SERVER_ENCRYPTED = "x-ms-server-encrypted" end module QueryStringConstants # Query component for SAS API version. API_VERSION = "api-version" # The Comp value. COMP = "comp" # The Res Type. RESTYPE = "restype" # The copy Id. COPY_ID = "copyid" # The Snapshot value. SNAPSHOT = "snapshot" # The timeout value. TIMEOUT = "timeout" # The signed start time query string argument for shared access signature. SIGNED_START = "st" # The signed expiry time query string argument for shared access signature. SIGNED_EXPIRY = "se" # The signed resource query string argument for shared access signature. SIGNED_RESOURCE = "sr" # The signed permissions query string argument for shared access signature. SIGNED_PERMISSIONS = "sp" # The signed identifier query string argument for shared access signature. SIGNED_IDENTIFIER = "si" # The signature query string argument for shared access signature. SIGNATURE = "sig" # The signed version argument for shared access signature. SIGNED_VERSION = "sv" # The cache control argument for shared access signature. CACHE_CONTROL = "rscc" # The content type argument for shared access signature. CONTENT_TYPE = "rsct" # The content encoding argument for shared access signature. CONTENT_ENCODING = "rsce" # The content language argument for shared access signature. CONTENT_LANGUAGE = "rscl" # The content disposition argument for shared access signature. CONTENT_DISPOSITION = "rscd" # The block identifier query string argument for blob service. BLOCK_ID = "blockid" # The block list type query string argument for blob service. BLOCK_LIST_TYPE = "blocklisttype" # The prefix query string argument for listing operations. PREFIX = "prefix" # The marker query string argument for listing operations. MARKER = "marker" # The maxresults query string argument for listing operations. MAX_RESULTS = "maxresults" # The delimiter query string argument for listing operations. DELIMITER = "delimiter" # The include query string argument for listing operations. INCLUDE = "include" # The peekonly query string argument for queue service. PEEK_ONLY = "peekonly" # The numofmessages query string argument for queue service. NUM_OF_MESSAGES = "numofmessages" # The popreceipt query string argument for queue service. POP_RECEIPT = "popreceipt" # The visibilitytimeout query string argument for queue service. VISIBILITY_TIMEOUT = "visibilitytimeout" # The messagettl query string argument for queue service. MESSAGE_TTL = "messagettl" # The select query string argument. SELECT = "$select" # The filter query string argument. FILTER = "$filter" # The top query string argument. TOP = "$top" # The skip query string argument. SKIP = "$skip" # The next partition key query string argument for table service. NEXT_PARTITION_KEY = "NextPartitionKey" # The next row key query string argument for table service. NEXT_ROW_KEY = "NextRowKey" # The lock identifier for service bus messages. LOCK_ID = "lockid" # The table name for table SAS URI's. TABLENAME = "tn" # The starting Partition Key for tableSAS URI's. STARTPK = "spk" # The starting Partition Key for tableSAS URI's. STARTRK = "srk" # The ending Partition Key for tableSAS URI's. ENDPK = "epk" # The ending Partition Key for tableSAS URI's. ENDRK = "erk" # ACL ACL = "acl" # Incremental Copy INCREMENTAL_COPY = "incrementalcopy" end module StorageServiceClientConstants # The default protocol. DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = "https" # Default credentials. DEVSTORE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT = "devstoreaccount1" DEVSTORE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY = "Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw==" # The development store URI. DEV_STORE_URI = "" # Development ServiceClient URLs. DEVSTORE_BLOB_HOST_PORT = "10000" DEVSTORE_QUEUE_HOST_PORT = "10001" DEVSTORE_TABLE_HOST_PORT = "10002" DEVSTORE_FILE_HOST_PORT = "10003" DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_SUFFIX = "core.windows.net" end module HttpConstants # Http Verbs module HttpVerbs PUT = "PUT" GET = "GET" DELETE = "DELETE" POST = "POST" MERGE = "MERGE" HEAD = "HEAD" end # Response codes. module HttpResponseCodes Ok = 200 Created = 201 Accepted = 202 NoContent = 204 PartialContent = 206 BadRequest = 400 Unauthorized = 401 Forbidden = 403 NotFound = 404 Conflict = 409 LengthRequired = 411 PreconditionFailed = 412 end end # Constants for storage error strings # More details are at = http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dd179357.aspx module StorageErrorCodeStrings # Not Modified (304) = The condition specified in the conditional header(s) was not met for a read operation. # Precondition Failed (412) = The condition specified in the conditional header(s) was not met for a write operation. CONDITION_NOT_MET = "ConditionNotMet" # Bad Request (400) = A required HTTP header was not specified. MISSING_REQUIRED_HEADER = "MissingRequiredHeader" # Bad Request (400) = A required XML node was not specified in the request body. MISSING_REQUIRED_XML_NODE = "MissingRequiredXmlNode" # Bad Request (400) = One of the HTTP headers specified in the request is not supported. UNSUPPORTED_HEADER = "UnsupportedHeader" # Bad Request (400) = One of the XML nodes specified in the request body is not supported. UNSUPPORTED_XML_NODE = "UnsupportedXmlNode" # Bad Request (400) = The value provided for one of the HTTP headers was not in the correct format. INVALID_HEADER_VALUE = "InvalidHeaderValue" # Bad Request (400) = The value provided for one of the XML nodes in the request body was not in the correct format. INVALID_XML_NODE_VALUE = "InvalidXmlNodeValue" # Bad Request (400) = A required query parameter was not specified for this request. MISSING_REQUIRED_QUERY_PARAMETER = "MissingRequiredQueryParameter" # Bad Request (400) = One of the query parameters specified in the request URI is not supported. UNSUPPORTED_QUERY_PARAMETER = "UnsupportedQueryParameter" # Bad Request (400) = An invalid value was specified for one of the query parameters in the request URI. INVALID_QUERY_PARAMETER_VALUE = "InvalidQueryParameterValue" # Bad Request (400) = A query parameter specified in the request URI is outside the permissible range. OUT_OF_RANGE_QUERY_PARAMETER_VALUE = "OutOfRangeQueryParameterValue" # Bad Request (400) = The url in the request could not be parsed. REQUEST_URL_FAILED_TO_PARSE = "RequestUrlFailedToParse" # Bad Request (400) = The requested URI does not represent any resource on the server. INVALID_URI = "InvalidUri" # Bad Request (400) = The HTTP verb specified was not recognized by the server. INVALID_HTTP_VERB = "InvalidHttpVerb" # Bad Request (400) = The key for one of the metadata key-value pairs is empty. EMPTY_METADATA_KEY = "EmptyMetadataKey" # Bad Request (400) = The specified XML is not syntactically valid. INVALID_XML_DOCUMENT = "InvalidXmlDocument" # Bad Request (400) = The MD5 value specified in the request did not match the MD5 value calculated by the server. MD5_MISMATCH = "Md5Mismatch" # Bad Request (400) = The MD5 value specified in the request is invalid. The MD5 value must be 128 bits and Base64-encoded. INVALID_MD5 = "InvalidMd5" # Bad Request (400) = One of the request inputs is out of range. OUT_OF_RANGE_INPUT = "OutOfRangeInput" # Bad Request (400) = The authentication information was not provided in the correct format. Verify the value of Authorization header. INVALID_AUTHENTICATION_INFO = "InvalidAuthenticationInfo" # Bad Request (400) = One of the request inputs is not valid. INVALID_INPUT = "InvalidInput" # Bad Request (400) = The specified metadata is invalid. It includes characters that are not permitted. INVALID_METADATA = "InvalidMetadata" # Bad Request (400) = The specifed resource name contains invalid characters. INVALID_RESOURCE_NAME = "InvalidResourceName" # Bad Request (400) = The size of the specified metadata exceeds the maximum size permitted. METADATA_TOO_LARGE = "MetadataTooLarge" # Bad Request (400) = Condition headers are not supported. CONDITION_HEADER_NOT_SUPPORTED = "ConditionHeadersNotSupported" # Bad Request (400) = Multiple condition headers are not supported. MULTIPLE_CONDITION_HEADER_NOT_SUPPORTED = "MultipleConditionHeadersNotSupported" # Forbidden (403) = Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of the Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature. AUTHENTICATION_FAILED = "AuthenticationFailed" # Forbidden (403) = Read-access geo-redundant replication is not enabled for the account. # Forbidden (403) = Write operations to the secondary location are not allowed. # Forbidden (403) = The account being accessed does not have sufficient permissions to execute this operation. INSUFFICIENT_ACCOUNT_PERMISSIONS = "InsufficientAccountPermissions" # Not Found (404) = The specified resource does not exist. RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND = "ResourceNotFound" # Forbidden (403) = The specified account is disabled. ACCOUNT_IS_DISABLED = "AccountIsDisabled" # Method Not Allowed (405) = The resource doesn't support the specified HTTP verb. UNSUPPORTED_HTTP_VERB = "UnsupportedHttpVerb" # Conflict (409) = The specified account already exists. ACCOUNT_ALREADY_EXISTS = "AccountAlreadyExists" # Conflict (409) = The specified account is in the process of being created. ACCOUNT_BEING_CREATED = "AccountBeingCreated" # Conflict (409) = The specified resource already exists. RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS = "ResourceAlreadyExists" # Conflict (409) = The specified resource type does not match the type of the existing resource. RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH = "ResourceTypeMismatch" # Length Required (411) = The Content-Length header was not specified. MISSING_CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER = "MissingContentLengthHeader" # Request Entity Too Large (413) = The size of the request body exceeds the maximum size permitted. REQUEST_BODY_TOO_LARGE = "RequestBodyTooLarge" # Requested Range Not Satisfiable (416) = The range specified is invalid for the current size of the resource. INVALID_RANGE = "InvalidRange" # Internal Server Error (500) = The server encountered an internal error. Please retry the request. INTERNAL_ERROR = "InternalError" # Internal Server Error (500) = The operation could not be completed within the permitted time. OPERATION_TIMED_OUT = "OperationTimedOut" # Service Unavailable (503) = The server is currently unable to receive requests. Please retry your request. SERVER_BUSY = "ServerBusy" # Legacy error code strings UPDATE_CONDITION_NOT_SATISFIED = "UpdateConditionNotSatisfied" CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND = "ContainerNotFound" CONTAINER_ALREADY_EXISTS = "ContainerAlreadyExists" CONTAINER_DISABLED = "ContainerDisabled" CONTAINER_BEING_DELETED = "ContainerBeingDeleted" end end