class RemoteHost < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :remote_requests, :dependent => :destroy # start active-scaffold interface def remote_requests_count remote_requests.count end def last_remote_request_at remote_requests.calculate :max, :updated_at end # end active-scaffold interface include FastTimestamp def lookup_hostname result = Resolv.getname ip_address if result.present? update_attribute :hostname, result untimestamp! :failed_to_lookup_hostname else timestamp! :failed_to_lookup_hostname end rescue # Resolv::ResolvError timestamp! :failed_to_lookup_hostname end def geolocate location = Geokit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.geocode ip_address # take what we can get if location.success self.latitude = if self.longitude = location.lng if location.lng.present? self.country_code = location.country_code if location.country_code.present? # state -> state_name self.state_name = location.state if location.state.present? = if save! end # but only call it a success if we get latitude # this way if we don't, it will check again in 5 days if location.success and location.latitude.present? untimestamp! :failed_to_geolocate else timestamp! :failed_to_geolocate end rescue timestamp! :failed_to_geolocate end def delayed_lookup_hostname if (rand(20) == 1 or hostname.blank?) and ( !timestamped?(:failed_to_lookup_hostname) or timestamp_for(:failed_to_lookup_hostname) < 5.days.ago ) defined?(Delayed::Job) ? send_later(:lookup_hostname) : lookup_hostname end true end def delayed_geolocate if (rand(20) == 1 or latitude.blank?) and ( !timestamped?(:failed_to_geolocate) or timestamp_for(:failed_to_geolocate) < 5.days.ago ) defined?(Delayed::Job) ? send_later(:geolocate) : geolocate end true end after_save :delayed_lookup_hostname after_save :delayed_geolocate end