require 'spec_helper' require "#{Earth::FACTORY_DIR}/mecs_energy" describe MecsEnergy do describe '#fuel_ratios' do it 'calculates based on sum of all fuels when no fuels are missing' do # Energy < sum all fuels energy = :energy => 50, :electricity => 25, :residual_fuel_oil => 10, :distillate_fuel_oil => 10, :natural_gas => 25, :lpg_and_ngl => 5, :coal => 5, :coke_and_breeze => 15, :other_fuel => 5 ) energy.fuel_ratios.should == { :electricity => 0.25, :residual_fuel_oil => 0.1, :distillate_fuel_oil => 0.1, :natural_gas => 0.25, :lpg_and_ngl => 0.05, :coal => 0.05, :coke_and_breeze => 0.15, :other_fuel => 0.05 } # Energy = sum all fuels energy = :energy => 100, :electricity => 25, :residual_fuel_oil => 10, :distillate_fuel_oil => 10, :natural_gas => 25, :lpg_and_ngl => 5, :coal => 5, :coke_and_breeze => 15, :other_fuel => 5 ) energy.fuel_ratios.should == { :electricity => 0.25, :residual_fuel_oil => 0.1, :distillate_fuel_oil => 0.1, :natural_gas => 0.25, :lpg_and_ngl => 0.05, :coal => 0.05, :coke_and_breeze => 0.15, :other_fuel => 0.05 } # Energy > sum of all fuels energy = :energy => 200, :electricity => 25, :residual_fuel_oil => 75, :distillate_fuel_oil => 0, :natural_gas => 0, :lpg_and_ngl => 0, :coal => 0, :coke_and_breeze => 0, :other_fuel => 0 ) energy.fuel_ratios.should == { :electricity => 0.25, :residual_fuel_oil => 0.75 } end it 'ignores missing fuels when energy <= sum of all fuels' do # Energy < sum of all fuels energy = :energy => 50, :electricity => 25, :residual_fuel_oil => 75 ) energy.fuel_ratios.should == { :electricity => 0.25, :residual_fuel_oil => 0.75 } # Energy = sum of all fuels energy = :energy => 100, :electricity => 25, :residual_fuel_oil => 75 ) energy.fuel_ratios.should == { :electricity => 0.25, :residual_fuel_oil => 0.75 } end it 'adjusts for missing fuels when energy > sum of all fuels' do energy = :energy => 200, :electricity => 25, :residual_fuel_oil => 75 ) energy.fuel_ratios.should == { :electricity => 0.125, :residual_fuel_oil => 0.375, :coal => 0.5 } end it 'returns nil if energy is missing or zero' do energy = :energy => nil, :electricity => 25, :residual_fuel_oil => 75 ) energy.fuel_ratios.should be_nil energy = :energy => 0, :electricity => 25, :residual_fuel_oil => 75 ) energy.fuel_ratios.should be_nil end it 'returns nil if all fuels are zero' do energy = :energy => 1, :electricity => 0, :residual_fuel_oil => 0, :distillate_fuel_oil => 0, :natural_gas => 0, :lpg_and_ngl => 0, :coal => 0, :coke_and_breeze => 0, :other_fuel => 0 ) energy.fuel_ratios.should be_nil end end describe '.find_by_naics_code_and_census_region_number' do it 'finds an exact match' do energy = FactoryGirl.create :mecs_energy, :r1111c1 MecsEnergy.find_by_naics_code_and_census_region_number('1111', 1).should == energy end it 'finds a parent category when exact code is not present' do energy = FactoryGirl.create :mecs_energy, :r111c1 MecsEnergy.find_by_naics_code_and_census_region_number('111', 1).should == energy end it 'finds same category nationwide when census region is not present' do energy = FactoryGirl.create :mecs_energy, :r1111 MecsEnergy.find_by_naics_code_and_census_region_number('1111', 1).should == energy end it 'keeps looking if fuel ratios is invalid' do FactoryGirl.create :mecs_energy, :r1111c2 energy = FactoryGirl.create :mecs_energy, :r1111 MecsEnergy.find_by_naics_code_and_census_region_number('1111', 2).should == energy end it 'finds a parent category rather than a sibling category' do FactoryGirl.create :mecs_energy, :r1112c1 energy = FactoryGirl.create :mecs_energy, :r11c1 MecsEnergy.find_by_naics_code_and_census_region_number('1111', 1).should == energy end it 'returns nil if no match found' do MecsEnergy.find_by_naics_code_and_census_region_number('1111', 1).should be_nil end end describe '.find_by_naics_code' do it 'finds an exact match' do energy = FactoryGirl.create :mecs_energy, :r1111 MecsEnergy.find_by_naics_code('1111').should == energy end it 'finds a parent category when exact code is not present' do energy = FactoryGirl.create :mecs_energy, :r111 MecsEnergy.find_by_naics_code('1111').should == energy end it 'finds a parent category rather than a sibling category' do FactoryGirl.create :mecs_energy, :r1112 energy = FactoryGirl.create :mecs_energy, :r11 MecsEnergy.find_by_naics_code('1111').should == energy end it 'returns nil if no match found' do MecsEnergy.find_by_naics_code('1111').should be_nil end end describe 'Sanity check', :sanity => true do it 'should have all the data' do MecsEnergy.count.should == 395 end it 'spot checks the data' do apparel = MecsEnergy.find_by_naics_code '315' apparel.census_region_number.should be_nil be_within(20_000).of(14770781900) apparel.energy_units.should == 'megajoules' apparel.electricity.should be_within(1_000).of( apparel.electricity_units.should == 'megajoules' apparel.residual_fuel_oil.should == 0 apparel.residual_fuel_oil_units.should == 'megajoules' apparel.distillate_fuel_oil.should == 0 apparel.distillate_fuel_oil_units.should == 'megajoules' apparel.natural_gas.should be_within(1_000).of( apparel.natural_gas_units.should == 'megajoules' apparel.lpg_and_ngl.should == 0 apparel.lpg_and_ngl_units.should == 'megajoules' apparel.coal.should == 0 apparel.coal_units.should == 'megajoules' apparel.coke_and_breeze.should == 0 apparel.coke_and_breeze_units.should == 'megajoules' apparel.other_fuel.should == 0 apparel.other_fuel_units.should == 'megajoules' end end end