require 'pstore' # Controller that responds to proxy generating ticket callbacks from the CAS server and allows # for retrieval of those PGTs. class CasProxyCallbackController < ActionController::Base # Receives a proxy granting ticket from the CAS server and stores it in the database. # Note that this action should ALWAYS be called via https, otherwise you have a gaping security hole. # In fact, the JA-SIG implementation of the CAS server will refuse to send PGTs to non-https URLs. def receive_pgt render_error "PGTs can be received only via HTTPS or local connections." and return unless request.ssl? or request.env['REMOTE_HOST'] == "" pgtIou = params['pgtIou'] pgtId = params['pgtId'] # We need to render a response with HTTP status code 200 when no pgtIou/pgtId is specified because CAS seems first # call the action without any parameters (maybe to check if the server responds correctly) and only then again, # this time with the required params. render :text => "Okay, the server is up, but please specify a pgtIou and pgtId." and return unless pgtIou and pgtId # TODO: pstore contents should probably be encrypted... pstore = open_pstore pstore.transaction do pstore[pgtIou] = pgtId end render :text => "PGT received. Thank you!" and return end # Retreives a proxy granting ticket, sends it to output, and deletes the pgt from session storage. # Note that this action should ALWAYS be called via https, otherwise you have a gaping security hole -- # in fact, the action will not work if the request is not made via SSL or is not local (we allow for local # non-SSL requests since this allows for the use of reverse HTTPS proxies like Pound). def retrieve_pgt render_error "You can only retrieve PGTs via HTTPS or local connections." and return unless request.ssl? or request.env['REMOTE_HOST'] == "" pgtIou = params['pgtIou'] render_error "No pgtIou specified. Cannot retreive the pgtId." and return unless pgtIou pstore = open_pstore pgt = nil pstore.transaction do pgt = pstore[pgtIou] end if not pgt render_error "Invalid pgtIou specified. Perhaps this pgt has already been retrieved?" and return end render :text => pgt # TODO: need to periodically clean the storage, otherwise it will just keep growing pstore.transaction do pstore.delete pgtIou end end private def render_error(msg) # Note that the error messages are mostly just for debugging, since the CAS server never reads them. render :text => msg, :status => 500 end def open_pstore"#{RAILS_ROOT}/tmp/cas_pgt.pstore") end end