#Common methods used for setting up or verifing module Validations #Check that the settings.yml file exists in the backup_path #@param [String] raise_msg exception to raise if the file is missing. if set to nil no exception will be rasied #@return [Bool] def check_settings_file(raise_msg = 'settings.yml not found in path. This must not be a backup profile. See: mogbak help create') if File.exists?("#{$backup_path}/settings.yml") return true else raise raise_msg if raise_msg return false end end #Check that the backup_path is valid #@param [String] raise_msg exception to raise if the backup_path is not a valid direcotry. if set to nil no exception will be rasied #@return [Bool] def check_backup_path(raise_msg = 'backup_path is not a valid directory') if !File.directory?($backup_path) raise raise_msg if raise_msg return false end true end #Create database for metadata #@param [String] raise_msg exception to raise if database cannot be created. nil will raise no exception #@return [Bool] def create_sqlite_db(raise_msg = "Could not create #{$backup_path}/db.sqlite - check permissions") begin if !File.exists?("#{$backup_path}/db.sqlite") SQLite3::Database.new("#{$backup_path}/db.sqlite") end rescue Exception => e raise raise_msg if raise_msg return false end true end #Connect to sqlite metadata db #@param [String] raise_msg exception to raise if we cannot connect. if set to nil no exception will be rasied #@return [Bool] def connect_sqlite(raise_msg = nil) begin ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:adapter => 'sqlite3', :database => "#{$backup_path}/db.sqlite", :timeout => 1000) rescue Exception => e raise raise_msg if raise_msg raise e if $debug return false end true end #Run ActiveRecord migrations on the sqlite database #@param [String] raise_msg exception to raise if migrations fail. if set to nil no exception will be rasied #@return [Bool] def migrate_sqlite(raise_msg = "could not run migrations on #{$backup_path}/db.sqlite") #run migrations begin ActiveRecord::Migrator.up(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/../db/migrate/') rescue raise raise_msg if raise_msg return false end true end #Connect to MogileFS mysql server #@param [String] raise_msg exception to raise if we cannot connect. if set to nil no exception will be rasied #@return [Bool] def mogile_db_connect(raise_msg = 'Could not connect to MySQL database') #Verify that we can connect to the mogilefs mysql server begin ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection({:adapter => "mysql2", :host => @db_host, :port => @db_port, :username => @db_user, :password => @db_pass, :database => @db, :reconnect => true}) rescue Exception => e raise raise_msg if raise_msg return false end true end #Connect to mogile tracker #@param [String] raise_msg exception to raise if we cannot connect. if set to nil no exception will be raised #@return [Bool] def mogile_tracker_connect(raise_msg = 'Could not connect to MogileFS tracker') host = ["#{@tracker_ip}:#{@tracker_port}"] begin $mg = MogileFS::MogileFS.new(:domain => @domain, :hosts => host) rescue Exception => e if $debug raise e end raise raise_msg if raise_msg return false end end #Check if mogile domain is valid #@param [String] raise_msg exception to raise if domain does not exist. if set to nil no exception will be raised #@return [Bool] def check_mogile_domain(domain, raise_msg = 'Domain does not exist in MogileFS') require('domain') domain = Domain.find_by_namespace(self.domain) if !domain raise raise_msg if raise_msg return false end true end end