Verifies the existence of the specified variables in the database. Retrieves the values of all variables defined in the database. This list can potentially be huge. Queries the values of the specified variables. Creates the specified variables in the database. Modifies the specified variables in the database. Resets the specified variables to their default values. Deletes the variables referenced from the database. Gets the version information for this interface. Verifies the existence of the specified variables in the database. Retrieves the values of all variables defined in the database. This list can potentially be huge. Queries the values of the specified variables. Creates the specified variables in the database. Modifies the specified variables in the database. Resets the specified variables to their default values. Deletes the variables referenced from the database. Gets the version information for this interface. The DBVariable interface exposes methods that enable you to work directly with our internal database that contains configuration variables using name/value pairs.