module Dbcp class Cli DEFAULT_DESTINATION = 'development' def initialize(stdout = $stdout) @logger = stdout @logger.formatter = do |severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{datetime}: #{msg}\n" end end def start(argv) if argv.length < 1 usage exit 1 end begin source = Environment.find(argv.shift) destination = Environment.find(argv.shift || DEFAULT_DESTINATION) if source == destination @logger.fatal "source and destination environments are the same" exit 3 end if source.database.adapter != destination.database.adapter @logger.fatal "source (#{source.database.adapter}) and destination (#{destination.database.adapter}) environments must be the same database type" exit 4 end rescue EnvironmentNotFound => e @logger.fatal e.to_s exit 2 end "exporting #{source.environment_name}..." source_snapshot_file = source.export "transferring data..." destination_snapshot_file = source_snapshot_file.transfer_to(destination) "importing #{destination_snapshot_file.path} to #{destination.environment_name}..." destination.import destination_snapshot_file source_snapshot_file.delete destination_snapshot_file.delete if source_snapshot_file != destination_snapshot_file end def usage @logger.fatal "Usage: #{$0} source_environment [destination_environment || #{DEFAULT_DESTINATION}]" end end end