require 'simple_form' # Render Something Like This # #
# # # # #
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class MultiValueWithElementsInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::CollectionInput def input input_html_classes.unshift("string") input_html_options[:type] ||= 'text' input_html_options[:name] ||= "#{object_name}[#{attribute_name}][]" markup = <<-HTML ' end # NOTE: There is a one to many relationship between the label and the input # elements. Because of this we can't use the "for" attribute on the label # point to the "id" of the input. Instead we use the "aria-labelledby" # attribute on the input to point to the "id" on the label. # # It would be _better_ to use @builder construct the element but the proper # syntax escapes me. def label options[:elements].each_with_object('') {|element_name, html| html << element_label(element_name) } end private def field_wrapper_for(value, index) <<-HTML
  • #{build_text_field(value, index)}
  • HTML end def label_id(element_name) "#{object_name}_#{attribute_name}_#{element_name}_label" end def label_classes label_html_options[:class].map{|c| c.to_s}.join(' ') end def build_text_field(value, index) options[:elements].each_with_object('') {|element_name, html| html << "\n" << element_input(element_name, index) } end protected def element_input(element_name, index) field_name = "#{attribute_name}_#{element_name}" input_html_options[:name] = "#{object_name}[#{attribute_name}][][#{element_name}]" if index input_html_options[:value] = object.send(field_name)[index] else input_html_options[:value] = '' end input_html_options[:class] = "#{object_name}_#{attribute_name}_#{element_name} #{input_size} multi-text-field" input_html_options[:'aria-labelledby'] = label_id(element_name) @builder.text_field(field_name, input_html_options) end def element_label(element_name) attribute_label = element_name.to_s.titleize <<-HTML HTML end def input_size @input_size ||= options.fetch(:size, 'input-xlarge') end def collection @collection ||= begin object.send(attribute_name) end end def multiple?; true; end end