#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "spec_helper") describe "load" do before do delete_project create_project end after do delete_project end it "should raise an error unless PROJECT is a valid project directory" do delete_project lambda { Glyph.run! 'load:all' }.should raise_error end it "[macros] should load macro definitions" do lambda { Glyph.run! 'load:macros'}.should_not raise_error Glyph::MACROS[:note].blank?.should == false Glyph::MACROS[:"#"].blank?.should == false end it "[macros] should be able to load only core macros" do language 'core' output_for("$:[options.macro_set|glyph]").blank?.should == true Glyph['options.macro_set'].should == 'glyph' end it "[macros] should be able to load only filter macros" do language 'filters' output_for("textile[*test*]").should == "


" end it "[config] should load configuration files and apply overrides" do Glyph.config_refresh lambda { Glyph.run! 'load:config'}.should_not raise_error Glyph['system.quiet'] = true Glyph::PROJECT_CONFIG.blank?.should == false Glyph::SYSTEM_CONFIG.blank?.should == false Glyph['system.structure.headers'].class.to_s.should == "Array" end it "[macros] should load HTML macros as well when generating web output" do Glyph['document.output'] = 'web' Glyph.run! 'load:macros' Glyph::MACROS[:section].blank?.should == false end it "[layouts] should load layouts" do Glyph['document.output'] = 'web' Glyph.run! 'load:macros' Glyph::MACROS[:"layout/topic"].blank?.should == false end it "[tasks] should load tasks" do reset_quiet file_copy Glyph::PROJECT/"../files/custom_tasks.rake", Glyph::PROJECT/"lib/tasks/custom_tasks.rake" Glyph.run 'load:all' stdout_for { Glyph.run 'custom:hello'}.should == "Hello, World!\n" end it "[commands] should load tasks" do reset_quiet file_copy Glyph::PROJECT/"../files/custom_command.rb", Glyph::PROJECT/"lib/commands/custom_command.rb" Glyph.run 'load:all' run_command(['hello']).should == "Hello, World!\n" end end