# Spree Gateway [](https://travis-ci.org/spree/spree_gateway) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/spree/spree_gateway) Community supported Spree Payment Method Gateways. It works as a wrapper for [active_merchant](https://github.com/activemerchant/active_merchant) gateway. Supported payment gateways: * Authorize.net (with CIM support) * Apple Pay (via Stripe) * BanWire * Bambora (previously Beanstream) * Braintree * CyberSource * ePay * eWay * maxipago * MasterCard Payment Gateway Service (formerly MiGS) * Moneris * PayJunction * Payflow * Paymill * Pin Payments * QuickPay * sage Pay * SecurePay * Spreedly * Stripe (with Stripe Elements) * USAePay * Worldpay (previously Cardsave) For`PayPal` support head over to [braintree_vzero](https://github.com/spree-contrib/spree_braintree_vzero) extension. ## Installation 1. Add this extension to your Gemfile with this line: ```ruby gem 'spree_gateway', '~> 3.7' ``` 2. Install the gem using Bundler: ```ruby bundle install ``` 3. Copy & run migrations ```ruby bundle exec rails g spree_gateway:install ``` Finally, make sure to **restart your app**. Navigate to *Configuration > Payment Methods > New Payment Method* in the admin panel and you should see that a bunch of additional gateways have been added to the list. ## Contributing In the spirit of [free software][1], **everyone** is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are some ways *you* can contribute: * by using prerelease versions * by reporting [bugs][2] * by suggesting new features * by writing or editing documentation * by writing specifications * by writing code (*no patch is too small*: fix typos, add comments, clean up inconsistent whitespace) * by refactoring code * by resolving [issues][2] * by reviewing patches Starting point: * Fork the repo * Clone your repo * (You will need to `brew install mysql postgres` if you don't already have them installed) * Run `bundle` * (You may need to `bundle update` if bundler gets stuck) * Run `bundle exec rake test_app` to create the test application in `spec/test_app` * Make your changes * Ensure specs pass by running `bundle exec rspec spec` * (You will need to `brew install phantomjs` if you don't already have it installed) * Submit your pull request License ---------------------- Spree is released under the [New BSD License][3]. About Spark Solutions ---------------------- [][spark] Spree Gateway is maintained by [Spark Solutions Sp. z o.o.][spark]. We are passionate about open source software. We are [available for hire][spark]. [spark]:http://sparksolutions.co?utm_source=github [1]: http://www.fsf.org/licensing/essays/free-sw.html [2]: https://github.com/spree/spree_gateway/issues [3]: https://github.com/spree/spree_gateway/blob/main/LICENSE.md [4]: https://github.com/spree [5]: https://github.com/spree/spree_gateway/graphs/contributors