3.1.12 (Brainy Betty) f900fe96cffe8fefb931a75de6ed7906b015b0aa o:Sass::Tree::RootNode : @options{:@has_childrenT:@template"% @import "shared"; // These defaults make the arguments optional for this mixin // If you like, set different defaults in your project $default-text-shadow-color: #aaa !default; $default-text-shadow-h-offset: 0px !default; $default-text-shadow-v-offset: 0px !default; $default-text-shadow-blur: 1px !default; // Provides cross-browser text shadows when one or more shadows are needed. // Each shadow argument should adhere to the standard css3 syntax for the // text-shadow property. @mixin text-shadow( $shadow-1 : default, $shadow-2 : false, $shadow-3 : false, $shadow-4 : false, $shadow-5 : false, $shadow-6 : false, $shadow-7 : false, $shadow-8 : false, $shadow-9 : false, $shadow-10: false ) { // This has to be on a single line due to a bug in the scss parser: https://github.com/nex3/sass/issues/issue/26 $legacy: type-of($shadow-1) == color and type-of(if($shadow-2, $shadow-2, 0)) == number and type-of(if($shadow-3, $shadow-3, 0)) == number and type-of(if($shadow-4, $shadow-4, 0)) == number and ($shadow-2 or $shadow-3 or $shadow-4) and not($shadow-5 or $shadow-6 or $shadow-7 or $shadow-8 or $shadow-9 or $shadow-10); @if $legacy { @warn "Passing separate arguments for a single shadow to text-shadow is deprecated. " + "Pass the values as a single space-separated list, or use the single-text-shadow mixin. " + "See http://beta.compass-style.org/help/tutorials/upgrading/antares/ for more info."; @include single-text-shadow( $shadow-1, if($shadow-2, $shadow-2, $default-text-shadow-h-offset), if($shadow-3, $shadow-3, $default-text-shadow-v-offset), if($shadow-4, $shadow-4, $default-text-shadow-blur) ); } @else { @if $shadow-1 == default { $shadow-1: $default-text-shadow-color $default-text-shadow-h-offset $default-text-shadow-v-offset $default-text-shadow-blur; } text-shadow: compact($shadow-1, $shadow-2, $shadow-3, $shadow-4, $shadow-5, $shadow-6, $shadow-7, $shadow-8, $shadow-9, $shadow-10); } } // Provides a single cross-browser CSS text shadow. // Includes default arguments for color, horizontal offset, vertical offset, and blur @mixin single-text-shadow( $color: $default-text-shadow-color, $hoff: $default-text-shadow-h-offset, $voff: $default-text-shadow-v-offset, $blur: $default-text-shadow-blur ) { // XXX I'm surprised we don't need experimental support for this property. @if $color == none { text-shadow: none; } @else { text-shadow: $color $hoff $voff $blur; } } :@children[o:Sass::Tree::ImportNode ;@;0; [: @linei:@imported_filename" sharedo:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @loud0;@: @silenti: @value["{/* These defaults make the arguments optional for this mixin * If you like, set different defaults in your project */; [; io:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@; [: @guarded" !default: @name"default-text-shadow-color; i : @expro:Sass::Script::Color : @attrs{ :rediª: alphai: greeniª: blueiª;@;0; i o; ;@; [;" !default;"!default-text-shadow-h-offset; i ;o:Sass::Script::Number :@numerator_units["px;@:@original"0px;i; i :@denominator_units[o; ;@; [;" !default;"!default-text-shadow-v-offset; i ;o; ;["px;@;"0px;i; i ;[o; ;@; [;" !default;"default-text-shadow-blur; i;o; ;["px;@;"1px;i; i;[o; ;0;@;i;["±/* Provides cross-browser text shadows when one or more shadows are needed. * Each shadow argument should adhere to the standard css3 syntax for the * text-shadow property. */; [; io:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ;@: @args[[o:Sass::Script::Variable;@;" shadow-1:@underscored_name" shadow_1o:Sass::Script::String ;@;" default; i: @type:identifier[o;!;@;" shadow-2;"" shadow_2o:Sass::Script::Bool;@;F; i[o;!;@;" shadow-3;"" shadow_3o;&;@;F; i[o;!;@;" shadow-4;"" shadow_4o;&;@;F; i[o;!;@;" shadow-5;"" shadow_5o;&;@;F; i[o;!;@;" shadow-6;"" shadow_6o;&;@;F; i[o;!;@;" shadow-7;"" shadow_7o;&;@;F; i[o;!;@;" shadow-8;"" shadow_8o;&;@;F; i[o;!;@;" shadow-9;"" shadow_9o;&;@;F; i[o;!;@;"shadow-10;""shadow_10o;&;@;F; i;T; [o; ;0;@;i;["x/* This has to be on a single line due to a bug in the scss parser: https://github.com/nex3/sass/issues/issue/26 */; [; io; ;@; [;0;" legacy; i ;o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand2o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation :@operator:not;@; i : @operando;' ;(o;! ;@;"shadow-10; i ;""shadow_10;*:or:@operand1o;' ;(o;! ;@;" shadow-9; i ;"" shadow_9;*;-;.o;' ;(o;! ;@;" shadow-8; i ;"" shadow_8;*;-;.o;' ;(o;! ;@;" shadow-7; i ;"" shadow_7;*;-;.o;' ;(o;! ;@;" shadow-6; i ;"" shadow_6;*;-;.o;! ;@;" shadow-5; i ;"" shadow_5;@; i ;@; i ;@; i ;@; i ;@; i ;*:and;.o;' ;(o;' ;(o;! ;@;" shadow-4; i ;"" shadow_4;*;-;.o;' ;(o;! ;@;" shadow-3; i ;"" shadow_3;*;-;.o;! ;@;" shadow-2; i ;"" shadow_2;@; i ;@; i ;*;/;.o;' ;(o;' ;(o;# ;@;" number; i ;$;%;*:eq;.o:Sass::Script::Funcall ;@:@keywords{; [o;1 ;@;2{; [o;! ;@;" shadow-4; i ;"" shadow_4o;! ;@;" shadow-4; i ;"" shadow_4o; ;[;@;"0;i; i ;[;"if; i ;" type-of; i ;@; i ;*;/;.o;' ;(o;' ;(o;# ;@;" number; i ;$;%;*;0;.o;1 ;@;2{; [o;1 ;@;2{; [o;! ;@;" shadow-3; i ;"" shadow_3o;! ;@;" shadow-3; i ;"" shadow_3o; ;[;@;"0;i; i ;@¥;"if; i ;" type-of; i ;@; i ;*;/;.o;' ;(o;' ;(o;# ;@;" number; i ;$;%;*;0;.o;1 ;@;2{; [o;1 ;@;2{; [o;! ;@;" shadow-2; i ;"" shadow_2o;! ;@;" shadow-2; i ;"" shadow_2o; ;[;@;"0;i; i ;@¥;"if; i ;" type-of; i ;@; i ;*;/;.o;' ;(o;# ;@;" color; i ;$;%;*;0;.o;1 ;@;2{; [o;! ;@;" shadow-1; i ;"" shadow_1;" type-of; i ;@; i ;@; i ;@; i ;@; i ;@; i ;@; i u:Sass::Tree::IfNodeé [o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: @name" legacy: @linei!:@underscored_name" legacyu:Sass::Tree::IfNodeý[00[u:Sass::Tree::IfNode–[o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand2o:Sass::Script::String : @options{: @value" default: @linei,: @type:identifier:@operator:eq:@operand1o:Sass::Script::Variable ;@: @name" shadow-1; i,:@underscored_name" shadow_1;@; i,0[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;@:@children[: @guarded0;" shadow-1; i-: @expro:Sass::Script::List :@separator: space;@; [ o; ;@;"default-text-shadow-color; i-;"default_text_shadow_coloro; ;@;"!default-text-shadow-h-offset; i-;"!default_text_shadow_h_offseto; ;@;"!default-text-shadow-v-offset; i-;"!default_text_shadow_v_offseto; ;@;"default-text-shadow-blur; i-;"default_text_shadow_blur; i-o:Sass::Tree::PropNode :@prop_syntax:new: @options{: @valueo:Sass::Script::Funcall ; @ :@keywords{: @args[o:Sass::Script::Variable ; @ : @name" shadow-1: @linei/:@underscored_name" shadow_1o; ; @ ;" shadow-2;i/;" shadow_2o; ; @ ;" shadow-3;i/;" shadow_3o; ; @ ;" shadow-4;i0;" shadow_4o; ; @ ;" shadow-5;i0;" shadow_5o; ; @ ;" shadow-6;i0;" shadow_6o; ; @ ;" shadow-7;i1;" shadow_7o; ; @ ;" shadow-8;i1;" shadow_8o; ; @ ;" shadow-9;i1;" shadow_9o; ; @ ;"shadow-10;i1;"shadow_10;" compact;i1:@children[;["text-shadow: @tabsi;i1[o:Sass::Tree::WarnNode ;@:@children[;i$: @expro:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand2o:Sass::Script::String ;@: @value"WSee http://beta.compass-style.org/help/tutorials/upgrading/antares/ for more info.;i$: @type: string:@operator: plus:@operand1o; ;o; ;@;"\Pass the values as a single space-separated list, or use the single-text-shadow mixin. ;i#;;;;;o; ;@;"RPassing separate arguments for a single shadow to text-shadow is deprecated. ;i";;;@;i#;@;i$o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;@:@keywords{: @args[ o; ;@;" shadow-1;i&; " shadow_1o:Sass::Script::Funcall ;@;{;[o; ;@;" shadow-2;i'; " shadow_2o; ;@;" shadow-2;i'; " shadow_2o; ;@;"!default-text-shadow-h-offset;i'; "!default_text_shadow_h_offset;"if;i'o; ;@;{;[o; ;@;" shadow-3;i(; " shadow_3o; ;@;" shadow-3;i(; " shadow_3o; ;@;"!default-text-shadow-v-offset;i(; "!default_text_shadow_v_offset;"if;i(o; ;@;{;[o; ;@;" shadow-4;i); " shadow_4o; ;@;" shadow-4;i); " shadow_4o; ;@;"default-text-shadow-blur;i); "default_text_shadow_blur;"if;i); [;"single-text-shadow;i*;"text-shadow; io; ;0;@;i;["Œ/* Provides a single cross-browser CSS text shadow. * Includes default arguments for color, horizontal offset, vertical offset, and blur */; [; i5o; ;@; [ [o;!;@;" color;"" coloro;! ;@;"default-text-shadow-color; i8;""default_text_shadow_color[o;!;@;" hoff;"" hoffo;! ;@;"!default-text-shadow-h-offset; i9;""!default_text_shadow_h_offset[o;!;@;" voff;"" voffo;! ;@;"!default-text-shadow-v-offset; i:;""!default_text_shadow_v_offset[o;!;@;" blur;"" bluro;! ;@;"default-text-shadow-blur; i;;""default_text_shadow_blur;T; [o; ;0;@;i;["R/* XXX I'm surprised we don't need experimental support for this property. */; [; i=u;3¸[o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand2o:Sass::Script::String : @options{: @value" none: @linei>: @type:identifier:@operator:eq:@operand1o:Sass::Script::Variable ;@: @name" color; i>:@underscored_name" color;@; i>u:Sass::Tree::IfNodeJ[00[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode :@prop_syntax:new: @options{: @valueo:Sass::Script::List :@separator: space;@; [ o:Sass::Script::Variable ;@: @name" color: @lineiA:@underscored_name" coloro; ;@;" hoff;iA;" hoffo; ;@;" voff;iA;" voffo; ;@;" blur;iA;" blur;iA:@children[;["text-shadow: @tabsi;iA[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode :@prop_syntax:new;@; o;;@; " none; ; :@children[;["text-shadow: @tabsi; i?;"single-text-shadow; i<; i