# nearmiss-ruby A module for using the Nearmiss REST API and generating valid [TwiML](http://www.nearmissapp.com/docs/api/). [Click here to read the full documentation.][documentation] ## Installation To install using [Bundler][bundler] grab the latest stable version: ```ruby gem 'nearmiss-ruby', '~> 1.0.0' ``` To manually install `nearmiss-ruby` via [Rubygems][rubygems] simply gem install: # nearmiss-ruby A module for using the Nearmiss REST API and generating valid [TwiML](http://www.nearmissapp.com/docs/api/). [Click here to read the full documentation.][documentation] ## Installation To install using [Bundler][bundler] grab the latest stable version: ```ruby gem 'nearmiss-ruby', '~> 1.0.0' ``` To manually install `nearmiss-ruby` via [Rubygems][rubygems] simply gem install: ```bash gem install nearmiss-ruby ``` To build and install the development branch yourself from the latest source: ```bash git clone git@github.com:nearmiss/nearmiss-ruby.git cd nearmiss-ruby make install ``` ## Getting Started With REST ### Setup Work ``` ruby require 'rubygems' # not necessary with ruby 1.9 but included for completeness require 'nearmiss-ruby' # put your own credentials here account_sid = 'ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' auth_token = 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy' # set up a client to talk to the Nearmiss REST API @client = Nearmiss::REST::Client.new account_sid, auth_token # alternatively, you can preconfigure the client like so Nearmiss.configure do |config| config.account_sid = account_sid config.auth_token = auth_token end # and then you can create a new client without parameters @client = Nearmiss::REST::Client.new ``` ### List Projects You can look up a list of all projects. ``` ruby # list calls made or received on or after May 13, 2013 @client.project_list("start_time>" => "2013-05-13") # Notice we omit the "=" in the "start_time>=" parameter because it is automatically added ``` ### List Categories You can look up a list of all defined categories. ``` ruby # list calls made or received on or after May 13, 2013 @client.categories() # Notice we omit the "=" in the "start_time>=" parameter because it is automatically added ``` ## Supported Ruby Versions This library supports and is [tested against][travis] the following Ruby implementations: - Ruby 2.2.0 - Ruby 2.1.0 - Ruby 2.0.0 - Ruby 1.9.3 - [JRuby][jruby] - [Rubinius][rubinius] ## Getting help If you need help installing or using the library, please contact Nearmiss Support at help@nearmiss.com first. Nearmiss's Support staff are well-versed in all of the Nearmiss Helper Libraries, and usually reply within 24 hours. If you've instead found a bug in the library or would like new features added, go ahead and open issues or pull requests against this repo! ## More Information There are more detailed examples in the included [examples][examples] directory. Also for those upgrading, the [upgrade guide][upgrade] is available in the [nearmiss-ruby github wiki][wiki]. ```bash gem install nearmiss-ruby ``` To build and install the development branch yourself from the latest source: ```bash git clone git@github.com:nearmiss/nearmiss-ruby.git cd nearmiss-ruby make install ``` ## Getting Started With REST ### Setup Work ``` ruby require 'rubygems' # not necessary with ruby 1.9 but included for completeness require 'nearmiss-ruby' # put your own credentials here account_sid = 'ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' auth_token = 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy' # set up a client to talk to the Nearmiss REST API @client = Nearmiss::REST::Client.new account_sid, auth_token # alternatively, you can preconfigure the client like so Nearmiss.configure do |config| config.account_sid = account_sid config.auth_token = auth_token end # and then you can create a new client without parameters @client = Nearmiss::REST::Client.new ``` ### List Projects You can look up a list of all projects. ``` ruby # list calls made or received on or after May 13, 2013 @client.project_list("start_time>" => "2013-05-13") # Notice we omit the "=" in the "start_time>=" parameter because it is automatically added ``` ### List Categories You can look up a list of all defined categories. ``` ruby # list calls made or received on or after May 13, 2013 @client.categories() # Notice we omit the "=" in the "start_time>=" parameter because it is automatically added ``` ## Supported Ruby Versions This library supports and is [tested against][travis] the following Ruby implementations: - Ruby 2.2.0 - Ruby 2.1.0 - Ruby 2.0.0 - Ruby 1.9.3 - [JRuby][jruby] - [Rubinius][rubinius] ## Getting help If you need help installing or using the library, please contact Nearmiss Support at help@nearmiss.com first. Nearmiss's Support staff are well-versed in all of the Nearmiss Helper Libraries, and usually reply within 24 hours. If you've instead found a bug in the library or would like new features added, go ahead and open issues or pull requests against this repo! ## More Information There are more detailed examples in the included [examples][examples] directory. Also for those upgrading, the [upgrade guide][upgrade] is available in the [nearmiss-ruby github wiki][wiki].