#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' class ActionView::Base def nested_tag content_tag(:span) {content_tag(:div) {"something"}} end def wacky_form form_tag("/foo") {"bar"} end end module Haml::Helpers def something_that_uses_haml_concat haml_concat('foo').to_s end end class HelperTest < Test::Unit::TestCase Post = Struct.new('Post', :body, :error_field, :errors) class PostErrors def on(name) return unless name == 'error_field' ["Really bad error"] end alias_method :full_messages, :on def [](name) on(name) || [] end end def setup @base = ActionView::Base.new @base.controller = ActionController::Base.new if defined?(ActionController::Response) # This is needed for >=3.0.0 @base.controller.response = ActionController::Response.new end @base.instance_variable_set('@post', Post.new("Foo bar\nbaz", nil, PostErrors.new)) end def render(text, options = {}) if options == :action_view @base.render :inline => text, :type => :haml else scope = options.delete :scope_object Haml::Engine.new(text, options).to_html(scope ? scope : Object.new) end end def test_flatten assert_equal("FooBar", Haml::Helpers.flatten("FooBar")) assert_equal("FooBar", Haml::Helpers.flatten("Foo\rBar")) assert_equal("Foo Bar", Haml::Helpers.flatten("Foo\nBar")) assert_equal("Hello World! YOU ARE FLAT? OMGZ!", Haml::Helpers.flatten("Hello\nWorld!\nYOU ARE \rFLAT?\n\rOMGZ!")) end def test_list_of_should_render_correctly assert_equal("
  • 1
  • \n
  • 2
  • \n", render("= list_of([1, 2]) do |i|\n = i")) assert_equal("
  • [1]
  • \n", render("= list_of([[1]]) do |i|\n = i.inspect")) assert_equal("
  • \n



    A word!

  • \n
  • \n



    A word!

  • \n
  • \n



    A word!

  • \n
  • \n



    A word!

  • \n", render("= list_of(['Fee', 'Fi', 'Fo', 'Fum']) do |title|\n %h1= title\n %p A word!")) end def test_buffer_access assert(render("= buffer") =~ /#/) assert_equal(render("= (buffer == _hamlout)"), "true\n") end def test_tabs assert_equal("foo\n bar\nbaz\n", render("foo\n- tab_up\nbar\n- tab_down\nbaz")) assert_equal("


    \n", render("- buffer.tabulation=5\n%p tabbed")) end def test_with_tabs assert_equal(< "<%= flatten('Foo\\nBar') %>") rescue NoMethodError, Haml::Util.av_template_class(:Error) proper_behavior = true end assert(proper_behavior) begin ActionView::Base.new.render(:inline => "<%= concat('foo') %>") rescue ArgumentError, NameError proper_behavior = true end assert(proper_behavior) end def test_action_view_included assert(Haml::Helpers.action_view?) end def test_form_tag # This is usually provided by ActionController::Base. def @base.protect_against_forgery?; false; end assert_equal(<#{rails_form_opener}


    baz HTML #{rails_block_helper_char} form_tag 'foo' do %p bar %strong baz HAML end def test_text_area assert_equal(%(\n), render('= text_area_tag "body", "Foo\nBar\n Baz\n Boom"', :action_view)) assert_equal(%(\n), render('= text_area :post, :body', :action_view)) assert_equal(%(
    Foo bar
    \n), render('= content_tag "pre", "Foo bar\n baz"', :action_view)) end def test_capture_haml assert_equal(<13

    \\n" HTML - (foo = capture_haml(13) do |a| %p= a - end; nil) = foo.dump HAML end def test_content_tag_block assert_equal(<


    bar HTML #{rails_block_helper_char} content_tag :div do %p bar %strong bar HAML end def test_content_tag_error_wrapping def @base.protect_against_forgery?; false; end error_class = Haml::Util.ap_geq_3? ? "field_with_errors" : "fieldWithErrors" assert_equal(<#{rails_form_opener}
    HTML #{rails_block_helper_char} form_for #{form_for_calling_convention('post')}, :url => '' do |f| = f.label 'error_field' HAML end def test_form_tag_in_helper_with_string_block def @base.protect_against_forgery?; false; end assert_equal(<#{rails_form_opener}bar HTML #{rails_block_helper_char} wacky_form HAML end def test_haml_tag_name_attribute_with_id assert_equal("

    \n", render("- haml_tag 'p#some_id'")) end def test_haml_tag_name_attribute_with_colon_id assert_equal("

    \n", render("- haml_tag 'p#some:id'")) end def test_haml_tag_without_name_but_with_id assert_equal("
    \n", render("- haml_tag '#some_id'")) end def test_haml_tag_without_name_but_with_class assert_equal("
    \n", render("- haml_tag '.foo'")) end def test_haml_tag_without_name_but_with_colon_class assert_equal("
    \n", render("- haml_tag '.foo:bar'")) end def test_haml_tag_name_with_id_and_class assert_equal("

    \n", render("- haml_tag 'p#some_id.foo'")) end def test_haml_tag_name_with_class assert_equal("

    \n", render("- haml_tag 'p.foo'")) end def test_haml_tag_name_with_class_and_id assert_equal("

    \n", render("- haml_tag 'p.foo#some_id'")) end def test_haml_tag_name_with_id_and_multiple_classes assert_equal("

    \n", render("- haml_tag 'p#some_id.foo.bar'")) end def test_haml_tag_name_with_multiple_classes_and_id assert_equal("

    \n", render("- haml_tag 'p.foo.bar#some_id'")) end def test_haml_tag_name_and_attribute_classes_merging assert_equal("

    \n", render("- haml_tag 'p#some_id.foo', :class => 'bar'")) end def test_haml_tag_name_and_attribute_classes_merging assert_equal("

    \n", render("- haml_tag 'p.foo', :class => 'bar'")) end def test_haml_tag_name_merges_id_and_attribute_id assert_equal("

    \n", render("- haml_tag 'p#foo', :id => 'bar'")) end def test_haml_tag_attribute_html_escaping assert_equal("


    \n", render("%p{:id => 'foo&bar'} baz", :escape_html => true)) end def test_haml_tag_autoclosed_tags_are_closed assert_equal("
    \n", render("- haml_tag :br, :class => 'foo'")) end def test_haml_tag_with_class_array assert_equal("


    \n", render("- haml_tag :p, 'foo', :class => %w[a b]")) assert_equal("


    \n", render("- haml_tag 'p.c.d', 'foo', :class => %w[a b]")) end def test_haml_tag_with_id_array assert_equal("


    \n", render("- haml_tag :p, 'foo', :id => %w[a b]")) assert_equal("


    \n", render("- haml_tag 'p#c', 'foo', :id => %w[a b]")) end def test_haml_tag_non_autoclosed_tags_arent_closed assert_equal("

    \n", render("- haml_tag :p")) end def test_haml_tag_renders_text_on_a_single_line assert_equal("

    #{'a' * 100}

    \n", render("- haml_tag :p, 'a' * 100")) end def test_haml_tag_raises_error_for_multiple_content assert_raise(Haml::Error) { render("- haml_tag :p, 'foo' do\n bar") } end def test_haml_tag_flags assert_equal("

    \n", render("- haml_tag :p, :/")) assert_equal("


    \n", render("- haml_tag :p, :< do\n kumquat")) assert_raise(Haml::Error) { render("- haml_tag :p, 'foo', :/") } assert_raise(Haml::Error) { render("- haml_tag :p, :/ do\n foo") } end def test_haml_tag_error_return assert_raise(Haml::Error) { render("= haml_tag :p") } end def test_haml_tag_with_multiline_string assert_equal(< foo bar baz

    HTML - haml_tag :p, "foo\\nbar\\nbaz" HAML end def test_haml_concat_with_multiline_string assert_equal(< foo bar baz

    HTML %p - haml_concat "foo\\nbar\\nbaz" HAML end def test_haml_tag_with_ugly assert_equal(< true))


    HTML - haml_tag :p do - haml_tag :strong, "Hi!" HAML end def test_is_haml assert(!ActionView::Base.new.is_haml?) assert_equal("true\n", render("= is_haml?")) assert_equal("true\n", render("= is_haml?", :action_view)) assert_equal("false", @base.render(:inline => '<%= is_haml? %>')) assert_equal("false\n", render("= render :inline => '<%= is_haml? %>'", :action_view)) end def test_page_class controller = Struct.new(:controller_name, :action_name).new('troller', 'tion') scope = Struct.new(:controller).new(controller) result = render("%div{:class => page_class} MyDiv", :scope_object => scope) expected = "
    \n" assert_equal expected, result end def test_indented_capture prior = Haml::Util.ap_geq_3? ? "" : " \n" assert_equal("#{prior} Foo\n ", @base.render(:inline => " <% res = capture do %>\n Foo\n <% end %><%= res %>")) end def test_capture_deals_properly_with_collections Haml::Helpers.module_eval do def trc(collection, &block) collection.each do |record| haml_concat capture_haml(record, &block) end end end assert_equal("1\n\n2\n\n3\n\n", render("- trc([1, 2, 3]) do |i|\n = i.inspect")) end def test_find_and_preserve_with_block assert_equal("
    \nFoo\nBar\n", render("= find_and_preserve do\n %pre\n Foo\n Bar\n Foo\n Bar")) end def test_find_and_preserve_with_block_and_tags assert_equal("
    \nFoo\nBar\n", render("= find_and_preserve([]) do\n %pre\n Foo\n Bar\n Foo\n Bar")) end def test_preserve_with_block assert_equal("
    Foo Bar\n", render("= preserve do\n %pre\n Foo\n Bar\n Foo\n Bar")) end def test_init_haml_helpers context = Object.new class << context include Haml::Helpers end context.init_haml_helpers result = context.capture_haml do context.haml_tag :p, :attr => "val" do context.haml_concat "Blah" end end assert_equal("

    \n Blah\n

    \n", result) end def test_non_haml assert_equal("false\n", render("= non_haml { is_haml? }")) end def test_content_tag_nested assert_equal "
    ", render("= nested_tag", :action_view).strip end def test_error_return assert_raise(Haml::Error, < e assert_equal 2, e.backtrace[1].scan(/:(\d+)/).first.first.to_i end def test_error_return_line_in_helper render("- something_that_uses_haml_concat") assert false, "Expected Haml::Error" rescue Haml::Error => e assert_equal 16, e.backtrace[0].scan(/:(\d+)/).first.first.to_i end class ActsLikeTag # We want to be able to have people include monkeypatched ActionView helpers # without redefining is_haml?. # This is accomplished via Object#is_haml?, and this is a test for it. include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper def to_s content_tag :p, 'some tag content' end end def test_random_class_includes_tag_helper assert_equal "

    some tag content

    ", ActsLikeTag.new.to_s end def test_capture_with_nuke_outer assert_equal "
    hi there!
    \n", render(< hi there! HAML assert_equal "
    hi there!
    \n", render(< hi there! HAML end end