module Veewee class Scancode def self.send_sequence(vboxcmd,vname,sequence,webport) puts counter=0 sequence.each { |s| counter=counter+1 s.gsub!(/%IP%/,Veewee::Session.local_ip); s.gsub!(/%PORT%/,webport); s.gsub!(/%NAME%/, vname); puts "Typing:[#{counter}]: "+s keycodes=string_to_keycode(s) # VBox seems to have issues with sending the scancodes as one big # .join()-ed string. It seems to get them out or order or ignore some. # A workaround is to send the scancodes one-by-one. codes="" for keycode in keycodes.split(' ') do send_keycode(vboxcmd,vname,keycode) sleep 0.01 end #sleep after each sequence (needs to be param) sleep 1 } puts "Done typing." puts end def self.send_keycode(vboxcmd,vname,keycode) command= "#{vboxcmd} controlvm '#{vname}' keyboardputscancode #{keycode}" #puts "#{command}" IO.popen("#{command}") { |f| print '' } end def self.string_to_keycode(thestring) # k['1'] = '02' ; k['2'] = '03' ; k['3'] = '04'; k['4']= '05' ;k['5']='06'; k['6'] = '07' ; k['7'] = '08'; k['8'] = '09'; k['9']= '0a'; k['0']='0b'; k['-'] = '0c'; k['='] = '0d' ; k['Tab'] = '0f'; k['q'] = '10' ; k['w'] = '11' ; k['e'] = '12'; k['r'] = '13' ; k['t'] = '14' ; k['y'] = '15'; k['u']= '16' ; k['i']='17'; k['o'] = '18' ; k['p'] = '19' ; k['Q'] = '2a 10 aa' ; k['W'] = '2a 11 aa' ; k['E'] = '2a 12 aa'; k['R'] = '2a 13 aa' ; k['T'] = '2a 14 aa' ; k['Y'] = '2a 15 aa'; k['U']= '2a 16 aa' ; k['I']='2a 17 aa'; k['O'] = '2a 18 aa' ; k['P'] = '2a 19 aa' ; k['a'] = '1e'; k['s'] = '1f' ; k['d'] = '20' ; k['f'] = '21'; k['g'] = '22' ; k['h'] = '23' ; k['j'] = '24'; k['k']= '25' ; k['l']='26'; k[';'] = '27' k['A'] = '2a 1e aa'; k['S'] = '2a 1f aa' ; k['D'] = '2a 20 aa' ; k['F'] = '2a 21 aa'; k['G'] = '2a 22 aa' ; k['H'] = '2a 23 aa' ; k['J'] = '2a 24 aa'; k['K']= '2a 25 aa' ; k['L']='2a 26 aa'; k[';'] = '27' ;k['"']='2a 28 aa';k['\'']='28'; k['\\'] = '2b'; k['|'] = '2a 2b aa'; k['[']='1a'; k[']']='1b'; k['<']='2a 33 aa'; k['>']='2a 34 aa'; k['$']='2a 05 aa'; k['+']='2a 0d aa'; k['z'] = '2c'; k['x'] = '2d' ; k['c'] = '2e' ; k['v'] = '2f'; k['b'] = '30' ; k['n'] = '31' ; k['m'] = '32'; k['Z'] = '2a 2c aa'; k['X'] = '2a 2d aa' ; k['C'] = '2a 2e aa' ; k['V'] = '2a 2f aa'; k['B'] = '2a 30 aa' ; k['N'] = '2a 31 aa' ; k['M'] = '2a 32 aa'; k[',']= '33' ; k['.']='34'; k['/'] = '35' ;k[':'] = '2a 27 aa'; k['%'] = '2a 06 aa'; k['_'] = '2a 0c aa';; special[''] = '1c'; special[''] = '0e'; special[''] = '39'; special[''] = '1c' special[''] = '01'; special[''] = '0f'; special[''] = '1d 38 0e'; #special[''] = '01'; #special[''] = '01'; #special[''] = '01'; #special[''] = '01'; keycodes='' thestring.gsub!(/ /,"") until thestring.length == 0 nospecial=true; special.keys.each { |key| if thestring.start_with?(key) #take thestring #check if it starts with a special key + pop special string keycodes=keycodes+special[key]+' '; thestring=thestring.slice(key.length,thestring.length-key.length) nospecial=false; break; end } if nospecial code=k[thestring.slice(0,1)] if !code.nil? keycodes=keycodes+code+' ' else puts "no scan code for #{thestring.slice(0,1)}" end #pop one thestring=thestring.slice(1,thestring.length-1) end end return keycodes end end end