/* hobo-jQuery initialization & utility functions */

(function($) {
    var page_data = {};

    //used for javascript testing.
    var num_updates = 0;

    var methods = {

        /* call only once per document. */
        initOnce: function() {
          if(typeof History === 'object') {  // History.js installed
            $(window).on("statechange", function() {
              var state = History.getState();
              if(state.data.length==3) {
                var form = $(state.data[0]);
                var roptions = form.hjq('buildRequestCallbacks', state.data[1], state.data[2]);
                $.ajax(state.url, roptions);
          return true;

        /* call for every new fragment */
        init: function() {
            var top = this;
            this.find("[data-rapid-page-data]").each(function() {
                page_data = $(this).data('rapid-page-data');
            this.find("[data-rapid]").each(function() {
                var that = jQuery(this);
                jQuery.each(jQuery(this).data('rapid'), function(tag, annotations) {
                    tag = "hjq_"+tag.replace(/-/g, '_');
                    if(that[tag]) {
            return top;

        /* return the ID from the typed-id in the data-rapid-context attribute */
        contextId: function() {
            return this.data('rapid-context').split(":")[1];

        /* given annotations, turns the values in the _events_ object into functions, merges them into _options_ and returns _options_ */
        getOptions: function(annotations) {
            for(var key in annotations.events) {
                if(annotations.events.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    annotations.options[key] = methods.createFunction.call(this, annotations.events[key]);
            return annotations.options;

        /* return the global page_data:  hobo_parts, form_auth_token, etc. */
        pageData: function() { return page_data; },

        /* return the number of current updates.   Useful for
           javascript/integration testing */
        numUpdates: function() { return num_updates; },

        /* this function is called on an update of a part via Ajax. */
        update: function(innerHtml) {
            num_updates += 1;
            var that=this;
            var replacement=this.clone().html(innerHtml).hide();
            var hide_o, show_o;
            if(this.data('hjq-ajax')) {
                hide_o = this.data('hjq-ajax')['hide'];
                show_o = this.data('hjq-ajax')['show'];
            methods.hideAndRemove.call(this, hide_o,  function () {
                methods.show.call(replacement, show_o, function() {num_updates -= 1;});
            return replacement;

        /* this function is called on ajax update to update part
        context information */
        updatePartContexts: function(contexts) {
            $.extend(page_data.hobo_parts, contexts);

        /* hide and removes the element.  options is an array or
         * comma-separated string corresponding to the jQuery-UI hide
         * arguments: effect, options, speed & callback.  The callback
         * argument is an additional callback called after the one in
         * the options hash.  Removal is done after both callbacks. */
        hideAndRemove: function(o, callback) {
            methods.hide.call(this, o, callback, true);

        /* hides the element.  options is an array or
         * comma-separated string corresponding to the jQuery-UI hide
         * arguments: effect, options, speed & callback.  The callback
         * argument is an additional callback called after the one in
         * the options hash.  Removal is done after both callbacks. */
        hide: function(o, callback, andRemove) {
            var that=this;
            var args = o;
            if(args===undefined) args=page_data.hide;
            if(args===undefined) args=[];
            if (typeof args=='string') args=args.split(',');
            else if($.isArray(args)) args=args.slice(0); //shallow clone
            else args=[];
            o_cb = args[3];
            args[3] = function() {
                if(o_cb) methods.createFunction.call(that, o_cb).apply(this, arguments);
                if(callback) callback.apply(this, arguments);
                if(andRemove) that.remove();
            if(args[0]) {
                that.hide.apply(that, args);
            } else {
            return this;
        /* show the element.  options is an array or
         * comma-separated string corresponding to the jQuery-UI show
         * arguments: effect, options, speed & callback.  The callback
         * argument is an additional callback called after the one in
         * the options hash.  */
        show: function(o, callback) {
            var that=this;
            var args = o;
            if(args===undefined) args=page_data.show;
            if(args===undefined) args=[];
            if (typeof args=='string') args=args.split(',');
            else if($.isArray(args)) args=args.slice(0); //shallow clone
            else args=[];
            o_cb = args[3];
            args[3] = function() {
                if(o_cb) methods.createFunction.call(that, o_cb).apply(this, arguments);
                if(callback) callback.apply(this, arguments);
            if(args[0]) {
                that.show.apply(that, args);
            } else {
            return this;

        /* given a global function name, find the function */
        functionByName: function(name) {
            var descend = window;  // find function by name on the root object
            jQuery.each(name.split("."), function() {
                if(descend) descend = descend[this];
            return descend;

	/* Given a function name or javascript fragment, return a function */
	createFunction: function(script) {
            if(!script) return function() {};
            if($.isFunction(script)) return script;
            var f=methods.functionByName.call(this, script);
            if(f) return f;
	    return function() { return eval(script); };

        /* returns a jQuery selector for an element. One option would
           be to use something like
           However, if the DOM changes due to Ajax this isn't
           necessarily stable. So instead we give the element a unique
           ID if it doesn't already have one.

        getPath: function() {
          if(!this.attr("id")) {
            this.attr("id", Math.random().toString().replace("0.", "id"))
          return "#"+this.attr("id");

            /* Build an options object suitable for sending to
             * jQuery.ajax.  (Note that the before & confirm callbacks
             * are called from this function, and the spinner is shown)
             * The returned object will include a 'data' value
             * populated with a hash.
             * This function has now been split into two parts to
             * better support push_state.  buildRequestData is the
             * first part, which builds everything except the
             * callbacks (but it does execute the before callbacks).
             * buildRequestCallbacks builds the remaining callbacks.
             * Options:
             *  type: POST, GET
             *  attrs: a hash containing the standard Hobo ajax attributes & callbacks
             *  extra_options: merged into the hash sent to jQuery.ajax
             *  extra_callbacks: the callbacks in attrs are generally specified by the DRYML; this allows the framework to add their own
             *  function: passed to Hobo's ajax_update_response
             *  preamble: passed to Hobo's ajax_update_response
             *  postamble: passed to Hobo's ajax_update_response
             *  content_type: passed to Hobo's ajax_update_response
        buildRequest: function(o) {
          return methods.buildRequestCallbacks.call(this, methods.buildRequestData.call(this, o), o);

        buildRequestData: function(o) {
            var that = this;
            if (!o.attrs) o.attrs = {};
            var result = {};

            if(o.attrs.before) {
                if(!methods.createFunction.call(that, o.attrs.before).call(this)) {
                    return false;

            var before_evt=jQuery.Event("rapid:ajax:before");
            that.trigger(before_evt, [that]);
            if(before_evt.isPropagationStopped()) {
                return false;

            if(o.attrs.confirm) {
                if(!confirm(o.attrs.confirm)) {
                    return false;

            result.type = o.type || 'GET';
            result.data = {};
            /* These are now the defaults, so we don't need to send
            them over the wire.
              result.data = {"render_options[preamble]": o.preamble || '',
                             "render_options[contexts_function]": 'hjq.ajax.updatePartContexts'
                             }; */
            if(o.preamble) result.data["render_options[preamble]"] = o.preamble;
            if(o.postamble) result.data["render_options[postamble]"] = o.postamble;
            if(o.fix_quotes) result.data["render_options[fix_quotes]"] = o.fix_quotes;
            if(o.content_type) result.data["render_options[content_type]"] = o.content_type;
            if(o.attrs['errors-ok']) result.data["render_options[errors_ok]"] = 1;
            result.dataType = 'script';
            o.spec = jQuery.extend({'function': 'hjq.ajax.update', preamble: ''}, o.spec);

            var part_data = {};
            if(o.attrs.hide!==undefined) part_data.hide = o.attrs.hide;
            if(o.attrs.show!==undefined) part_data.show = o.attrs.show;
            if($.isEmptyObject(part_data)) part_data = undefined;

            // we tell our controller which parts to return by sending it a "render" array.
            var ids=methods.getUpdateIds.call(this, o.attrs);
            for(var i=0; i<ids.length; i++) {
                if(part_data) $("#"+ids[i]).data('hjq-ajax', part_data);
                result.data["render["+i+"][part_context]"] = page_data.hobo_parts[ids[i]];
                result.data["render["+i+"][id]"] = ids[i];
                // default for render[i][function] is hjq.ajax.update
                if(o['function']) result.data["render["+i+"][function]"] = o['function'];

            if(ids.length==0) {
              result.data.render = 'none'

            return result;

        buildRequestCallbacks: function(result, o) {
            var that = this;
            if (!o.attrs) o.attrs = {};
            if (!o.extra_callbacks) o.extra_callbacks = {};

            var spinner = this.hjq_spinner(o.attrs, "Saving...");

            var success_dfd = jQuery.Deferred();
            if(o.attrs.success) success_dfd.done(methods.createFunction.call(that, o.attrs.success));
            if(o.extra_callbacks.success) success_dfd.done(methods.createFunction.call(that, o.extra_callbacks.success));
            success_dfd.done(function() {
                if(o.attrs['reset-form']) that[0].reset();
                // if we've been removed, all event handlers on us
                // have already been removed and we don't bubble
                // up, so triggering on that won't do any good
                if(that.parents("body").length==0) $(document).trigger('rapid:ajax:success', [that]);
                else  that.trigger('rapid:ajax:success', [that]);
            result.success = success_dfd.resolve;

            var error_dfd = jQuery.Deferred();
            if(o.attrs.error) error_dfd.done(methods.createFunction.call(that, o.attrs.error));
            if(o.extra_callbacks.error) error_dfd.done(methods.createFunction.call(that, o.extra_callbacks.error));
            error_dfd.done(function() {
                if(window.console&&window.console.log){window.console.log('ajax failed');}
                if(that.parents("body").length==0) $(document).trigger('rapid:ajax:error', [that]);
                else  that.trigger('rapid:ajax:error', [that]);
            result.error = error_dfd.resolve;

            var complete_dfd = jQuery.Deferred();
            if(o.attrs.complete) complete_dfd.done(methods.createFunction.call(that, o.attrs.complete));
            if(o.extra_callbacks.complete) complete_dfd.done(methods.createFunction.call(that, o.extra_callbacks.complete));
            complete_dfd.done(function() {
                if(that.parents("body").length==0) $(document).trigger('rapid:ajax:complete', [that]);
                else  that.trigger('rapid:ajax:complete', [that]);
                if(o.attrs['refocus-form']) that.find(":input[type!=hidden]:first").focus();
            result.complete = complete_dfd.resolve;

            jQuery.extend(result, o.extra_options);

            return result;

           this: element to receive callbacks
           url: new location
           ajax_options: output from buildRequestData
           hobo_options: input to buildRequestData, buildRequestCallbacks
        changeLocationAjax: function (url, ajax_options, hobo_options) {
          if (hobo_options.attrs.push_state && typeof History==='object') {
            // if the history plugin is installed, it will fire the
            // changestate event immediately, which is where we
            // actually execute the ajax
            window.History.pushState([this.getPath(), ajax_options, hobo_options], hobo_options.attrs.new_title || null, url);
          } else {
            ajax_options = this.hjq('buildRequestCallbacks', ajax_options, hobo_options);
            $.ajax(url, ajax_options);

        // given ajax_attrs (update, updates and/or ajax), return DOM id's.
        getUpdateIds: function(attrs) {
            var ids = attrs.update || [];
            if (typeof ids=='string') ids=ids.split(',');

            jQuery(attrs.updates).each(function () {

            if(attrs.ajax) {
                for(var el=this; el.length && !page_data.hobo_parts[el.attr("id")]; el=el.parent());
                if(el.length) ids.push(el.attr('id'));

            // validate
            for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++) {
                if(!page_data.hobo_parts[ids[i]]) {
                    ids.splice(i, 1);
                    i -= 1;

            return ids;


    $.fn.hjq = function( method ) {

        if ( methods[method] ) {
            return methods[method].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ));
        } else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
            return methods.initOnce.apply( this, arguments ) && methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
        } else {
            $.error( 'Method ' +  method + ' does not exist on hjq' );

})( jQuery );

// to make the Ajax interface cleaner, these provide direct access to
// a couple of plugin functions.
var hjq=(function($) {
    return {
        ajax: {
            update: function (dom_id, innerHtml) {

            updatePartContexts: function(contexts) {
                $(document).hjq('updatePartContexts', contexts);