######################################################################## # IFM map for "Windhall Chronicles" by Jeff Cassidy and C.E.Forman # This file written by Glenn Hutchings # # $Id: windhall.ifm,v 1.1 1998/09/18 12:37:51 dchapes Exp $ # # Status: No tasks, map not yet complete, item notes ######################################################################## title "Windhall Chronicles"; ######################################################################## room "Central Windhall" tag Central; room "Sir Gunther's House" dir w; item "Sir Gunther"; item "basket"; room "Baezil's Bakery" dir e from Central; item "Baezil"; item "habba nuts" note "Give them to squirrel"; item "dough" note "Shape it into tube and roll"; room "Northern Windhall" dir n from Central tag Northern; room "Creston's Shop" dir w; item "Creston"; item "potion"; room "Kytan's Trading Post" dir n from Northern tag Kytan; item "Kytan"; item "lamp"; room "Southern Windhall" dir s from Central tag Southern; room "Borthur's Smithy" dir w; item "Borthur" note "Ask him for money"; item "hammer"; item "piece of metal"; room "Mielon and Idah's House" dir e from Southern; item "Mielon"; item "Idah" note "Ask her for twine"; item "twine"; item "laundry"; room "Old Cellar" dir n from Kytan go d tag Cellar; room "Stack of Crates" dir sw; item "loose crate"; item "wine bottle"; room "Rocky Cavern" dir w from Cellar; room "Cave Entrance" dir sw; room "Old Cave" dir s; item "evil lord"; room "West of Swamp" dir e from Northern tag W_Swamp; room "Shallow Swamp" dir e tag Shallows; room "Deep Swamp" dir se; room "Swampy Grasslands" dir s tag Grass; item "blue stone" hidden; room "Lyndra Lake 1" dir e tag LL1; room "Ivy Coast 3" dir n link Grass tag IC3; item "pelican"; item "worm"; room "South of Lake" dir se from Grass link LL1; room "Lyndra Lake 2" dir ne; room "Ivy Coast 2" dir n from IC3 tag IC2; room "Ivy Coast 1" dir n tag IC1; item "skeleton"; room "Mires" dir e from Shallows; item "mire cat"; room "Near Lyndra River" dir ne from W_Swamp; room "River Bridge" dir ne link IC1; room "Small Hollow" dir ne; item "Denvil"; item "wild flowers"; room "North of Forest" dir s from Southern tag N_Forest; room "Forest Path" dir se tag Path; room "Grassy Glen" dir e tag Glen; room "Forest Bend" dir s from Path tag Bend; room "Forest of Ansalon" dir e tag Forest; item "squirrel" note "Give it the nuts"; item "green stone"; room "Cliffs of Mydar 2" dir se tag CM2; item "elven bowman"; room "South of Forest" dir s from Forest link CM2 tag S_Forest; room "Small Glen" dir se; item "pedestal"; room "Rocky Plains" dir sw from Bend tag Plains; room "Giant Tree" dir e from Glen tag Tree; room "Nook" dir n go up; item "nest"; item "eggs"; room "Small Field" dir e from Tree; item "dead tree"; room "Abandoned Shed" dir e; room "Cliffs of Mydar 1" dir sw link CM2 Tree; room "Foothills" dir nw from Plains; item "quarterstaff"; room "Small Plateau" dir s; room "Mountain Base" dir s link Plains; item "broken rock"; room "Mountain Path" dir sw; room "Turning Path" dir e; item "ogre"; item "werewolf"; room "Rolling Hills" dir sw from N_Forest; room "Winding Path" dir nw; room "Steep Incline" dir s; room "Rocky Hill" dir s; item "displacer beast"; ########################################################################