v0.8.2 Stupidity Bug - I forgot to update the version number in the extension for v0.8.1 (showed up as v0.8.0). v0.8.1 This is a first pass at a real cleanup of SnS. Since the adoption of Rack::Cache, many of SnS's performance features have been lost. Instead SnS had been altered to share Radiant's Cache for Pages which auto expires every so often. This also means the dependency and LAST- MODIFIED tracking been rendered useless. This version cleanly removes all vestiges of dependency tracking. SnS now follows a Radiant-Page like caching scheme with an auto-expire time set to 10 mins. Specs and code have been fixed. All specs rightly pass again. Yay! * * This version should now be compatible with Radiant 0.7.0 - 0.8.x * * v0.8.0 This version was never officially released -- but existed rather as a series of patches from the Radiant community. Among other things, this brought SnS into RESTful behavior (and thus maintianed its compatibility with Radiant). In addition, there were several bug-fixes and alterations. For their work in keeping SnS going during this time, thanks go out to: * Istvan Hoka * Paul Hoehne * Cristi Duma * Erik Ostrom * Michael Kessler * Sean Cribbs v0.7.1 Renamed the rake task from update_dependencies to rebuild_dependencies. v0.7 Added a new rake task to (re)create the text_asset_dependencies table as Some users were having troubles due to bad imports (see below). Since this table is purely calculated values, this new task can be run at any time: rake [ENV] radaint:extensions:sns:update_dependencies NOTE: this rake task renamed in v0.7.1 (now 'rebuild_dependencies'). The code was has been cleaned up and refactored in places. Bugfixes and resolved issues: * Importing/exporting extensions were failing to export the text_asset_dependencies as the matching model names was also plural. I've since submitted patches to those extensions but renamed the model to TextAssetDependency (a bit less accurate but good enough). * Rake task radiant:extensions:sns:config was broken. Fixed and improved it to include a help screen (--help or if no params). * Changed TextAsset.filename to TextAsset.name (Donde mostly for the file_system extension but also makes the models more consistent with other Radiant models like Snippet and Layout). v0.6.2 Minor, minor fix: Corrected extension versioning and this history file. v0.6.1 Bug fix: Text Assets were rendering with no Status header. Apparently LiteSpeed does not like this. Now yields 200 code. v0.6 Change extension code to use "sns" instead of "styles_n_scripts" -- this will impact users as they need to move the extension from: /vendor/extensions/styles_n_scripts to: /vendor/extensions/sns Other than that, it's just a drop in replacement. v0.5 Lots of improvements here. Some new features some just refactoring. Added Shards to the edit view so now this extension can be extended (watch for SnS extension extensions to come soon). Added support for filters. The only real one planned is Sass for the CSS files but, the way I did it, it's pretty extensible (based on how Radiant handles page content filters). Did I mention that there were some SnS extension extensions coming soon... Changed the way stylesheet and javascript urls were routed and evaluated (now its a before_filter hooked into SiteController's show_page method). This has the added bonus of allowing the stylesheet and javascript directories to be changed during runtime (see next point). Configurations are now handled differently. Rather than setting them once at load-time, they are changed dynamically via Rake tasks. The only exception is the caching directory -- you really don't want to do that one dynamcially -- so it's been pulled out of the config and made a constant. Caching is more better. No more caching the whole url path -- just the file, thank you. This makes it possible to change the directory name on the fly. Bug fixes: * Added a 'url' definition (just "") to the extension to fix an issue with a change in Radiant 0.6.7 behavior (I really shoulda done that all along). * Corrected an issue where this extension is included as part of a new Radiant install. The RAKE db:bootstrap task would initialize the extension which would then try to write the default settings to a not-yet-existing config table. v0.4.1 Bug fixes: * Last-Modified header was not reporting the date using a valid HTTP format. This is now spec'ed and fixed. (Thanks to Jay Levitt for identifying this issue). v0.4 File Uploading! You can now upload Javascripts or Stylesheets from the corresponding index pages. v0.3.1 Moved Templates to Haml -- now requires Radiant 0.6.7 (or 0.6.6 and install Haml yourself -- untested). Added 'link' value to and tags so now you can create an external link like: or Also made the as="inline" option XHTML compliant by replacing the commenting () with a proper CDATA wrapper. See the documentation in 'available tags' on the page-edit page for more (now more readable). v0.3 Big new features plus code refactoring and a bug fix. First, the new fetures include: * Added and tags for use in pages. This lets you inject your stylesheet or javascript code into your Page much like using a snippet or just render the URL to the referenced CSS or JS file (see the readme for more on this). * Added and tags for use in other Stylesheets or Javascripts. This lets you maintain mulitple files yet just serve one master-stylesheet or master-javascript to your end users (cut down on server requests) Along with this, I did a fancy trick with tracking dependencies so that the cache knows when to update (add, edit, or remove a file referenced by a or tag and the dependant file's effectively_updated_at time changes to reflect it). * Added file upload button to the index pages. Now instead of just creating new stylesheets or javascripts, you can upload a file into Radiant The bugfix includes the completion of the one addressed in v0.2.1 by adding the form helper to the remove.html.erb template. v0.2.2 Bug fixes: * I added the UserActionObserver behavior and accompanying specs to the Stylesheet and Javascript models v0.2.1 Bug fixes: * I corrected the ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken that comes from my not using the form helpers in my templates. I also weakly spec-ed it. NOTE: This was only a partial fix. I corrected the edit.html.erb template but not the remove.html.erb one. See v0.3 for the completely fixed version. v0.2 Initial public release. Complete rebuild of the extension to work with Rails 2.0 and Radiant 0.6.6. Added *lots* of specs and focused on making this thing robust. Basic functionality included: * Stores stylesheet and javascript files * Caches them with their own, improved response cache (improved in that it handles this file type better) * Configuration management utility to allow extension users to adjust default settings v0.1 Private release to John and Sean as a proof-of-concept (initially called the Files extension).