Sanitize-Rails - sanitize .. on Rails. ====================================== Installation ------------ Gemfile: gem 'sanitize-rails', :require => 'sanitize/rails' Configuration ------------- config/initializers/sanitizer.rb: Sanitize::Rails.configure( :elements => [ ... ], :attribiutes => { ... }, ... ) There's an example in the `example/` directory. Usage ----- app/models/foo.rb: sanitizes :field sanitizes :some_other_field, :on => :create sanitizes :yet_another_field, :on => :save ActionView `sanitize` helper is overriden to use the Sanitize gem - transparently. Testing ------- Only Test::Unit for now - please write matchers and send a pull request :-) test/test\_helper: Sanitize::Rails::TestHelpers.setup(self, :invalid => 'some string', :valid => 'some string' ) your test: assert_sanitizes(Model, :field, :some_other_field) Compatibility ------------- Tested with Rails 3.0.x under Ruby 1.8 and 1.9. Have fun.