<% task = cur_task() exec = cur_exec() run = cur_run() show_toaster_tasks = true # TODO %>

Task Executions

<% if task global_executions = task.global_executions %>

Details of Task '<%= task.name %>'

Number of executions:<%= global_executions.size %>


<% global_executions.each_with_index do |exe,index| active = exe.id.to_s == param('exe') param_exe = active ? "" : exe.id run = exe.automation_run %> <% end %>
#Automation RunStart TimeDurationSuccessProperty
<%= index+1 %> <%= run.uuid %> <%= format_time(exe.start_time) %> <%= to_minutes(exe.end_time.to_i - exe.start_time) %> <%= exe.success %> <%= exe.state_changes.size %> <%= active ? "hide" : "show" %> details
<% if exec %>

Execution Details

<% if exec.output && exec.output.strip != "" %>
Script Output:
<%= exec.output %>
<% end %> <% if !exec.success && exec.error_details %>
Error Details:
<%= exec.error_details %>
<% end %> <% if exec.state_before %>
<% end %>
<% if exec.state_after %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

State changes

<% task.global_state_prop_changes_map.each do |change,count| %> <% end %>
ActionPropertyValue(s)OccurrencesOccurrences (%)
<%= change.action %><%= change.property %> <% if change.action == Toaster::StateChange::ACTION_MODIFY %> '<%= change.old_value %>' <% end %> <% if change.action != Toaster::StateChange::ACTION_DELETE %> '<%= change.value %>' <% end %> <%= count %> <%= format_float(count.to_f / global_executions.size.to_f * 100) %>%
<% elsif run %> <% count = 0 run.task_executions.each_with_index { |exec,id| row = exec.task if show_toaster_tasks || !row.toaster_testing_task? active = row.id.to_s == param('task') param_task = active ? "" : row.id clazz = active ? "active " : "" if !run && detailed all_execs = row.global_executions() all_changes = row.global_num_state_prop_changes(all_execs) clazz += all_changes <= 0 ? "warning " : "" end clazz += exec.success ? "success " : "error " clazz.strip! %> > <% end } %>
#ID Start TimeDuration ResourceActionFileLine Success Actions
<%= count += 1 %> <%= row.uuid %> <%= to_minutes(exec.start_time - run.start_time) %> <%= to_minutes(exec.end_time - exec.start_time) %> <%= row.resource %> <%= row.action %> <%= row.sourcefile %> <%= row.sourceline %> <%= exec.success %> details
<% else %> Please select a task from the list to show its executions. <% end %>