module MxitRails module Page extend ActiveSupport::Concern def mxit_params @_mxit_params end def set_descriptor name, parent_name=:default @descriptors ||= {} @descriptors[name] ||= controller_name, action_name, @descriptors[parent_name] @descriptor_name = name end def descriptor @descriptors[@descriptor_name] end included do if self.ancestors.include? ApplicationController send :rescue_from, MxitRails::Exception, :with => :handle_mxit_exception send :layout, 'mxit' send :before_filter, :setup end end def redirect! route exception ='', :redirect) exception.route = route raise exception end def get_mxit_header_field key request.headers[key] || cookies[key.downcase] end def get_mxit_info @_mxit_params = {} @_mxit_params[:m_id] = get_mxit_header_field 'X-Mxit-UserId-R' @_mxit_params[:username] = get_mxit_header_field 'x-mxit-login' device_info = get_mxit_header_field('X-Mxit-Device-Info') unless device_info.blank? device_info.split(',') @_mxit_params[:distribution_code] = device_info.first @_mxit_params[:mobile_number] = device_info[1] if device_info.length == 2 end end # Rails controller stuff #======================== def setup set_descriptor :default get_mxit_info @_mxit = descriptor @_mxit_validated = true @_mxit_validation_messages = [] clean_session end def clean_session # Drop all mxit items from session if the page doesn't match the current one if session[:_mxit_rails_page] != "#{controller_name}##{action_name}" session.each do |key, value| if key.to_s.match(/_mxit_rails_/) session[key] = nil end end session[:_mxit_rails_page] = "#{controller_name}##{action_name}" end end def handle_mxit_exception exception if exception.kind_of? MxitRails::RedirectException redirect_to(exception.route) and return end end def input input_name, input_label descriptor.input = input_name descriptor.input_label = input_label end def proceed label descriptor.proceed = label end def run_validation input, method, parameter method = method.to_s + '?' #All validations are defined with a trailing question mark # Call with/out a parameter, depending on whether one is specified parameter ? MxitRails::Validations.send(method, input, parameter) : MxitRails::Validations.send(method, input) end def validate *arguments, &block return unless params.include?(:_mxit_rails_submit) return if descriptor.input.nil? valid = true input = descriptor.input.to_sym if block.nil? parameter = arguments[1..-2][0] # Will return nil if there isn't an argument if !descriptor.form? || (current_step == step_name) valid = run_validation params[input], arguments.first, parameter end else valid = instance_exec params[input], &block "Output: #{valid}" end if !valid @_mxit_validated = false @_mxit_validation_messages << arguments.last end end def submit &block set_descriptor :default if descriptor.form? && next_step? instance_eval &block elsif params.include?(:_mxit_rails_submit) instance_eval &block if @_mxit_validated end end def current_step return nil if session[:_mxit_rails_step].nil? session[:_mxit_rails_step].to_sym end def current_step= new_step session[:_mxit_rails_step] = new_step.to_sym end def next_step? @next_step end def step step_name, &block # Is the current step blank if next_step? self.current_step = step_name @next_step = false end set_descriptor step_name instance_eval &block # Process the form if it is the current step if current_step == step_name if params.include?(:_mxit_rails_submit) if @_mxit_validated unless descriptor.input.nil? input = descriptor.input.to_sym session[:_mxit_rails_params][input] = params[input] end params.delete :_mxit_rails_submit @next_step = true return end end # Render the form if appropriate @_mxit = descriptor render "#{controller_name}/#{action_name}/#{current_step}" end end def form &block descriptor.type = :form session[:_mxit_rails_params] ||= {} # Ensure previous inputs are in the params hash session[:_mxit_rails_params].each do |key, value| params[key.to_sym] = value end # Proceed to the (first) step if no step is in the session @next_step = true if session[:_mxit_rails_step].nil? instance_eval &block end end end