module Koudoku::Subscription extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # We don't store these one-time use tokens, but this is what Stripe provides # client-side after storing the credit card information. attr_accessor :credit_card_token belongs_to :plan # update details. before_save :processing! def processing! # if their package level has changed .. if changing_plans? prepare_for_plan_change # and a customer exists in stripe .. if stripe_id.present? # fetch the customer. customer = Stripe::Customer.retrieve(self.stripe_id) # if a new plan has been selected if self.plan.present? # Record the new plan pricing. self.current_price = self.plan.price prepare_for_downgrade if downgrading? prepare_for_upgrade if upgrading? # update the package level with stripe. customer.update_subscription(:plan => self.plan.stripe_id) finalize_downgrade! if downgrading? finalize_upgrade! if upgrading? # if no plan has been selected. else prepare_for_cancelation # Remove the current pricing. self.current_price = nil # delete the subscription. customer.cancel_subscription finalize_cancelation! end # otherwise else # if a new plan has been selected if self.plan.present? # Record the new plan pricing. self.current_price = self.plan.price prepare_for_new_subscription prepare_for_upgrade begin customer_attributes = { description: subscription_owner_description, card: credit_card_token, # obtained with Stripe.js plan: plan.stripe_id } # If the class we're being included in supports coupons .. if respond_to? :coupon if coupon.present? and coupon.free_trial? customer_attributes[:trial_end] = coupon.free_trial_ends.to_i end end # create a customer at that package level. customer = Stripe::Customer.create(customer_attributes) rescue Stripe::CardError => card_error errors[:base] << card_error.message card_was_declined return false end # store the customer id. self.stripe_id = self.last_four = finalize_new_subscription! finalize_upgrade! else # This should never happen. self.plan_id = nil # Remove any plan pricing. self.current_price = nil end end finalize_plan_change! # if they're updating their credit card details. elsif self.credit_card_token.present? prepare_for_card_update # fetch the customer. customer = Stripe::Customer.retrieve(self.stripe_id) customer.card = self.credit_card_token # update the last four based on this new card. self.last_four = finalize_card_update! end end end module ClassMethods end def describe_difference(plan_to_describe) if plan.nil? if persisted? "Upgrade" else if Koudoku.free_trial? "Start Trial" else "Upgrade" end end else if plan_to_describe.is_upgrade_from?(plan) "Upgrade" else "Downgrade" end end end # Pretty sure this wouldn't conflict with anything someone would put in their model def subscription_owner # Return whatever we belong to. # If this object doesn't respond to 'name', please update owner_description. send Koudoku.subscriptions_owned_by end def subscription_owner_description # assuming owner responds to name. # we should check for whether it responds to this or not. "#{}" end def changing_plans? plan_id_changed? end def downgrading? plan.present? and plan_id_was.present? and plan_id_was > self.plan_id end def upgrading? (plan_id_was.present? and plan_id_was < plan_id) or plan_id_was.nil? end # Template methods. def prepare_for_plan_change end def prepare_for_new_subscription end def prepare_for_upgrade end def prepare_for_downgrade end def prepare_for_cancelation end def prepare_for_card_update end def finalize_plan_change! end def finalize_new_subscription! end def finalize_upgrade! end def finalize_downgrade! end def finalize_cancelation! end def finalize_card_update! end def card_was_declined end # stripe web-hook callbacks. def payment_succeeded(amount) end def charge_failed end def charge_disputed end end