# CloudsmithApi::StorageregionsApi All URIs are relative to *https://api.cloudsmith.io* Method | HTTP request | Description ------------- | ------------- | ------------- [**storage_regions_list**](StorageregionsApi.md#storage_regions_list) | **GET** /storage-regions/ | Get a list of all available storage regions. [**storage_regions_read**](StorageregionsApi.md#storage_regions_read) | **GET** /storage-regions/{slug}/ | Get a specific storage region. # **storage_regions_list** > Array<StorageRegion> storage_regions_list Get a list of all available storage regions. Get a list of all available storage regions. ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'cloudsmith-api' # setup authorization CloudsmithApi.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: apikey config.api_key['X-Api-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) #config.api_key_prefix['X-Api-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = CloudsmithApi::StorageregionsApi.new begin #Get a list of all available storage regions. result = api_instance.storage_regions_list p result rescue CloudsmithApi::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling StorageregionsApi->storage_regions_list: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters This endpoint does not need any parameter. ### Return type [**Array<StorageRegion>**](StorageRegion.md) ### Authorization [apikey](../README.md#apikey) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: Not defined # **storage_regions_read** > StorageRegion storage_regions_read(slug) Get a specific storage region. Get a specific storage region. ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'cloudsmith-api' # setup authorization CloudsmithApi.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: apikey config.api_key['X-Api-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) #config.api_key_prefix['X-Api-Key'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = CloudsmithApi::StorageregionsApi.new slug = "slug_example" # String | begin #Get a specific storage region. result = api_instance.storage_regions_read(slug) p result rescue CloudsmithApi::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling StorageregionsApi->storage_regions_read: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **slug** | **String**| | ### Return type [**StorageRegion**](StorageRegion.md) ### Authorization [apikey](../README.md#apikey) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: Not defined