'use strict'; function SchedulesCtrl($scope, $http, Schedule, UpcomingRecording, Channel) { var updateView = function() { $scope.schedules = Schedule.query(); $scope.upcomingRecordings = UpcomingRecording.query(); $scope.newSchedule = { title: null, channelId: 0 } } $scope.channels = Channel.query(); updateView(); $scope.createSchedule = function() { var schedule = new Schedule({ title: $scope.newSchedule.title, channel_id: $scope.newSchedule.channelId }) schedule.$save(updateView); } $scope.deleteSchedule = function(schedule) { schedule.$delete(updateView); } $scope.excludeRecording = function(recording) { $http.post('/api/programmes/' + recording.programme_id + '/exclude').success(updateView); } } function ScheduleCtrl($scope, $routeParams, $location, Schedule, Channel) { $scope.channels = Channel.query(function() { $scope.schedule = Schedule.get({id: $routeParams.scheduleId}, function() { for (var i=0; i<$scope.channels.length; i++) { var channel = $scope.channels[i] if ($scope.schedule.channel && channel.id === $scope.schedule.channel.id) { $scope.channel = channel; } } }); }); $scope.update = function() { $scope.schedule.channel = $scope.channel; $scope.schedule.$save(function() { $location.path('/schedules'); }); } } function ChannelsCtrl($scope, $http, Channel) { $scope.channels = Channel.query(); $scope.showHiddenChannels = false; $scope.classForProgrammeLine = function(programme) { if (programme == null) { return ''; } return programme.is_conflicting ? 'error' : (programme.is_scheduled ? 'success' : ''); } $scope.hideChannel = function(channel) { // I wish Angular could let me define this operation on the Channel object $http.post('/api/channels/' + channel.id + '/hide').success(function() { channel.$get(); }); } $scope.showChannel = function(channel) { // I wish Angular could let me define this operation on the Channel object $http.post('/api/channels/' + channel.id + '/show').success(function() { channel.$get(); }); } $scope.shouldShowChannel = function(channel) { return $scope.showHiddenChannels || !channel.hidden; } } function ProgrammeListingCtrl($scope, $routeParams, ProgrammeListing) { $scope.channelId = $routeParams.channelId; $scope.date = $routeParams.date; $scope.programmeListing = ProgrammeListing.get({channelId: $scope.channelId, date: $scope.date}); $scope.classForProgrammeLine = function(programme) { return programme.is_conflicting ? 'error' : (programme.is_scheduled ? 'success' : ''); } } function ProgrammeCtrl($scope, $routeParams, $http, Programme) { var loadProgramme = function() { $scope.programme = Programme.get({id: $routeParams.programmeId}); } var post = function(url) { $http.post(url).success(loadProgramme); } $scope.recordOnThisChannel = function() { // I wish Angular could let me define this operation on the Programme object post('/api/programmes/' + $scope.programme.id + '/record_on_this_channel'); } $scope.recordOnAnyChannel = function() { // I wish Angular could let me define this operation on the Programme object post('/api/programmes/' + $scope.programme.id + '/record_on_any_channel'); } $scope.recordJustThisProgramme = function() { // I wish Angular could let me define this operation on the Programme object post('/api/programmes/' + $scope.programme.id + '/record_just_this_programme'); } loadProgramme(); } function ShowsCtrl($scope, $http, Show) { var loadShows = function() { $scope.shows = Show.query(); } $scope.deleteEpisodes = function(show) { if (confirm("Really delete all episodes of\n" + show.name + "\n?")) { show.$delete(loadShows); } } loadShows(); } function ShowCtrl($scope, $routeParams, $http, Show, Recording) { var loadRecordings = function() { $scope.recordings = Recording.query({showId: $routeParams.showId}); } $scope.deleteRecording = function(recording) { if (confirm("Really delete recording\n" + recording.episode + "\nof show\n" + $scope.show.name + "\n?")) { recording.$delete(loadRecordings); } } $scope.startTranscoding = function(recording) { // I wish Angular could let me define this operation on the Programme object $http.post('/api/shows/' + $routeParams.showId + '/recordings/' + recording.id + '/transcode').success(loadRecordings); } $scope.show = Show.get({id: $routeParams.showId}); loadRecordings(); } function SearchProgrammesCtrl($scope, $http, $location) { $scope.autocomplete = function(query, process) { $http.get('/api/programmes/title_search', {params: {query: query}}).success(process); } $scope.updater = function(item) { $scope.$apply(function() { $scope.title = item; }); return item; } $scope.search = function() { $location.path('/search').search({query: $scope.title}); } } function SearchCtrl($scope, $routeParams, $http) { $scope.query = $routeParams.query; $http.get('/api/programmes/search', {params: {query: $scope.query}}).success(function(result) { $scope.result = result; }); } function StatusCtrl($scope, Status) { $scope.status = Status.get(); }