module Plezi # This API wil allows you to listen to Websocket Broadcasts sent to any object and to accept unicasts # even when NOT connected to a websocket. # # Simpley create a class to handle any events and call ` ClassName` or use the {Plezi.start_placebo} shortcut: # # # Important: set up a unique - but shared - main redis channel for BOTH Apps (The Plezi and the Placebo). # Plezi::Settings.redis_channel_name = 'unique_channel_name_for_app_b24270e2' # # Important: set Plezi's auo-Redis pub/sub server. # ENV['PL_REDIS_URL'] ||= "redis://" # # # create the Placebo bridge handler # class PleziBridge # def on_open # multicast :print, "Hello from Placebo!" # end # def print data # "Placebo message: #{data}" # puts "Placebo message: #{data}" # end # end # # # initiate Placebo mode using the bridge class. it's possible to create multiple # # it's possible to create multiple bridge classes this way. # Plezi.start_placebo(PleziBridge) # # A new instance will be created and that instance will answer any broadcasts, for ALL possible # Plezi controllers, as long as it had a method defined that is capable to handle the broadcast. # # The new instance will also accept unicasts sent to it's unique UUID. # # Returns an instance that is a member of the class passed, after that class was inherited by Plezi and # more methods were injected into it's subclass. module Placebo # the base module exposes some of the core functionality, but shouldn't be relied upon as far as it's API goes. module Base #the methods here will be injected to the Placebo controller. module Core def self.included base base.send :include, Plezi::Base::WSObject base.send :include, InstanceMethods base.extend ClassMethods base.superclass.instance_eval {extend SuperClassMethods} end #the methods here will be injected to the Placebo controller as Instance methods. module InstanceMethods public attr_accessor :io def initialize io_in, io_out, request @io_in = io_in @io_out = io_out @request = request super() end # Cleanup on disconnection def on_close io_out.close unless io_out.closed? return super() if defined? super Iodine.warn "Placebo #{} disconnected. Ignore if this message appears during shutdown." end def placebo? true end end #the methods here will be injected to the Placebo controller as class methods. module ClassMethods end module SuperClassMethods def placebo? true end end end class PlaceboIO < ::Iodine::Http::Websockets # emulate Iodine::Protocol#timeout? def timeout? time false end # emulate Iodine::Protocol#call def call read Iodine.warn "Placebo IO recieved IO signal - this is unexpected..." end # override "go_away" def go_away close end end end module_function def new placebo_class new_class_name = "PlaceboPlezi__#{ /[\:\-\#\<\>\{\}\(\)\s]/, '_'}" new_class = nil new_class = Module.const_get new_class_name if Module.const_defined? new_class_name unless new_class new_class = do include Placebo::Base::Core end Object.const_set(new_class_name, new_class) end i, o = IO.pipe req = {} handler =, o, req) io = i, handler, req handler end end end