# ===============================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2005, Christopher Kleckner
# All rights reserved
# This file is part of the Rio library for ruby.
# Rio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Rio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Rio; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# ===============================================================================
# To create the documentation for Rio run the command
# rake rdoc
# from the distribution directory. Then point your browser at the 'doc/rdoc' directory.
# Suggested Reading
# * RIO::Doc::INTRO
# * RIO::Doc::HOWTO
# * RIO::Rio
# Rio is pre-alpha software.
# The documented interface and behavior is subject to change without notice.
module RIO
class Rio
# Sets the rio to read lines and returns the Rio
# If called with a block behaves as if lines(*args).each(&block) had been called
# If args are provided they may be one or more of the following:
# Regexp:: any matching record will be processed
# Range:: specifies a range of records (zero-based) to be included
# Integer:: interpreted as a one element range of lines to be processed
# Proc:: a proc which will be called for each record, records are included unless nil or false is returned
# Symbol:: a symbol which will _sent_ to each record, records are included unless nil or false is returned
# rio('f.txt').lines(/^\s*#/) { |line| ... } # iterate over comment-only lines
# rio('f.txt').lines(/^\s*#/).each { |line| ... } # same as above
# rio('f.txt').lines(1,7..9) > rio('anotherfile.txt') # copy lines 1,7,8 and 9 to anotherfile.txt
# rio('f.txt').lines(1...3).to_a # return an array containing lines 1 and 2 of f.txt
# rio('f.txt').lines[1...3] # same thing
def lines(*args,&block) target.lines(*args,&block); self end
# Sets the rio to read bytes and returns the rio
# _n_ specifies the number of bytes to be returned on each iteration of Rio#each or by Rio#getrec. If _args_
# are provided, they are treated as record selectors as if ario.bytes(n).records(*args) had been
# called. See also Rio#records, Rio#lines, Rio#each, Rio#[]
# If called with a block behaves as if ario.bytes(n,*args).each(&block) had been called
# rio('f.dat').bytes(1024) { |rec| ... } # iterate through f.txt 1024 bytes at a time
# rio('f.dat').bytes(1024).each { |rec| ... } # same as above
# rio('f.dat').bytes(1024,0..4) { |rec| ... } # iterate through the first five 1024 byte blocks
# rio('f.dat').bytes(64).to_a # return the contents of f.dat as an array of 64 byte chunks
# rio('f.dat').bytes(512).records(0,7..9) > rio('dfile.dat') # copy 512-byte blocks 0,7,8 and 9 to dfile.dat
# rio('f.dat').bytes(2048).records[0...10] # return an array containing the first 10 2K blocks of f.dat
# rio('f.dat').bytes(2048)[0...10] # same thing
# rio('f.dat').bytes { |bytestr| ... } # iterate over f.dat 1 byte at a time.
# rio('f.dat').bytes[0...100] # returns an array of the first 100 bytes of f.dat
def bytes(n=1,*args,&block) target.bytes(n,*args,&block); self end
# Specifies which records will be iterated through by Rio#each or returned by Rio#getrec
# If called with a block behaves as if records(*args).each(&block) had been called
# Returns the Rio
# If no args are provided, all records are selected. What constitutes a record is affected by Rio#lines,Rio#bytes,
# and extensions such as Rio#csv.
# If args are provided they may be one or more of the following:
# [Regexp]
# any matching record will be iterated over by Rio#each or returned by Rio#getrec
# [Integer]
# specifies a record-number (zero-based) to be iterated over by Rio#each or returned by Rio#getrec
# [Range]
# specifies a range of records (zero-based) to included in the iteration
# [Proc]
# a proc which will be called for each record, records are included unless nil or false is returned
# [Symbol]
# a symbol which will _sent_ to each record, records are included unless nil or false is returned
# Note in the following examples that since +lines+ is the default ario.records(*args)
# is effectively the same as ario.lines(*args).
# rio('afile').records(0) { |line| ... } # iterate over the first line of 'afile'
# rio('afile').records(0,5..7)) { |line| ... } # iterate over lines 0,5,6 and 7
# rio('afile').records(/Zippy/) { |line| ... } # iterate over all lines containing 'Zippy'
# rio('afile').lines(0,/^\s*#/) { |line| ... } # iterate over the first line and comment lines
# rio('afile').records(0,/^\s*#/) { |line| ... } # same thing
# rio('afile').lines(proc { |rec,rnum,rio| rnum == 0 || rec =~ /^\s*#/ }) { |line| ... } # same thing
# rio('afile').chomp.lines(proc { |rec,rnum,rio| rec.size > 0 }) { |line| ... } # non-empty lines
# # return array containing line 0, all comment lines and any line containing the filename of the Rio
# rio('afile').lines[0,/^\s*#/,proc { |rec,rnum,ario| rec =~ /#{ario.filename}/ }]
def records(*args,&block) target.records(*args,&block); self end
# Specifies records which should *not* be iterated through by Rio#each or returned by Rio#getrec
# If called with a block behaves as if norecords(*args).each(&block) had been called
# Returns the Rio
# See also Rio#records, Rio#nolines, Rio#lines
# If no args are provided, no records are rejected. What constitutes a record is affected by Rio#lines,Rio#bytes,
# and extensions such as Rio#csv.
# If args are provided they may be one or more of the following:
# Regexp:: any matching record will not be processed
# Integer:: specifies a record-number (zero-based) to be skipped
# Range:: specifies a range of records (zero-based) to be excluded
# Proc:: a proc which will be called for each record, records are excluded unless nil or false is returned
# Symbol:: a symbol which will _sent_ to each record, records are excluded unless nil or false is returned
# Note in the following examples that since +lines+ is the default record
# type ario.norecords(*args) is effectively
# the same as ario.nolines(*args).
# rio('afile').norecords(0) { |line| ... } # iterate over all but the first line of 'afile'
# rio('afile').norecords(0,5..7)) { |line| ... } # don't iterate over lines 0,5,6 and 7
# rio('afile').norecords(/Zippy/) { |line| ... } # skip all lines containing 'Zippy'
# rio('afile').chomp.nolines(:empty?) { |line| ... } # skip empty lines
def norecords(*args,&block) target.norecords(*args,&block); self end
# Sets the Rio to read lines and specifies lines which should *not* be iterated through by Rio#each or
# returned by Rio#getrec
# If called with a block behaves as if nolines(*args).each(&block) had been called
# Returns the Rio
# See also Rio#lines, Rio#records
# If no args are provided, no lines are rejected.
# If args are provided they may be one or more of the following:
# [Regexp] any matching line will not be processed
# [Integer] specifies a line-number (zero-based) to be skipped
# [Range] specifies a range of lines (zero-based) to be excluded
# [Proc] a proc which will be called for each line, lines are excluded unless nil or false is returned
# [Symbol] a symbol which will _sent_ to each line, lines are excluded unless nil or false is returned
# rio('afile').nolines(0) { |line| ... } # iterate over all but the first line of 'afile'
# rio('afile').nolines(0,5..7)) { |line| ... } # don't iterate over lines 0,5,6 and 7
# rio('afile').nolines(/Zippy/) { |line| ... } # skip all lines containing 'Zippy'
# rio('afile').chomp.nolines(:empty?) { |line| ... } # skip empty lines
def nolines(*args,&block) target.nolines(*args,&block); self end
# Sets the Rio to read rows and specifies rows which should be iterated through
# by Rio#each or returned by Rio#getrec
# Rio#rows is intended for use by extensions, where the concept of a row is reasonable.
# In the absensence of an extension behaves like Rio#records
def rows(*args,&block) target.rows(*args,&block); self end
# Sets the Rio to read rows and specifies lines which should *not* be iterated
# through by Rio#each or returned by Rio#getrec
# Rio#norows is intended for use by extensions, where the concept of a row is
# reasonable. In the absensence of an extension behaves like Rio#norecords
def norows(*args,&block) target.norows(*args,&block); self end
# Sets the implicit output mode to 'a'.
# This is the mode Rio will use for output when no mode is specified
# Rios normally don't need to be opened or have their open mode specified. A Rio determines the mode
# based on the file system object and on the action specified. For instance when a Rio encounters
# a +read+ on a file it opens the file for reading using File#open and calls IO#read; when it encounters
# a +read+ on a directory it knows to use Dir#open and call Dir#read. When it encounters a Rio#puts, it knows
# to perform a File#open, and call IO#puts on the returned handle. By default when a method requires
# a file be opened for writing the file is opened with a mode of 'w'. Rio#a changes this implicit
# output mode to 'a'.
# Note that this is not the same as setting the output mode *explicitly*, as in rio('afile').mode('a').
# When the mode is set explicitly using Rio#mode, the mode specified will be used regardless of
# the operation being performed. The Rio#a method only affects how Rio opens a file when
# it sees an operator that requires writing, and must determine for itself how to open it.
# rio('afile').puts!('Hello World') # call IO#puts on a file handle opened in 'w' mode
# rio('afile').a.puts!('Hello World') # call IO#puts on a file handle opened in 'a' mode
# See also Rio#a!, Rio#w! for setting the implicit output mode 'a+' and 'w+' respectively
# The methods Rio#a, Rio#a!, Rio#w, Rio#w!, Rio#r, Rio#r! set the +implicit+ open mode
# to 'a','a+','w','w+','r' and 'r+' respectively.
def a() target.a(); self end
# Sets the implicit output mode to 'a+'.
# The implicit output mode is the mode Rio will use for output when no mode is specified.
# Returns the Rio
# See the discussion for Rio#a.
def a!() target.a!(); self end
# Sets the implicit input mode to 'r'.
# The implicit input mode is the mode Rio will use for input when no mode is specified.
# Returns the Rio
# See the discussion for Rio#a.
# Since 'r' is the implicit input mode used by default, this method
# is probably uneeded.
def r() target.r(); self end
# Sets the implicit input mode to 'r+'.
# The implicit input mode is the mode Rio will use for input when no mode is specified.
# Returns the Rio
# See the discussion for Rio#a.
def r!() target.r!(); self end
# Sets the implicit output mode to 'w'.
# The implicit output mode is the mode Rio will use for output when no mode is specified.
# Returns the Rio
# See the discussion for Rio#a.
# Since 'w' is the implicit output mode used by default, this method
# is uneeded, is considered experimental and may be removed at any time.
def w() target.w(); self end
# Sets the implicit output mode to 'w+'.
# The implicit output mode is the mode Rio will use for output when no mode is specified.
# Returns the Rio
# See the discussion for Rio#a.
def w!() target.w!(); self end
# Set the Rio's closeoneof mode.
# ario.closeoneof(&block) => ario
# +closeoneof+ causes a Rio to be closed automatically whenever the end of
# file is reached. This is handled at the IO level, and thus affects
# all methods that read from a rio (Rio#readlines, Rio#to_a, Rio#each Rio#gets etc.)
# Because +closeoneof+ must be on for many of Rio's most useful idioms,
# it is on by default. +closeoneof+ can be turned off using Rio#nocloseoneof.
# If a block is given behaves like ario.closeoneof.each(&block) had been called
# Returns the Rio
# ario = rio('afile')
# lines = ario.readlines
# ario.closed? #=> true
# ario = rio('afile').nocloseoneof
# lines = ario.readlines
# ario.closed? #=> false
# ario.close # must be explicitly closed
# +closeoneof+ is ignored by directory Rios, however, setting it on a directory Rio
# causes each file Rio returned while iterating to inherit the directory's setting
# rio('adir').files do |file|
# file.closeoneof? #=> true
# end
# rio('adir').files.nocloseoneof do |file|
# file.closeoneof? #=> false
# end
# rio('adir').files.nocloseoneof['*.rb'] # array of .rb file Rios in adir with closeoneof off
# drio = rio('adir').files
# frio1 = drio.read
# frio1.closeoneof? #=> true
# drio.nocloseoneof
# frio2 = drio.read
# frio2.closeoneof? #=> false
def closeoneof(arg=true,&block) target.closeoneof(arg,&block); self end
# Set the Rio's closeoneof mode to false
# ario.nocloseoneof(&block) => ario
# See Rio#closeoneof
# If a block is given behaves like
# ario.nocloseoneof.each(&block)
# Returns the Rio
# ario = rio('afile')
# lines = ario.to_a
# ario.closed? #=> true
# ario = rio('afile').nocloseoneof
# lines = ario.to_a
# ario.closed? #=> false
# ario.close # must be explicitly closed
def nocloseoneof(arg=false,&block) target.nocloseoneof(arg,&block); self end
# Query a Rio's closeoneof mode
# ario.closeoneof? => true or false
# See Rio#closeoneof and Rio#nocloseoneof
# ario = rio('afile')
# ario.closeoneof? #=> true
# lines = ario.to_a
# ario.closed? #=> true
# ario = rio('afile').nocloseoneof
# ario.closeoneof? #=> false
# lines = ario.to_a
# ario.closed? #=> false
# ario.close # must be explicitly closed
def closeoneof?() target.closeoneof?() end
# Set a Rio's closeoncopy mode
# ario.closeoncopy(&block) => ario
# Rio#closeoncopy causes the Rio being written to to be closed when using
# a grande copy operator. While Rio#closeoneof causes all Rio's to be closed
# when reading to the end of file, it does not affect Rios being written to.
# Rio#closeoncopy only affects the Rio being written to and only when a
# grande copy operator is used. +closeoncopy+ is on by default, with one exception.
# dest = rio('destfile')
# dest < rio('srcfile')
# dest.closed? #=> true
# dest = rio('destfile').nocloseoncopy
# dest < rio('srcfile')
# dest.closed? #=> false
# dest.close # must be explicitly closed
# dest = rio('destfile')
# dest.print(rio('srcfile').slurp)
# dest.closed? #=> false (Rio#print is not a copy operator)
# dest.close
# ==== The Exception
# When a block is passed directly to the rio constructor +closeoncopy+ is turned off.
# rio('afile') { |file|
# file.closeoncopy? #=> false
# file < a_string
# file.closed? #=> false
# }
# # The file is now closed. See Rio#rio for more informatioin
# ==== Why?
# Some of my favorite Rio idioms are its copy one-liners
# rio('afile') < a_string # put a string into a file
# rio('afile') < an_array # put an array into a file
# rio('afile') < rio('anotherfile').lines(1..10) # copy the first 10 lines of anotherfile into afile
# rio('afile.gz').gzip < rio('anotherfile').lines(1..10) # same thing into a gzipped file
# In each of these cases, 'afile' would remain open after the copy and furthermore
# since the destination Rio was not saved in a variable, There is no way to close file.
# Without closeoncopy Something like this would be required:
# ario = rio('afile')
# ario < something_else
# ario.close
# Or this...
# ario = rio('afile') < something_else
# ario.close
# Or this...
# (rio('afile') < something_else).close
# One line, but ugly, and prone to error.
# What I want is this:
# rio('afile') < something_else
# Simple. I want to copy this to that, I point the arrow and it works.
# In perl the rio's destructor would be called, because there are no remaining references to the Rio
# However, it my understanding and experience that in Ruby the finalizer will not necessarily be
# called at this point. Calling all gurus: If I am missing something,
# and there is a way to make this work without closeoncopy,
# please contact the author.
def closeoncopy(arg=true,&block) target.closeoncopy(arg,&block); self end
# Set a Rio's closeoncopy mode to false
# ario.nocloseoncopy(&block) => ario
# See Rio#closeoncopy
def nocloseoncopy(arg=false,&block) target.nocloseoncopy(arg,&block); self end
# Query a Rio's closeoncopy mode
# ario.closeoncopy? => true or false
# See Rio#closeoncopy
def closeoncopy?() target.closeoncopy?() end
# Rio#autorewind?
#def autorewind?() target.autorewind?() end
# Rio#autorewind
#def autorewind(arg=true,&block) target.autorewind(arg,&block); self end
# Rio#noautorewind
#def noautorewind(arg=false,&block) target.noautorewind(arg,&block); self end
# Queries the Rio's chomp-mode.
# See Rio#chomp.
def chomp?() target.chomp?() end
# Sets the Rio to chomp lines and returns the Rio
# When called with a block, behaves as if chomp.each(&block) had been called
# chomp causes lines returned by each, to_a, readlines, readline, gets, each_line etc.
# to be chomped before iterated over or assigned
# rio('f.txt').chomp.each { |line| ... } # Block is called with lines already chomped
# rio('f.txt').chomp { |line| ... } # same as above
# rio('f.txt').chomp.to_a # returns the lines of f.txt chomped
# rio('f.txt').chomp.lines(1..2).to_a # returns an array containg lines 1 and 2 of the file after being chomped
# This would have similar results to rio('f.txt').lines(1..2).to_a.map{ |line| line.chomp}
# rio('f.txt').lines(1..2).chomp.to_a # same as above
# rio('f.txt').chomp.readlines # returns the lines of f.txt chomped
# rio('f.txt').chomp.gets # returns the first line of 'f.txt' chomped
# rio('f.txt').chomp > an_array # copies the chomped lines of f.txt into an_array
# # fill an array with all the 'require' lines in all the .rb files (recursively) in adir
# # chomping each line
# an_array = []
# rio('adir').chomp.all.files("*.rb") { |file|
# an_array << file.lines(/^\s*require/)
# }
def chomp(arg=true,&block) target.chomp(arg,&block); self end
# Sets the Rio to gzip mode.
# ario.gzip #=> ario
# If applied to a Rio that is being read from Reads
# through a Zlib::GzipReader; If applied to a Rio that is being written to
# writes through a Zlib::GzipWriter.
# Returns the Rio
# If a block is given, acts like ario.gzip.each(&block)
# rio('afile') > rio('afile.gz').gzip # gzip a file
# rio('afile.gz').gzip < rio('afile') # same thing
# rio('afile.gz').gzip > rio('afile') # ungzip a file
# rio('afile') < rio('afile.gz').gzip # same thing
# rio('afile.gz').gzip.chomp { |line| ...} # process each chomped line of a gzipped file
# rio('afile.gz').gzip[0..9] # an array containing the first 10 lines of a gzipped file
def gzip(&block) target.gzip(true,&block); self end
# Queries the Rio's gzip-mode
# ario.gzip? #=> true or false
# See Rio#gzip
def gzip?() target.gzip?() end
# Rio#inputmode?
#def inputmode?() target.inputmode?() end
# Rio#outputmode?
#def outputmode?() target.outputmode?() end
# Sets the 'sync-mode' of the underlying IO using IO#sync=
# ario.sync(boolean=true,&block) => ario
# Sets the Rio so that its 'sync mode' will be set to +true+ or +false+ when opened, or set
# it immediatly if already open. When sync mode is
# true, all output is immediately flushed to the underlying operating
# system and is not buffered internally. Returns the rio. See
# also Rio#fsync, Rio#nosync, Rio#sync?.
# If a block is given behaves like ario.sync(arg).each(&block)
# f = rio("testfile").sync.puts("Hello World")
# f.sync? # => true
def sync(arg=true,&block) target.sync(arg,&block); self end
# Similar to IO#sync= false
# ario.nosync(&block) => ario
# Sets the Rio so that its 'sync mode' will be set to +false+ when opened, or set
# it immediatly if already open. When sync mode is
# true, all output is immediately flushed to the underlying operating
# system and is not buffered internally. Returns the rio. See
# also Rio#fsync, Rio#sync, Rio#sync?.
# If a block is given behaves like ario.nosync.each(&block)
# f = rio("testfile").sync.puts("Hello World")
# f.sync? # => true
# f.nosync
# f.sync? # => false
def nosync(arg=false,&block) target.nosync(arg,&block); self end
# Query the current 'sync mode' with IO#sync
# ario.sync? => true or false
# Returns the current ``sync mode'' of _ario_. When sync mode is true,
# all output is immediately flushed to the underlying operating
# system and is not buffered by Ruby internally. See also +Rio#fsync+,
# Rio#sync, Rio#nosync
# f = rio("testfile")
# f.sync? #=> false
def sync?() target.sync?() end