require 'capistrano/dsl/unicorn_paths' require 'capistrano/unicorn_nginx/helpers' include Capistrano::UnicornNginx::Helpers include Capistrano::DSL::UnicornPaths namespace :load do task :defaults do set :unicorn_service, -> { "unicorn_#{fetch(:application)}_#{fetch(:stage)}" } set :templates_path, 'config/deploy/templates' set :unicorn_pid, -> { unicorn_default_pid_file } set :unicorn_config, -> { unicorn_default_config_file } set :unicorn_logrotate_config, -> { unicorn_default_logrotate_config_file } set :unicorn_workers, 2 set :unicorn_env, "" # environmental variables passed to unicorn/Ruby. Useful for GC tweaking, etc set :unicorn_worker_timeout, 30 set :unicorn_tcp_listen_port, 8080 set :unicorn_use_tcp, -> { roles(:app, :web).count > 1 } # use tcp if web and app nodes are on different servers set :unicorn_app_env, -> { fetch(:rails_env) || fetch(:stage) } # set :unicorn_user # default set in `unicorn:defaults` task set :unicorn_logrotate_enabled, false # by default, don't use logrotate to rotate unicorn logs set :linked_dirs, fetch(:linked_dirs, []).push('log', 'tmp/pids') end end namespace :unicorn do task :defaults do on roles :app do set :unicorn_user, fetch(:unicorn_user, deploy_user) end end desc 'Setup Unicorn initializer' task :setup_initializer do on roles :app do sudo_upload! template('unicorn_init.erb'), unicorn_initd_file execute :chmod, '+x', unicorn_initd_file sudo 'update-rc.d', '-f', fetch(:unicorn_service), 'defaults' end end desc 'Setup Unicorn app configuration' task :setup_app_config do on roles :app do execute :mkdir, '-pv', File.dirname(fetch(:unicorn_config)) upload! template('unicorn.rb.erb'), fetch(:unicorn_config) end end desc 'Setup logrotate configuration' task :setup_logrotate do on roles :app do sudo :mkdir, '-pv', File.dirname(fetch(:unicorn_logrotate_config)) sudo_upload! template('unicorn-logrotate.rb.erb'), fetch(:unicorn_logrotate_config) sudo 'chown', 'root:root', fetch(:unicorn_logrotate_config) end end %w[start stop reload upgrade].each do |command| desc "#{command} unicorn" task command do on roles :app do sudo 'service', fetch(:unicorn_service), command end end end desc 'restart unicorn' task 'restart' do on roles :app do if test "[ -f #{fetch(:unicorn_pid)} ]" sudo 'service', fetch(:unicorn_service), 'upgrade' else sudo 'service', fetch(:unicorn_service), 'start' end end end before :setup_initializer, :defaults before :setup_logrotate, :defaults end namespace :deploy do after :publishing, 'unicorn:restart' end desc 'Server setup tasks' task :setup do invoke 'unicorn:setup_initializer' invoke 'unicorn:setup_app_config' if fetch(:unicorn_logrotate_enabled) invoke 'unicorn:setup_logrotate' end end