#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/application/kick' describe Puppet::Application::Kick, :if => Puppet.features.posix? do before :each do require 'puppet/util/ldap/connection' Puppet::Util::Ldap::Connection.stubs(:new).returns(stub_everything) @kick = Puppet::Application[:kick] Puppet::Util::Log.stubs(:newdestination) end describe ".new" do it "should take a command-line object as an argument" do command_line = Puppet::Util::CommandLine.new("puppet", ['kick', 'myhost']) app = Puppet::Application::Kick.new(command_line) app.command_line.subcommand_name.should == "kick" app.command_line.args.should == ['myhost'] end end it "should declare a main command" do @kick.should respond_to(:main) end it "should declare a test command" do @kick.should respond_to(:test) end it "should declare a preinit block" do @kick.should respond_to(:preinit) end describe "during preinit" do before :each do @kick.stubs(:trap) end it "should catch INT and TERM" do @kick.stubs(:trap).with { |arg,block| arg == :INT or arg == :TERM } @kick.preinit end it "should set parallel option to 1" do @kick.preinit @kick.options[:parallel].should == 1 end it "should set verbose by default" do @kick.preinit @kick.options[:verbose].should be_true end it "should set fqdn by default" do @kick.preinit @kick.options[:fqdn].should be_true end it "should set ignoreschedules to 'false'" do @kick.preinit @kick.options[:ignoreschedules].should be_false end it "should set foreground to 'false'" do @kick.preinit @kick.options[:foreground].should be_false end end describe "when applying options" do before do @kick.preinit end [:all, :foreground, :debug, :ping, :test].each do |option| it "should declare handle_#{option} method" do @kick.should respond_to("handle_#{option}".to_sym) end it "should store argument value when calling handle_#{option}" do @kick.options.expects(:[]=).with(option, 'arg') @kick.send("handle_#{option}".to_sym, 'arg') end end it "should add to the host list with the host option" do @kick.handle_host('host') @kick.hosts.should == ['host'] end it "should add to the tag list with the tag option" do @kick.handle_tag('tag') @kick.tags.should == ['tag'] end it "should add to the class list with the class option" do @kick.handle_class('class') @kick.classes.should == ['class'] end end describe "during setup" do before :each do @kick.classes = [] @kick.tags = [] @kick.hosts = [] @kick.stubs(:trap) @kick.stubs(:puts) @kick.options.stubs(:[]).with(any_parameters) end it "should issue a warning that kick is deprecated" do Puppet.expects(:warning).with() { |msg| msg =~ /kick is deprecated/ } @kick.setup end it "should abort stating that kick is not supported on Windows" do Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns(true) expect { @kick.setup }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Puppet kick is not supported on Microsoft Windows/) end it "should set log level to debug if --debug was passed" do @kick.options.stubs(:[]).with(:debug).returns(true) @kick.setup Puppet::Log.level.should == :debug end it "should set log level to info if --verbose was passed" do @kick.options.stubs(:[]).with(:verbose).returns(true) @kick.setup Puppet::Log.level.should == :info end describe "when using the ldap node terminus" do before :each do Puppet[:node_terminus] = "ldap" end it "should pass the fqdn option to search" do @kick.options.stubs(:[]).with(:fqdn).returns(:something) @kick.options.stubs(:[]).with(:all).returns(true) @kick.stubs(:puts) Puppet::Node.indirection.expects(:search).with("whatever",:fqdn => :something).returns([]) @kick.setup end it "should search for all nodes if --all" do @kick.options.stubs(:[]).with(:all).returns(true) @kick.stubs(:puts) Puppet::Node.indirection.expects(:search).with("whatever",:fqdn => nil).returns([]) @kick.setup end it "should search for nodes including given classes" do @kick.options.stubs(:[]).with(:all).returns(false) @kick.stubs(:puts) @kick.classes = ['class'] Puppet::Node.indirection.expects(:search).with("whatever", :class => "class", :fqdn => nil).returns([]) @kick.setup end end describe "when using regular nodes" do it "should fail if some classes have been specified" do $stderr.stubs(:puts) @kick.classes = ['class'] expect { @kick.setup }.to exit_with 24 end end end describe "when running" do before :each do @kick.stubs(:puts) end it "should dispatch to test if --test is used" do @kick.options.stubs(:[]).with(:test).returns(true) @kick.expects(:test) @kick.run_command end it "should dispatch to main if --test is not used" do @kick.options.stubs(:[]).with(:test).returns(false) @kick.expects(:main) @kick.run_command end describe "the test command" do it "should exit with exit code 0 " do expect { @kick.test }.to exit_with 0 end end describe "the main command" do before :each do @kick.options.stubs(:[]).with(:parallel).returns(1) @kick.options.stubs(:[]).with(:ping).returns(false) @kick.options.stubs(:[]).with(:ignoreschedules).returns(false) @kick.options.stubs(:[]).with(:foreground).returns(false) @kick.options.stubs(:[]).with(:debug).returns(false) @kick.options.stubs(:[]).with(:verbose).returns(false) # needed when logging is initialized @kick.options.stubs(:[]).with(:setdest).returns(false) # needed when logging is initialized @kick.stubs(:print) @kick.preinit @kick.stubs(:parse_options) @kick.setup $stderr.stubs(:puts) end it "should create as much childs as --parallel" do @kick.options.stubs(:[]).with(:parallel).returns(3) @kick.hosts = ['host1', 'host2', 'host3'] Process.stubs(:wait).returns(1).then.returns(2).then.returns(3).then.raises(Errno::ECHILD) @kick.expects(:safe_posix_fork).times(3).returns(1).then.returns(2).then.returns(3) expect { @kick.main }.to raise_error SystemExit end it "should delegate to run_for_host per host" do @kick.hosts = ['host1', 'host2'] @kick.stubs(:safe_posix_fork).returns(1).yields Process.stubs(:wait).returns(1).then.raises(Errno::ECHILD) @kick.expects(:run_for_host).times(2) lambda { @kick.main }.should raise_error end describe "during call of run_for_host" do before do require 'puppet/run' options = { :background => true, :ignoreschedules => false, :tags => [] } @kick.preinit @agent_run = Puppet::Run.new( options.dup ) @agent_run.stubs(:status).returns("success") Puppet::Run.indirection.expects(:terminus_class=).with( :rest ) Puppet::Run.expects(:new).with( options ).returns(@agent_run) end it "should call run on a Puppet::Run for the given host" do Puppet::Run.indirection.expects(:save).with(@agent_run, 'https://host:8139/production/run/host').returns(@agent_run) expect { @kick.run_for_host('host') }.to exit_with 0 end it "should exit the child with 0 on success" do @agent_run.stubs(:status).returns("success") expect { @kick.run_for_host('host') }.to exit_with 0 end it "should exit the child with 3 on running" do @agent_run.stubs(:status).returns("running") expect { @kick.run_for_host('host') }.to exit_with 3 end it "should exit the child with 12 on unknown answer" do @agent_run.stubs(:status).returns("whatever") expect { @kick.run_for_host('host') }.to exit_with 12 end end end end end