README This is a generic README generated by jruby-enginize. Please replace with something more meaningful... ;-) GOOGLE APPENGINE DEPLOYMENT As a basic requirement, copy and split the JRuby-JAR calling jrake jruby:splitjars once and after each upgrade to a new version of JRuby. Deploy the application with jrake appengine:deploy and open http://{{name}} to have a first test. Be sure to set the version number in "appengine-web.xml" to a new value, when you are experimenting with an unstable version and don't want to risk your users getting exceptions. You can try the new version by opening e.g. http://3.latest.{{name}} and replacing "3" with the version number you want to run. Switch the application to the new version as default (stable version) by opening{{name}} and setting a new default.