module GEPUB # # an Object to hold metadata and content of item in manifest. # # following methods are created dynamically. # #id, #id=, #set_id, #href, #href=, #set_href, #media_type, #media_type=, #set_media_type, # #fallback, #fallback=, #set_fallback, #media_overlay, #media_overlay=, #set_media_overlay class Item attr_accessor :content def self.create(parent, attributes = {})['id'], attributes['href'], attributes['media-type'], parent, attributes.reject { |k,_v| ['id','href','media-type'].member?(k) }) end # # create Item. # # if mediatype is not specified, it will be guessed from extension name. # Item can't guess media type for videos and audios, so you should specify one. # def initialize(itemid, itemhref, itemmediatype = nil, parent = nil, attributes = {}) if attributes['properties'].class == String attributes['properties'] = attributes['properties'].split(' ') end @attributes = {'id' => itemid, 'href' => itemhref, 'media-type' => itemmediatype}.merge(attributes) @attributes['media-type'] = GEPUB::Mime.guess_mediatype(itemhref) if media_type.nil? @parent = parent @parent.register_item(self) unless @parent.nil? self end ATTRIBUTES = ['id', 'href', 'media-type', 'fallback', 'properties', 'media-overlay'].each { |name| methodbase = name.sub('-','_') define_method(methodbase + '=') { |val| @attributes[name] = val } define_method('set_' + methodbase) { |val| @attributes[name] = val; self } define_method(methodbase) { @attributes[name] } } # get item's id def itemid id end # get mediatype of the item. def mediatype media_type end def [](x) @attributes[x] end def []=(x,y) @attributes[x] = y end # add value to properties attribute. def add_property(property) (@attributes['properties'] ||=[]) << property self end # set 'cover-image' property to the Item. # On generating EPUB, EPUB2-style cover image meta item will be added. def cover_image add_property('cover-image') end # set 'nav' property to the Item. def nav add_property('nav') end # set toc text to the item def toc_text text toc.push(:item => self, :text => text, :id => nil) self end # set toc text with id to the item def toc_text_with_id text, toc_id toc.push(:item => self, :text => text, :id => toc_id) self end # set bindings: item is a handler for media_type def is_handler_of media_type bindings.add(, media_type) self end def landmark(type:, title:, id: nil) landmarks.push(:type => type, :title => title, :item => self, :id => id) self end # guess and set content property from contents. def guess_content_property if File.extname(self.href) =~ /.x?html/ && @attributes['media-type'] === 'application/xhtml+xml' @attributes['properties'] = (@attributes['properties'] || []).reject { |x| x == 'svg' || x == 'mathml' || x == 'switch' || x == 'remote-resources' } parsed = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(@content) return unless parsed.root.node_name === "html" ns_prefix = parsed.namespaces.invert[''] if ns_prefix.nil? prefix = '' else prefix = "#{ns_prefix}:" end videos = parsed.xpath("//#{prefix}video[starts-with(@src,'http')]") + parsed.xpath("//#{prefix}video/#{prefix}source[starts-with(@src,'http')]") audios = parsed.xpath("//#{prefix}audio[starts-with(@src,'http')]") + parsed.xpath("//#{prefix}audio/#{prefix}source[starts-with(@src,'http')]") if videos.size > 0 || audios.size > 0 self.add_property('remote-resources') end if parsed.xpath("//p:math", { 'p' => '' }).size > 0 self.add_property('mathml') end if parsed.xpath("//s:svg", { 's' => '' }).size > 0 self.add_property('svg') end if parsed.xpath("//epub:switch", { 'epub' => '' }).size > 0 self.add_property('switch') end scripts = parsed.xpath("//#{prefix}script") + parsed.xpath("//#{prefix}form") if scripts.size > 0 self.add_property('scripted') end end end # add content data to the item. def add_raw_content(data) @content = data guess_content_property self end # add content form io or file to the item def add_content(io_or_filename) io = io_or_filename if io_or_filename.class == String io = end io.binmode @content = guess_content_property self end # generate xml to supplied Nokogiri builder. def to_xml(builder, opf_version = '3.0') attr = @attributes.dup if opf_version.to_f < 3.0 attr.reject!{ |k,_v| k == 'properties' } end if !attr['properties'].nil? attr['properties'] = attr['properties'].uniq.join(' ') if attr['properties'].size == 0 attr.delete 'properties' end end builder.item(attr) end end end