# encoding: utf-8 require 'helper' class TestRemoteTable < Test::Unit::TestCase should "open an XLSX" do t = RemoteTable.new 'www.customerreferenceprogram.org/uploads/CRP_RFP_template.xlsx' assert_equal "Secure encryption of all data", t[5]["Requirements"] end should "add a row hash to every row" do t = RemoteTable.new(:url => 'www.customerreferenceprogram.org/uploads/CRP_RFP_template.xlsx') assert_equal "06d8a738551c17735e2731e25c8d0461", t[5]['row_hash'] end should "open a google doc" do t = RemoteTable.new 'http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tObVAGyqOkCBtGid0tJUZrw' assert_equal 'Seamus Abshere', t[0]['name'] end should "open a csv with custom headers" do t = RemoteTable.new 'http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tObVAGyqOkCBtGid0tJUZrw', :headers => %w{ col1 col2 col3 } assert_equal 'name', t[0]['col2'] assert_equal 'Seamus Abshere', t[1]['col2'] end should "return an ordered hash" do t = RemoteTable.new 'http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tObVAGyqOkCBtGid0tJUZrw' assert_equal ::ActiveSupport::OrderedHash, t[0].class end should "pass through fastercsv options" do f = Tempfile.new 'pass-through-fastercsv-options' f.write %{3,Title example,Body example with a link,test category} f.flush t = RemoteTable.new "file://#{f.path}", :quote_char => %{'}, :headers => nil assert_equal %{Body example with a link}, t[0][2] f.close end should "open a csv inside a zip file" do t = RemoteTable.new 'http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/emissions/downloads10/2010-Inventory-Annex-Tables.zip', :filename => 'Annex Tables/Annex 3/Table A-93.csv', :skip => 1, :select => lambda { |row| row['Vehicle Age'].to_i.to_s == row['Vehicle Age'] } assert_equal '9.09%', t[0]['LDGV'] end should 'not blow up if each is called twice' do t = RemoteTable.new 'http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tObVAGyqOkCBtGid0tJUZrw' assert_nothing_raised do t.each { |row| } t.each { |row| } end end should 'allow itself to be cleared for save memory' do t = RemoteTable.new 'http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tObVAGyqOkCBtGid0tJUZrw' t.to_a assert_equal Array, t.instance_variable_get(:@to_a).class t.free assert_equal NilClass, t.instance_variable_get(:@to_a).class end # fixes ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 should %{safely strip soft hyphens and read non-utf8 html} do t = RemoteTable.new :url => "http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/atpubs/CNT/5-2-A.htm", :encoding => 'windows-1252', :row_xpath => '//table/tr[2]/td/table/tr', :column_xpath => 'td' assert t.rows.detect { |row| row['Model'] == 'A300B4600' } end should %{transliterate characters into UTF-8 as long as the user provides the right encoding} do t = RemoteTable.new :url => 'http://static.brighterplanet.com/science/data/consumables/pets/breed_genders.csv', :encoding => 'ISO-8859-1' assert t.rows.detect { |row| row['name'] == 'Briquet Griffon Vendéen' } end end