require 'test_helper' class PtOscMigrationFunctionalTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase class TestMigration < ActiveRecord::PtOscMigration; end context 'a migration' do setup do @migration = ActiveRecord::PtOscMigration.stubs(:tool_version).returns('100')) end teardown do ActiveRecord::PtOscMigration.unstub(:tool_version) end context 'connected to a pt-osc database' do setup do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(test_spec) @migration.instance_variable_set(:@connection, ActiveRecord::Base.connection) end context 'on an existing table with an existing column' do setup do @table_name = Faker::Lorem.word @column_name = 'foobar' @index_name = Faker::Lorem.words.join('_') ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `#{@table_name}`;" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute <<-SQL CREATE TABLE `#{@table_name}` ( `#{@column_name}` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, KEY `#{@index_name}` (`#{@column_name}`) ); SQL end teardown do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `#{@table_name}`;" end context 'a migration with only ALTER statements' do setup do @renamed_column_name = 'foobar' @new_column_name = 'bazqux' @new_table_name = Faker::Lorem.word @index_name_2 = "#{@index_name}_2" @index_name_3 = "#{@index_name}_3" TestMigration.class_eval <<-EVAL def change rename_table :#{@table_name}, :#{@new_table_name} add_column :#{@table_name}, :#{@new_column_name}, :integer change_column :#{@table_name}, :#{@column_name}, :varchar, default: 'newthing' change_column :#{@table_name}, :#{@column_name}, :varchar, default: :newsymbol rename_column :#{@table_name}, :#{@column_name}, :#{@renamed_column_name} remove_column :#{@table_name}, :#{@column_name} add_index :#{@table_name}, :#{@column_name}, name: :#{@index_name_2} add_index :#{@table_name}, [:#{@new_column_name}, :#{@renamed_column_name}], name: :#{@index_name_3}, unique: true remove_index :#{@table_name}, name: :#{@index_name} end EVAL end teardown do TestMigration.send(:remove_method, :change) end context 'with suppressed output' do setup do @migration.stubs(:write) @migration.stubs(:announce) end teardown do @migration.unstub(:write, :announce) end context 'ignoring schema lookups' do setup do # Kind of a hacky way to do this ignored_sql = ActiveRecord::SQLCounter.ignored_sql + [ /^SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM/, /^SHOW COLUMNS FROM/, /^SHOW KEYS FROM/, ] ActiveRecord::SQLCounter.any_instance.stubs(:ignore).returns(ignored_sql) end teardown do ActiveRecord::SQLCounter.any_instance.unstub(:ignore) end should 'not execute any queries immediately' do assert_no_queries { @migration.change } end context 'with a working pt-online-schema-change' do setup do Kernel.expects(:system).with(regexp_matches(/^pt-online-schema-change/)).twice.returns(true) end teardown do Kernel.unstub(:system) end should 'not directly execute any queries when migrating' do assert_no_queries { @migration.migrate(:up) } end end end context 'the resulting command' do should 'have the correct pt-osc ALTER statement' do expected_alter = <<-ALTER RENAME TO `#{@new_table_name}` ADD `#{@new_column_name}` int(11) CHANGE `#{@column_name}` `#{@column_name}` varchar DEFAULT 'newthing' CHANGE `#{@column_name}` `#{@column_name}` varchar DEFAULT 'newsymbol' CHANGE `#{@column_name}` `#{@renamed_column_name}` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL DROP COLUMN `#{@column_name}` ADD INDEX `#{@index_name_2}` (`#{@column_name}`) ADD UNIQUE INDEX `#{@index_name_3}` (`#{@new_column_name}`, `#{@renamed_column_name}`) DROP INDEX `#{@index_name}` ALTER expected_alter.strip!.gsub!(/^\s*/, '').gsub!("\n", ',') @migration.change assert_equal expected_alter, @migration.connection.get_commands_string(@table_name) end end end end end end context 'connected without checking alter statements' do setup do @old_connection = @migration.instance_variable_get(:@connection) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(test_spec('test_no_check_alter')) @migration.instance_variable_set(:@connection, ActiveRecord::Base.connection) end should 'check ALTER when dry-running sql' do command = @migration.send(:percona_command, nil, nil, nil, execute: false) assert command.include?('--check-alter'), "Command '#{command}' did not include ALTER check." assert_equal false, command.include?('--no-check-alter'), "Command '#{command}' should not disable ALTER check." end should 'not check ALTER when executing sql' do command = @migration.send(:percona_command, nil, nil, nil, execute: true) assert command.include?('--no-check-alter'), "Command '#{command}' should not include ALTER check." assert_equal false, command.include?('--check-alter'), "Command '#{command}' should disable ALTER check." end end end end