// ========================================================================== // Project: CoreTools.Target // Copyright: ©2010 Apple Inc. // ========================================================================== /*globals CoreTools */ /** @class Describes a target in the build system. @extends SC.Record */ CoreTools.Target = SC.Record.extend( /** @scope CoreTools.Target.prototype */ { primaryKey: "name", /** Name of target. This is also the primary key. */ name: SC.Record.attr(String), /** Parent of target. Only non-null for nested targets. */ parent: SC.Record.toOne("CoreTools.Target"), /** URL to use to load tests. */ testsUrl: SC.Record.attr(String, { key: "link_tests" }), /** URL to use to load the app. If no an app, returns null */ appUrl: function() { return (this.get('kind') === 'app') ? this.get('name') : null; }.property('kind', 'name').cacheable(), /** The isExpanded state. Defaults to NO on load. */ isExpanded: SC.Record.attr(Boolean, { defaultValue: NO }), /** Children of this target. Computed by getting the loaded targets */ children: function() { var store = this.get('store'), query = CoreTools.TARGETS_QUERY, ret = store.find(query).filterProperty('parent', this); if (ret) ret = ret.sortProperty('kind', 'displayName'); return (ret && ret.get('length')>0) ? ret : null ; }.property().cacheable(), /** Display name for this target */ displayName: function() { var name = (this.get('name') || '(unknown)').split('/'); return name[name.length-1]; }.property('name').cacheable(), /** The icon to display. Based on the type. */ targetIcon: function() { var ret = 'sc-icon-document-16'; switch(this.get('kind')) { case "framework": ret = 'sc-icon-folder-16'; break; case "app": ret = 'sc-icon-options-16'; break; } return ret ; }.property('kind').cacheable(), /** This is the group key used to display. Will be the kind unless the item belongs to the sproutcore target. */ sortKind: function() { if (this.get('name') === '/sproutcore') return null; var parent = this.get('parent'); if (parent && (parent.get('name') === '/sproutcore')) return 'sproutcore'; else return (this.get('kind') || 'unknown').toLowerCase(); }.property('kind', 'parent').cacheable(), testsQuery: function() { return SC.Query.remote(CoreTools.Test, { url: this.get('testsUrl') }); }.property('testsUrl').cacheable(), /** Returns all of the tests associated with this target by fetching the testsUrl. */ tests: function() { return this.get('store').find(this.get('testsQuery')); }.property('testsQuery').cacheable() }) ; CoreTools.TARGETS_QUERY = SC.Query.remote(CoreTools.Target);