1.2.3 (7/26/2007) * Added: Get your buildfile created form existing POM, just run buildr on existing Maven project (Anatol Pomozov). * Added: package(:tar), package(:tgz), TarballTask dn TarTask (Tommy Knowlton). * Changed: The ArchiveTask needs no introduction: it's a base task that provides common functionality for ZipTask, TarTask and friends. * Fixed: Release runs buildr instead of buildr.cmd on Windows (Chris Power). * Fixed: Cobertura reports broken (Anatol Pomozov). 1.2.2 (7/18/2007) * Added: resources.using and filter.using now accepts a format as the first argument, default being :maven, but you can also use :ant, :ruby or pass a regular expression (http://groups.google.com/group/buildr-talk/browse_thread/thread/5216d5ae8bfff29b). * Fixed: Sleek upload with changelog for each release courtesy of Anatol Pomozov. * Fixed: Zip.path.contains fails on paths with more than one directory (http://groups.google.com/group/buildr-talk/browse_thread/thread/5d305bbeeb814d1). * Fixed: Speed of sorting entries when creating new Zip file (http://groups.google.com/group/buildr-talk/browse_thread/thread/8b4d1b0e983f32f). * Fixed: Uploading using SFTP creates directory for uploaded file (http://groups.google.com/group/buildr-talk/browse_thread/thread/80021d35cecfecdc). 1.2.1 (7/12/2007) * Added: Proxy exclusion, use environment variable NO_PROXY, or options.proxy.exclude = || [] (http://groups.google.com/group/buildr-talk/t/9f1e988e0dbeea9f). * Added: You can now copy resources from multiple source directories, using resources.from (http://groups.google.com/group/buildr-talk/browse_thread/thread/4f2867a6dbbc19d4). * Added: Hash.from_java_properties(string) and hash.to_java_properties. * Changed: Buildr.options now wrap various environment variables instead of duplicating them (HTTP_PROXY, NO_PROXY, TEST, DEBUG). * Changed: No longer passing proxies to transports, instead they obtain them from environment variables. * Changed: Buildr now uses XJavaDoc 1.1 instead of 1.1-j5. If you need the 1.1-j5 fix, see here http://groups.google.com/group/buildr-talk/browse_thread/thread/49f3226810466c94/1f0d25d002433fe2. * Fixed: One RubyForge release for all packages, instead of one per package (Anatol Pomozov). * Fixed: buildr command does not recognize project tasks (foo:compile) or default task (http://groups.google.com/group/buildr-talk/t/660061a0bc81989a). * Fixed: Upload fails on SFTP permissions. * Fixed: Hibernate.schema_export not passing Ant task when yielding. * Fixed: IntelliJ Idea project files generation for projects more than two degrees deep. 1.2.0 (6/6/2007) * Added: Artifact.list returns specs for all registered artifacts (those created with artifact or package). * Added: Buildr.option.java_args are used when creating the RJB JVM, when running a Java process (unless you override directly), and when running JUnit tests (again, unless override). * Added: TestNG support (test.using :testng). * Added: You can run multiple tests from the command line, e.g. rake test:foo,bar. * Added: If you want to distribute source code and JavaDoc alongside your JARs (helpful when using IDE/debugging), you can now do so by calling package_with_sources and package_with_javadoc on the project (or the parent project to affect all its sub-projects). * Added: junit:report task generates XML and HTML reports in the reports/junit directory. * Added: test=all option runs all test cases ignoring failure. * Added: project generation for IntelliJ Idea. Imports dependencies properly from your local repository (the M2_REPO path variable must be defined), supports tests and resources. * Added: A check task for each project that runs after packaging and can be used to check the build itself, using RSpec matchers. * Added: The help task can be used to get basic information about your build. Right now it returns a list of described tasks, but you can extend it using the help method. Try it out: rake help. * Added: Integration tests that run after packaging (unless tests are disabled). There's only one integration tests task (duh) that you can access from anywhere. You can tell a project to run its tests during the integration phase with test.using :integration. * Added: package :sources and package :javadoc, used by package_with_sources and package_with_javadoc. * Added: Unzip paths now return root/target. (Nathan) * Added: buildr command line, replacing rake. Differs from rake in two ways: uses buildfile by default (but Rakefile also works) and offers to create buildfile if you don't already have one. * Added: options.proxy.http now set from the environment variable HTTP_PROXY (Anatol Pomozov). * Added: options.java_args now set from environment variable JAVA_OPTIONS. * Changed: Filter now complains if source directory or target directory not set, or if source directory does not exist. * Changed: Filter.run returns true if filter run, false otherwise, and can be run multiple times. * Changed: repositories.proxy returns a URI or nil; you can still set a proxy using a hash. * Changed: Transports went the way of the Dodo, instead we now use read/write/download/upload methods implemented on URI itself. * Changed: We now have a way to configure multiple proxies through the options.proxy method; use that instead of repositories.proxies. * Changed: Upgraded to Ant 1.7.0, JUnit 4.3, JMock 1.2. * Changed: TestTask now provides list of test classes and failed classes through test_classes and failed_tests attributes. * Changed: The jetty method is now available everywhere, so you can change the URL using jetty.url = at the top of the Rakefile. Also upgraded to 6.1.3. * Changed: Test classes are now identified as either starting with Test* or ending with *Test, before attempting any include/exclude patterns. Anything ending with *TestCase or *Suite ignored for now (but if you explain why, we can add it back). * Changed: What used to be the projects task is now help:projects task, anticipating more help: tasks to come. * Changed: We now have 3(!) JDepend tasks: jdepend:swing (with windows!), jdepend:text (console) and jdepend:xml (enterprisy). * Changed: Good news for packagers: package_as_ yield no longer required, just make sure to create the task once and return it each time. * Changed: JUnit tests now run using Ant, which makes them faster to run, and gives you text/XML reports (check out the reports/junit directory). * Changed: Cobertura now writes reports to reports/cobertura, in fact, if you're looking for a report of any kind, the reports directory is the place to find it. * Changed: Upgraded to AntWrap 0.6. Note that with AntWrap 0.6 we yield to the block instead of doing instance_eval, so any call to the ant project must be prefixed with an AntProject object. Code that relies on the old functionality (and that's pretty much any code with element-containing tasks) will break. * Changed: artifacts now accepts a struct. * Changed: The repositories.download method folded into Artifact, the repositories.deploy method renamed upload and folded into ActsAsArtifact. * Changed: The deploy task is now called upload, and repositories.deploy_to is now repositories.release_to. * Removed: The check task, which previously was a way to find some circular dependencies (multitask) but not others (dynamically defined). * Removed: JUnitTask, test.junit and Java.junit methods all deprecated; anything you need to affect the unit tests is right there in TestTask. * Removed: The package(:jar) and package(:war) options, such as :manifest, :include, :libs are all deprecated. Instead, use the package method to define the package, and the with method to enhance it, e.g. package(:war).with(:libs=>...) instead of package(:war, :libs=>...). * Removed: The []= method on ZipTask and anything derived from it is deprecated in favor of using attribute accessors. * Removed: Ant.executable and Ant.declarative are deprecated. Use Buildr.ant instead of Ant.executable. Use AntWrap directly if you need the Ant.declarative functionality. * Fixed: Filter now properly handles multiple keys on the same line. * Fixed: Tests teardown now properly executing. * Fixed: Cobertura tasks now run tests, even if test=no. * Fixed: XMLBeans compile task not detecting change to XSD file. * Fixed: URI.download and download task do not create directory path for downloaded file (Anders Bengtsson). * Fixed: Gets JVM version number from system property java.version instead of calling java -version. * Fixed: Artifact downloads POM first, such that you can download/create/fake it youself. 1.1.3 (6/12/2007) * Added: Long awaited idea project files generation. Very early code, the iml seems to be generated okay but needs testing. The ipr is still missing but will come in due time (and it's not always necessary anyway). *Fixed: Doc bug: unzip doesn't have an into(dir) method. *Fixed: File names don't always have a dot. *Fixed: For Jetty servers, http://foo//bar is not http://foo/bar 1.1.2 (5/29/2007) * Added: Allow passing :java_args option to the junit task * Added: Hibernate XDoclet and SchemaExport tasks. (Requires buildr/hibernate) * Added: JDepend UI for seeing depenencies across all projects. (Requires buildr/jdepend) * Added: Cobertura test coverage tasks, reporting both html and xml. (Requires buildr/cobertura) * Changed: tools_jar now returns empty array on OS/X, part of the ongoing Write Once/Test Everywere effort. (Credit Paul Brown) * Fixed: Work around keep_alive bug in Net::HTTP. (http://blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp/cgi-bin/scat.rb/ruby/ruby-core/10818) 1.1.1 (5/16/2007) * Changed: Test case class names must end with Test, TestCase, Suite or TestSuite. * Changed: You can now run rake test:{foo,bar} to match against either foo or bar (requires \{..\} on UNIX). * Changed: JAVA_HOME now required on all platforms, along with more OS/X fixes. (Credit Paul Brown) * Fixed: You can now run rake test: from any directory, and it will find just the right test cases. 1.1.0 (5/13/2007) * Added: Proxy setting for downloading from remote repositories (use repositories.proxy = ...). * Added: projects task to list all the projects you can build. * Added: Project attribute target to specify the target directory. * Changed: The project and projects methods now accepts relative names when called on a project. For example, project("foo").project("bar") finds the sub-project "bar" in "foo". * Changed: The project method now returns self if called on a method with no name. * Changed: The -warning flag (javac) is now set to true only when verbose. * Changed: OpenJPA mapping now using Ant task instead of spawning another Java instance. * Changed: The test:name pattern translates to *name* so you can run tests by package name, but only if you don't use * in the pattern. * Changed: All projects are not evaluated when referenced (i.e. calling project/projects) or before running any task. Project tasks do not exist until a projet is evaluated. * Removed: The projects method no longer accepts the :in argument, call projects on a project instead. * Fixed: Local directory tasks now work from any directory in the project. * Fixed: Artifacts no longer created with timestamp from server. * Fixed: Buildr no longer fails when run without tools.jar or JAVA_HOME (OS/X). (Credit Lyle Johnson) * Fixed: Manifest gets EOL to keep EOF company. (Credit Tommy Knowlton) * Fixed: Compile tasks clean after themselves when target directory changed. (Credit Lyle Johnson) 1.0.0 (5/4/2007) * Added: buildr:freeze and buildr:unfreeze task. These set the Rakefile to use a particular version of Buildr, freezing by setting to the current version of Buildr, unfreeze to use the latest Gem. * Added: Buildr.options, with three options to start with: test, debug and parallel. * Added: Buildr.option.debug or environment variable DEBUG to control the compiler debug option. Defaults to yes, except when doing a release. * Changed: Buildr now fails nicely if JAVA_HOME not set. * Changed: Migrated test cases to RSpec 0.9. * Changed: Extended circular dependency check to multitask. * Changed: JavaCC using RJB. * Changed: OpenJPA 0.9.7 no longer snapshoted. * Fixed: For Windows users: user's home directory, fu_check_options is now rake_check_options, java command works around funky system bbug. 0.22 (4/26/2007) * Added: Calling projects(:in=>foo) returns only the sub-projects defined in foo. * Added: _() as shortcut for path_to(). * Added: You can pass properties to java by setting the :properties options. * Added: JUnit task has a way of setting options (options accessor and using method), which for now supports passing properties to java. * Added: You can now use the struct method to create a Struct for structoring your multiple artifacts. * Changed: Use rake artifacts to download all artifacts not already in the local repository, and also download modified artifacts (*cough*snapshots*cough*) * Changed: Transport.download now uses timestamp on the destination file and If-Modified-Since header to skip downloads of unmodified files. * Changed: Downloading artifact sets the time stamp from the repository. * Changed: Use buildr.rake in the project's directory and your home directory, instead of buildr.rb. * Changed: filter method accepts one argument, the source directory. Use filter(src).into(target). * Changed: Running Javac/Apt/Javadoc in process. * Changed: Using Ant for OpenJPA enhancer and XMLBeans schema compiler. * Changed: Jetty, JavaCC, OpenJPA and XMLBeans are no longer included by default. You need to require them explicitly, e.g. require "buildr/jetty". * Removed: Tasks no longer use a base directory, always map paths directly using file, path_to or _(). * Fixed: The artifacts task no longer downloads POMs for artifacts created by the Rakefile. 0.21 (4/20/2007) * Added: Methods to read and write a file (shortcut for File.read/File.open.write). * Changed: Filter task now takes a source directory and target directory, and copies all included (sans excluded) files between the two. * Changed: Artifact type is now symbol instead of string (so :jar instead of "jar"). You can still specify a string, but the return value from #to_spec or #type is a symbol. * Changed: Eclipse task now adds "src/main/resources", "src/test/java", "src/test/resources" to build path, and excludes ".svn" and "CVS" directories from being copied into target directories. * Changed: The test task will now run JUnit test cases from classes ending with Test or Suite. And the inclusion pattern is always set. * Fixed: Project property not inherited if false. 0.20 (4/18/2007) * Added: JavadocTask to generate Javadoc documentation for the project, javadoc method on the project itself to return its javadoc task, and Java.javadoc to do all the heavy lifting. * Changed: Release code is now implemented as module instead of class. SVN copy made from working copy instead of double commit. * Removed: package :file_name options. Does not work with deployed artifacts or POMs. * Fixed: Packages not deployed in the right path (but POMs are). * Fixed: JARs and WARs include redundant META-INF directory. * Fixed: The local package task is now a dependency for install/deploy, and build is dependency for package. 0.19 (4/13/2007) * Fixed: Eclipse task correctly handles FileTasks * Fixed: Eclipse task output directory is "target/classes" (Project.compile.target) instead of "/target" * Added: Set specific file permissions when uploading with SFTP transport with :permission option * Fixed: Correctly use JAVA_HOME environment variable, if available, for determining java version * Added: ConcatTask and concat: a file task that creates or updates the target file by concatenating all the file prerequisites. * Added: Ant module (requires antwrap and rjb Gems), so also added RJB setup module. * Added: When zipping you can include the contents of a directory using :as=>".". * Added: Convenience apt method returns a file task that generates sources using APT. * Added: Convenience open_jpa_enhance method to enhance compiled files. * Added: Convenience compile_xml_beans setups the compiler to include XSD-generated XML Beans. * Added: Convenience javacc/jjtraa methods return file tasks that generate source files. * Added: build is now the default task. * Added: jetty:start and jetty:stop tasks to start/stop the server from the console. * Added: jetty:use to start Jetty inside the build or hook to an existing server. * Added: jetty:setup and jetty:teardown to perform tasks around jetty:use. * Added: The local build task will now execute the local test task. So building a project (or sub-project) will run the test cases on that project (or sub-project) but not any of its dependencies. * Added: ZipTask accepts nested path (i.e. calling path inside a path). * Added: package(:war) by defaults picks libraries from the compiler classpath. You can always override by passing the :libs option. * Changed: Eclipse task now generates library path with M2_REPO variable or project-relative paths where appropriate * Changed: compile.target (CompileTask) and resources.target (Filter) are now file tasks, not strings. So passing the target to someone else will hopefully convience them to invoke or enhance it. * Changed: Java related tasks like OpenJPA, XMLBeans, JavaCC all moved to the Buildr::Java module. * Changed: Handling of package_as arguments to support JBI packaging. * Changed: meta_inf project property is an array accepting filenames (strings) and file tasks. * Changed: meta_info by default only includes the LICENSE file from the top-level project. * Changed: The WarTask :classes argument is now a directory name, and will include all files in this directory. * Changed: WarTask and JarTask accept meta_inf argument. * Changed: Behavior of needed? and prerequsities in base Rake::Task. This will probably not affect you, but don't be surprised if it disappears (see lib/core/rake_ext.rb for details). * Changed: Were previous the test task would link to test.run, it now executes the entire test lifecycle, and is the major point for extending the test lifecycle. * Changed: test.run is now test.junit. * Changed: Ant.define is now Ant.declarative, Ant.execute is now Ant.executable. * Changed: The filter method now returns a Filter class that can be used to set a filter, but is not itself a task. Instead, it creates a task when setting its target. * Changed: Project.resources now returns a ResourceTask that includes, but is not itself a filter, accessed using the accessor filter. * Changed: UnzipTask eliminated and replaced with Unzip which you now have to run directly by calling extract. However, unzip method creates a file task and returns an Unzip object that can be used as a reference to that file task. * Changed: Attributes is now InheritedAttributes. * Changed: The first call to package configures the package task from the options, the second call only returns the package task. * Removed: :cp argument, always use :classpath. * Removed: src_dir, java_src_dir, target_dir, webapp_src_dir and all other premature configuration attributes. * Removed: Project tests method deprecated in favor of a single test method; it now accepts an enhancement block, not an instance_eval block. * Removed: FilterTask is dead. * Removed: sub_projects method. Is anyone using this? * Fixed: Local buildr.rb not loaded from running from inside a sub-project directory. * Fixed: Eclipse task now executed whenever a change is made in the Rakefile, or any file it requires, include buildr.rb and task files. * Fixed: Circular dependency in release task. 0.18 (3/26/2007) * Added: manifest attribute on project, used by default when packaging JAR/WAR. * Added: default manifest includes build-by, build-jdk and implementation-title. * Added: compile.from(sources) in the same vein as compile.with(classpath) * Added: load all *.rake files form the tasks directory (if exists) for use in the main Rakefile. * Added: Java.tools returns a reference to tools.jar on JDKs that include it. * Added: brought back experimental test tasks. * Added: artifacts task to download all artifacts referenced by project (using either artifact or artifacts method). * Changed: back to old behavior, compile task only executes if there are any files to compile, and compile? method removed. * Changed: repositories.remote is now an array instead of a hash, and repositories are searched in the order in which they appear. * Changed: release task is now a regular task, using the Release object instead of being a ReleaseTask. * Changed: eclipse task executes artifacts task. * Fixed: inherited attributes now cache default value, useful when working with arrays/hashes. * Fixed: manifest file generated even if manifest attribute is false. * Fixed: compile task now properly detects when not all files compiled. * Fixed: bug that caused project file tasks to execute twice. 0.17 (3/14/2007) * Added: project.task acts like Rake's task but can also fetch a task from a project using the project's namespace. * Added: project.file acts like Rake's file but resolve relative paths based on the project base directory. * Added: Rake tasks execute in the directory in which they were defined. * Added: enhanced Rake with circular dependency, and you can find all circular dependencies by running rake check. * Added: enhanced Rake in_namespace, if the namespace starts with colon, creates a namespace relative to the root instead of the current namespace. * Changed: a project definition is now a task definition. * Changed: use enhance to extend the project definition instead of after_define. * Changed: LocalDirectoryTask replaced with Project.local_task. * Changed: projects method accepts multiple names, returning only these project definitions, returns all of them with no arguments. * Changed: packge only defines the essentials once, so you can call package on a project to retrieve a specific package by type/id. * Changed: zip task (and jar/war) no longer resolve artifacts for you, must call artifacts directly. * Changed: cannot access a project before it's defined, but can do that with sub-projects to establish dependencies. 0.16 (3/7/2007) * Added: zip.include :as=> to include file under specified name. * Added: zip.merge to include the (expanded) contents of one zip file in another. * Added: experimental test task using JUnit and JMock. * Changed: project.to_s returns name, projects returns sorted by name. * Changed: project definition now executed using project's base directory as the current directory. * Fixed: artifact test cases and minor code cleanup. * Fixed: attempts to download artifact even if created by task. * Fixed: release task now deletes old tagged copy and reports SVN usage. * Fixed: OpenJPA not including target directory in classpath. 0.15 (2/28/2007) * Fixed: tasks fail unless deployment server specified. * Changed: deploy method executes deployment, instead of returning a task. 0.14 (2/28/2007) * Added: check task that looks for obvious errors in the Rakefile. * Added: deploy task for managing deployment. * Added: release task that updates version numbers, commits and tags SVN. * Changed: the project name is now the fully qualified name, e.g. ode:axis2 * Changed: you can now lookup a project before it's defined; you still can only define a project once. * Changed: you can lookup projects by full qualified name. * Changed: release_to changed to deploy_to, which is now a getter/setter. * Fixed: removed Java.home which conflicted with JRuby. * Fixed: install task did not re-install modified files. * Fixed: deploying only uploads one artifact. * Fixed: timing issues. * Fixed: Maven classifier now used properly. 0.13 (2/26/2007) * Added: global java method. * Added: project build method. * Added: OpenJPA mapping_tool method. * Added: Rakefile to generate Gem. * Changed: you can now lookup a sub-project from the top project method. * Changed: the projects methods return all sub-projects. * Fixed: bug in JarTask that resolved artifacts too early. * Fixed: global tasks (clean, build, etc) now complain if executed from a directory that does not map to any project. * Fixed: to work with Rake 0.7.2. 0.12 (2/24/2007) * Added: call prepare with list of tasks to add them as prerequisites. * Added: project.id returns the compound name, e.g. foo, foo-bar, foo-bar-baz. * Added: JavaCC, XMLBeans schema compiler, OpenJPA enhancer, APT tasks. * Changed: the default package ID is take from the project ID instead of its name. * Changed: renamed buildr and moved here. * Changed: moved all code into Buildr module. * Fixed: download breaking when POM not found. * Fixed: compile task fails if classpath is empty. * Fixed: zip task fails if target directory does not exist. * Fixed: packaging task does not require build. * Fixed: compiler not showing command when trace is on. * Fixed: zip dependencies were all fucked up. * Fixed: package should not depend on build. 0.11 (2/16/2007) * Added: test cases for unzip task * Added: prepare method to access prepare task * Added: prepare, compile and resources accept a block you can use to enhance the task * Changed: ZipTask executes all includes files as prerequisites, and now includes directories correctly * Changed: Jar/WarTask are now extended using with(options) method * Changed: JarTask now accepts array of sections (each being a hash) for the manifest, and a proc/method to generate it * Changed: added HighLine to hide password entry on the command line * Changed: unzip now using UnzipTask with its own shorthand syntax. * Changed: filter task gets a consistent syntax to unzip 0.10 (2/13/2007) * Added: modifier for artifacts * Added: ZipTask, WarTask * Added: get POM artifact directly from artifact * Changed: JAR and WAR packaging based on new and improved Zip task * Changed: options for packaging, but not affecting current Rakefile * Remove: delete task 0.9 (2/9/2007) * Added: attributes for configuring compile (sources, classpath, target, options) * Added: shorthand notation for specifying compilation (to, with, using) * Changed: copy task is dead (name conflict), instead we get the better filter task with include/exclude patterns * Changed: rewrite of compile task, now better than ever * Changed: compile can be used inside and outside project * Changed: compiler no longer infers anything from its prerequisites * Changed: compiler accepts files, artifacts and tasks on the classpath * Changed: resources task now working as expected * Remove: global task artifacts was the root of all evil and got canned. 0.8 (2/5/2007) * Added: release task and release_to configuration for repositories * Added: SFTP uploader for releases * Added: convenience method group() for specifying multiple artifacts in same group and version number * Added: install target copies package to local repository and adds a POM, uninstall package removes package (and POM) from local repository * Changed: project lookup now happens through project() method * Changed: locating file in the local repository now happens through Repositories * Changed: downloading file into the local repository now happens through Repositories * Changed: notation for specifying multiple artifacts in a string is now foo,bar,baz * Changed: artifact identifier is now specified with the key :id * Changed: download POM alongside artifact and install in local repository * Changed: no more scoping artifacts collection in project, use compile.with instead * Changed: moved HTTP download logic to transports.rb * Removed: deprecated grouping with multiple artifacts under id key 0.6 (2/1/2007) * Added: Artifact resolution introduces the notion of a spec, which can be supported using ActsAsArtifact * Added: You can now use a project as an artifact, resulting in all its packages being added, or use a task as artifact * Changed: project.sub_projects renamed project.projects * Changed: what used to be called dependencies is now called artifacts * Changed: all artifacts are now created as tasks that know how to download themselves unless some other behavior is specified * Changed: local and remote repositories are now defined on the Rakefile instead of individual projects * Changed: attributes now stored directly as instance variables * Changed: ANSI colors and progress bar now using Ruby Facets 0.5 (1/24/2007) * Added: Build number for each top-level project, build_number method for accessing it and build:increment task for updating the build number file. * Added: to_path method on project to resolve paths relative to base_dir. * Added: recursive_task method on project to create task in project/sub-project. * Added: compiler property for passing any options to Javac. * Changed: remove task renamed uninstall. * Changed: and to confuse more remove task (RemoveTask) renamed delete. * Changed: consolidated before_create/after_create to on_create. * Changed: version, group, artifact added as accessors to project. * Changed: project definition block takes project as argument. * Changed: project enhanced only if new settings or block. * Changed: local_repository is now separate attribute from repositories. * Changed: Directory structure, now split into rbs, rbs-java and tasks. * Removed: project.options. Using a different attributes mechanism. 0.4 (1/23/2007) * Added: CopyTask now deals with files and directories, can copy multiple files, and applies filter to all of them. Filter can be a hash or a proc. * Added: Project gets resources_filter attribute that can be used to set the filter on all copied resources. * Added: HTTP module for getting and downloading files, and a download task. * Changed: Dependencies now check signatures for every file, if available, and show download progress. 0.3 (1/22/2007) * Added: Dependencies loaded from Maven repositories if not existing or built by project. Use rake dependencies to force update, or let compilation take care of it. * Added: Copy task for copying one file to another, and filtering support. 0.2 (1/21/2007) * Added: remove task to get rid of packages added to the local repository. * Changed: recompile project if any of its dependencies is newer than the source code. Will cause recompile if any of the dependencies was compiled and packaged again. * Changed: compile task depends on javac task and resource copy tasks. This might change when adding filtering later on. 0.1 (1/19/2007) * Added: build and clean tasks * Added: resources are now copied over during compilation * Added: POM file generated in local repository (keep Maven happy) * Added: compile scope for use by javac * Added: WAR packaging. * Changed: Root project operates on the current directory, sub-projects on sub directories. See Rakefile for example.