require 'aead' require 'macaddr' require 'monitor' require 'pathname' require 'securerandom' require 'tempfile' # # Generates RFC 5114-compliant nonces. # class AEAD::Nonce include MonitorMixin # Number of octets in the counter field. COUNTER_OCTET_SIZE = 4 # Initial value of the counter field (4 octets zeroed out) COUNTER_INITIAL_VALUE = '%08x' % 0 # Maximum possible value of the counter before rolling over (4 # octets all set to one). COUNTER_MAXIMUM_VALUE = '%08x' % (2 ** (COUNTER_OCTET_SIZE * 8) - 1) # Number of nonces to reserve between state file updates. 256 is # convenient in that it leads to pleasant state files and represents # a reasonable medium between frequent file locks and wasted # nonce values when the process terminates. COUNTER_BATCH_SIZE = 0xff # The LSB of the most-significant octet of the MAC is the multicast # bit, and should be set on generated MAC addresses to distinguish # them from real ones MAC_MULTICAST_MASK = 0x010000000000 # The statefile is not configurable. All processes on a single # machine must share the same state file. STATE_FILE ='/var/tmp/ruby-aead').expand_path # Packed format of the nonce state. As recommended by RFC 5116. From # MSB to LSB: # octets 1 - 8 : fixed (hardware id + random id) # octets 9 - 12: counter PACK_FORMAT = "H12 H4 H8" # # Globally replaces the state file with a tempfile, so testing # doesn't waste valuable nonces in the global state file. # # @param [String] file the tempfile to use # def self.stub_for_testing!(file ='ruby-aead')) define_method :state_file_with_stub_for_testing do @state_file_stubbed_for_testing ||= end alias_method :state_file_without_stub_for_testing, :state_file unless self.instance_methods.include?(:state_file_without_stub_for_testing) alias_method :state_file, :state_file_with_stub_for_testing end # # Generates an RFC 5114-compliant nonce suitable for use in AEAD # encryption modes. # # @return [String] a 12-byte nonce # def self.generate @instance ||= @instance.shift end # # Initializes the nonce generator. Resumes the counter from disk if # it has generated nonces before. # # @return [Nonce] the generator # def initialize self.state_file = STATE_FILE super # so the Monitor is initialized end # # Returns a nonce from the generator. If a count is passed, returns # an array of nonces. # # @param [nil, Integer] count the number of nonces to return # @return [String, Array] a single nonce or array of nonces # def shift(count = nil) # short-circuit with a single nonce if no argument return self.state.pack(PACK_FORMAT) if count.nil? do self.state.pack(PACK_FORMAT) end end protected # State file is kept as an accessor to make it easier for tests to # manipulate state externally. attr_accessor :state_file # # Requests the current state of the nonce generator. Merely # querying the current state bumps its counter to the next value, # helping ensure we never return the same nonce twice. # def state @_state ||= load_state @_state[0..2] ensure # don't bump the state if we raised an exception and didin't # actually return the nonce raise if $! # after returning the state, bump it to the next one and reload # from the state file if we've exceeded the maximum counter for # the reserved batch @_state = bump_state(@_state.dup) @_state = load_state if (@_state[2].hex > @_state[3].hex) end def state_with_thread_safety self.synchronize { self.state_without_thread_safety } end alias state_without_thread_safety state alias state state_with_thread_safety private # # Called from Object#dup and Object#clone. We must ensure states are # never repeated, so ensure that we wipe internal state. # def initialize_copy(other) @_state = nil end # # Returns the initial state value: # * Octets 1 - 6: MAC address # * Octets 7 - 8: Random identifier # * Octets 9 - 12: Zeroed out counter # def init_state [ mac_address, SecureRandom.hex(2), COUNTER_INITIAL_VALUE ] end # # Loads the state from the state file, reserving # `COUNTER_BATCH_SIZE` nonces in the state file between # invocations. # def load_state open_state_file do |io| bytes = state = bytes.bytesize == 12 ? bump_state(bytes.unpack(PACK_FORMAT)) : bytes.bytesize == 0 ? init_state : nil _verify_nonce_state(state) _verify_nonce_mac(state) # set the (dummmy) fourth field to the maximum counter in the batch state[3] = bump_counter(state[2], COUNTER_BATCH_SIZE) # write out the current state, using the maximum batch counter # instead of the counter's current value output = (state[0..1] << state[3]).pack(PACK_FORMAT) io.rewind io.write output state end end # # Bumps the state provided to the next increment. Ensures that we # haven't exceeded the maximum state value allowed by the nonce # format. # def bump_state(state) _verify_nonce_below_maximum_value(state) state[2] = bump_counter state[2], 1 state end # # Increments the provided byte-string counter. # def bump_counter(counter, increment) "%08x" % (counter.hex + increment) end private def open_state_file do |io| begin io.flock File::LOCK_EX yield io ensure io.flush io.flock File::LOCK_UN end end rescue Errno::ENOENT Kernel.warn <<-ALERT ====================================================================== WARNING: Nonce state file does not exist and will be automatically generated for you. If this is _not_ your first time running this program, please ensure that the state file, located at #{self.state_file.to_s} is never deleted or otherwise removed. Its presence is crucial to this application's cryptographic security. ====================================================================== ALERT, 0600) { } retry end def mac_address mac_address_real or mac_address_pseudo end def mac_address_real mac_addresses_real.first end def mac_addresses_real {|addr|':-', '') } rescue [] end def mac_address_pseudo (SecureRandom.hex(48 / 8).hex | MAC_MULTICAST_MASK).to_s(16) end def _verify_nonce_state(state) return if state raise ArgumentError, "nonce state file corrupt; MANUAL REPAIR REQUIRED, DO NOT RM" end def _verify_nonce_mac(state) return if mac_addresses_real.include?(state.first) or state.first.hex & MAC_MULTICAST_MASK != 0 raise ArgumentError, "nonce state file must not be copied from another machine" end def _verify_nonce_below_maximum_value(state) raise ArgumentError, "nonce counter has reached maximum value" if state[2].hex > COUNTER_MAXIMUM_VALUE.hex end end