require 'bundler/setup' require 'thor' require 'fileutils' require 'open3' require 'ruby/openai' class EsCLI < Thor BASE_DIR = File.expand_path("~/ES") CONFIG_FILE = File.join(BASE_DIR, ".esconfig") def initialize(*args) =begin ================================================== homeにESフォルダ,その中に.esconfigとprofile.orgを作成 ================================================== =end super # ESフォルダがなければ作成 if !Dir.exist?(BASE_DIR) FileUtils.mkdir_p(BASE_DIR) puts "#{BASE_DIR} was created." end # .esconfigファイルなければ作成 if !File.exist?(CONFIG_FILE) FileUtils.touch(CONFIG_FILE) system("touch #{CONFIG_FILE}") puts "#{CONFIG_FILE} was created." end # profile.orgがなければ作成 profile_file = File.join(BASE_DIR, "") if !File.exist?(profile_file) profile_item = <<~PROFILE * ガクチカ1 * ガクチカ2 * 強み * 弱み * 志望業界 * キャリアプラン PROFILE File.write(profile_file, profile_item) puts "#{profile_file} was created." end end =begin ================================================== ・setコマンド ================================================== =end desc "set ", "openaiのapi_keyをセットする.セットするとaiチェックができます" def set(apikey) File.write(CONFIG_FILE, apikey) end =begin ================================================== ・profコマンド ================================================== =end desc "prof [--copy]", "自分のprofileの項目を出力する" method_option :copy, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Copy the value to clipboard" def prof(item) profile_file = File.join(BASE_DIR, "") contents = match = contents.match(/^\*\s+#{item}\n(.+?)(\n\*|\z)/m) if match value = match[1].strip puts value if options[:copy] case RUBY_PLATFORM # mac when /darwin/ IO.popen('pbcopy', 'w') { |clipboard| clipboard.write(value) } # Linux when /linux/ IO.popen('xclip -selection clipboard', 'w') { |clipboard| clipboard.write(value) } # windows when /win32|mingw|cygwin/ IO.popen('clip', 'w') { |clipboard| clipboard.write(value) } else end puts "Copied to clipboard." end # matchしない場合 else puts "Key '#{key}' not found in #{profile_file}." end end =begin ================================================== ・makeコマンド ================================================== =end desc "make ", "企業ごとのテンプレートを作成するコマンド" def make(company, deadline) company_dir = File.join(BASE_DIR, company) # すでに同名のフォルダがある場合に上書きしてもよいか if Dir.exist?(company_dir) puts "Directory #{company_dir} already exists. Overwrite? (y/N)" is_ok = $stdin.gets.chomp.downcase if is_ok != 'y' puts "cancelled. " return end end # 企業のフォルダを作成 FileUtils.mkdir_p(company_dir) puts "#{company_dir} was created." # 企業のフォルダ直下にES.org作成 es_org = File.join(company_dir, "") es_item = <<~ES * 志望動機 * 強み * 弱み * ガクチカ * 当社で実現したいこと * キャリアプラン ES File.write(es_org, es_item) puts "-#{es_org}" # 企業のフォルダ直下にmemo.org作成 memo_org = File.join(company_dir, "") FileUtils.touch(memo_org) puts "-#{memo_org}" # 企業のフォルダ直下にdeadline.txt作成 deadline_txt = File.join(company_dir, "deadline.txt") File.write(deadline_txt, deadline) puts "-#{deadline_txt}" puts "3 files were created." end =begin ================================================== ・listコマンド ================================================== =end desc "list", "作成した企業のESたちを締め切り順に出力" def list # 締め切り順にソートされた(企業名, 締め切り)を要素に持つ配列取得 company_and_deadline = Dir.glob(File.join(BASE_DIR, "*", "deadline.txt")) .map { |file| [File.basename(File.dirname(file)),] } .sort_by { |_, deadline| deadline } if company_and_deadline.empty? puts "ES not found" exit 1 end # esが一つでもあれば company_and_deadline.each do |company, deadline| puts "#{company} : #{deadline}" end end =begin ================================================== ・editコマンド ================================================== =end desc "edit", "指定した企業のESを編集する,エディタ指定ない場合はvim" def edit(company) es_org = File.join(BASE_DIR, company, "") system(ENV['EDITOR'] || 'vim', es_org) end =begin ================================================== ・reviewコマンド ================================================== =end desc "review ", "書いた企業のESをaiがレビュー(動くかわからない)" def review(company) # 指定された企業のesを取得 es_org = File.join(BASE_DIR, company, "") content = # esの内容をaiに投げる response = ai_review(content) puts "Review for #{company}: #{response}" end private def ai_review(content) api_key = # APIキーが空の場合終了 if api_key.nil? || api_key.empty? puts "Error: API key is missing or empty in #{CONFIG_FILE}" exit 1 end client = api_key) prompt = <<~PROMPT # 以下の内容を各項目ごとにレビューしてください: #{content} # レビューには各項目に対して以下を含めてください: - 書き方の改善点 - 内容の明確さ - 論理的な一貫性 - 追加できる情報があればその提案 PROMPT begin response = parameters: { model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", messages: [ { role: "system", content: "あなたは優秀な編集者です。" }, { role: "user", content: prompt } ], max_tokens: 1000 } ) response.dig("choices", 0, "message", "content").strip rescue StandardError => e "Error communicating with ChatGPT API: #{e.message}" end end end