require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'rake/clean' require 'rdoc/task' # # clean CLEAN.include('pkg', 'rdoc') # # test / spec #task :spec => :check_dependencies do task :spec do exec 'rspec spec/' end task :test => :spec task :default => :spec # # gem GEMSPEC_FILE = Dir['*.gemspec'].first GEMSPEC = eval( GEMSPEC.validate desc %{ builds the gem and places it in pkg/ } task :build do sh "gem build #{GEMSPEC_FILE}" sh "mkdir -p pkg" sh "mv #{}-#{GEMSPEC.version}.gem pkg/" end desc %{ builds the gem and pushes it to } task :push => :build do sh "gem push pkg/#{}-#{GEMSPEC.version}.gem" end # # rdoc # # make sure to have rdoc 2.5.x to run that do |rd| rd.main = 'README.txt' rd.rdoc_dir = "rdoc/#{}" rd.rdoc_files.include('README.rdoc', 'CHANGELOG.txt', 'lib/**/*.rb') rd.title = "#{} #{GEMSPEC.version}" end