module EducodeSales module AssessmentsHelper # def business_score # if @current_admin.is_admin? # @businesses = Business # else # level = @current_admin.role.role_areas.find_by(clazz: '商机管理').level # case level # when '自己' # # Business.joins(Business字段: :表的名称)----> Business表(belongs_to) Business字段关联的表(has_many) Business字段关联的表在关联的表(belongs_to) # business_ids = Business.joins(last_follow_up: :assign_follow_ups).where("educode_sales_assign_follow_ups.staff_id = ?", # @businesses = Business.where("educode_sales_businesses.staff_id = ? OR in (?)",, business_ids) # when '区域' # school_ids = School.where(province: @current_admin.areas.pluck(:name)).pluck(:id) + StaffSchool.where(staff_id: # business_ids = Business.joins(last_follow_up: :assign_follow_ups).where("educode_sales_assign_follow_ups.staff_id = ?", # @businesses = Business.joins("JOIN departments ON educode_sales_businesses.department_id =").where("departments.school_id in (?) OR educode_sales_businesses.staff_id = #{} OR in (?)", school_ids, business_ids) # else # @businesses = Business # end # end # @businesses = @businesses.where("follow_ups_count > ?", '0').where("educode_sales_businesses.created_at >= ? and educode_sales_businesses.created_at <= ?", "#{@assessment_year}-01-01 00:00:00".to_date,"#{@assessment_year}-12-31 23:59:00".to_date) # @businesses = @businesses.where(staff_id: d_staff_id) # # 2.销售人员新增的商机数量,过滤E、O、X类商机,包含:ABCD类商机; 上面有连接follow_up表 # ids = Common.where(extras: %w[a_class b_class c_class d_claass]).pluck(:id) # 数组[1,5,2,15] # @businesses = @businesses.joins("JOIN educode_sales_follow_ups ON educode_sales_businesses.last_follow_up_id =").where("educode_sales_follow_ups.clazz_id in (?) ",ids) # # 先把staff写死 # # @businesses = @businesses.where(staff_id: d_staff_id) # case time # when '1' # @businesses = @businesses.where("educode_sales_businesses.created_at >= ? and educode_sales_businesses.created <= ?", "#{@assessment_year}-01-01 00:00:00".to_date,"#{@assessment_year}-12-31 23:59:00".to_date) # when '2' # when '3' # when '4' # when '5' # when '6' # when '7' # when '8' # when '9' # when '10' # when '11' # when '12' # end # end end end