module SimpleForm
module ActionViewExtensions
# A collection of methods required by simple_form but added to rails default form.
# This means that you can use such methods outside simple_form context.
module Builder
# Create a collection of radio inputs for the attribute. Basically this
# helper will create a radio input associated with a label for each
# text/value option in the collection, using value_method and text_method
# to convert these text/value. Based on collection_select.
# == Examples
# form_for @user do |f|
# f.collection_radio :options, [[true, 'Yes'] ,[false, 'No']], :first, :last
# end
# == Options
# Collection radio accepts some extra options:
# * checked => the value that should be checked initially.
# * disabled => the value or values that should be disabled. Accepts a single
# item or an array of items.
def collection_radio(attribute, collection, value_method, text_method, options={}, html_options={})
collection.inject('') do |result, item|
value = item.send value_method
text = item.send text_method
default_html_options = default_html_options_for_collection(item, value, options, html_options)
result << radio_button(attribute, value, default_html_options) <<
label("#{attribute}_#{value}", text, :class => "collection_radio")
# Creates a collection of check boxes for each item in the collection, associated
# with a clickable label. Use value_method and text_method to convert items in
# the collection for use as text/value in check boxes.
# == Examples
# form_for @user do |f|
# f.collection_check_box :options, [[true, 'Yes'] ,[false, 'No']], :first, :last
# end
# == Options
# Collection check box accepts some extra options:
# * checked => the value or values that should be checked initially. Accepts
# a single item or an array of items.
# * disabled => the value or values that should be disabled. Accepts a single
# item or an array of items.
def collection_check_boxes(attribute, collection, value_method, text_method, options={}, html_options={})
collection.inject('') do |result, item|
value = item.send value_method
text = item.send text_method
default_html_options = default_html_options_for_collection(item, value, options, html_options)
default_html_options[:multiple] = true
result << check_box(attribute, default_html_options, value, '') <<
label("#{attribute}_#{value}", text, :class => "collection_check_boxes")
# Wrapper for using simple form inside a default rails form.
# Example:
# form_for @user do |f|
# f.simple_fields_for :posts do |posts_form|
# # Here you have all simple_form methods available
# posts_form.input :title
# end
# end
def simple_fields_for(*args, &block)
options = args.extract_options!
options[:builder] = SimpleForm::FormBuilder
fields_for(*(args << options), &block)
# Generate default options for collection helpers, such as :checked and
# :disabled.
def default_html_options_for_collection(item, value, options, html_options) #:nodoc:
returning(html_options.dup) do |default_html_options|
[:checked, :disabled].each do |option|
next unless options[option]
accept = if options[option].is_a?(Proc)
default_html_options[option] = true if accept
ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder.send :include, SimpleForm::ActionViewExtensions::Builder