module Byebug begin require 'methodsig' have_methodsig = true rescue LoadError have_methodsig = false end # Implements byebug's 'method sig' command. class MethodSigCommand < Command def regexp /^\s*m(?:ethod)?\s+sig(?:nature)?\s+(\S+)\s*$/ end def execute obj = debug_eval('method(:%s)' % @match[1]) if obj.is_a?(Method) begin print "%s\n", obj.signature.to_s rescue errmsg("Can't get signature for '#{@match[1]}'\n") end else errmsg("Can't make method out of '#{@match[1]}'\n") end end class << self def help_command 'method' end def help(cmd) %{ m[ethod] sig[nature] \tshow the signature of a method } end end end if have_methodsig # Implements byebug's 'method' command. class MethodCommand < Command def regexp /^\s*m(?:ethod)?\s+((iv)|(i(:?nstance)?)\s+)?/ end def execute if @match[1] == "iv" obj = debug_eval(@match.post_match) obj.instance_variables.sort.each do |v| print "%s = %s\n", v, obj.instance_variable_get(v).inspect end elsif @match[1] obj = debug_eval(@match.post_match) print "%s\n", columnize(obj.methods.sort(), self.class.settings[:width]) else obj = debug_eval(@match.post_match) unless obj.kind_of? Module print "Should be Class/Module: %s\n", @match.post_match else print "%s\n", columnize(obj.instance_methods(false).sort(), self.class.settings[:width]) end end end class << self def help_command 'method' end def help(cmd) %{ m[ethod] i[nstance] \tshow methods of object m[ethod] iv \t\tshow instance variables of object m[ethod] \t\tshow instance methods of class or module } end end end end