3.0 default_feature_reports 9ee3135a-8070-4408-bfa1-b75fecf9dd4f f9af7bd8-e9ce-41b4-b892-df29f235a9bd 20201201T173130Z FB304155 DefaultFeatureReports DefaultFeatureReports Writes default_feature_reports.json and default_feature_reports.csv files used by URBANopt Scenario Default Post Processor This measure only allows for one feature_report per simulation. If multiple features are simulated in a single simulation, a new measure must be written to disaggregate simulation results to multiple features. feature_id Feature unique identifier String false false 1 feature_name Feature scenario specific name String false false name feature_type URBANopt Feature Type String false false Building reporting_frequency Reporting Frequency The frequency at which to report timeseries output data. Choice true false Timestep Detailed Detailed Timestep Timestep Hourly Hourly Daily Daily BillingPeriod BillingPeriod Monthly Monthly Runperiod Runperiod Reporting.QAQC Measure Type ReportingMeasure string Intended Use Case Automatic Report Generation string USA_CO_Golden-NREL.724666_TMY3.epw epw test BDF687C1 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 example_model.osm osm test CC4BFFAF README.md md readme 0B68E96D LICENSE.md md license BBD19F47 default_feature_reports_test.rb rb test 19681175 OpenStudio 1.11.0 1.11.0 measure.rb rb script B1E43E26 wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 0)