require "spec_helper" describe "Documents list", type: :request, js: true do let(:connection) { Fixtures.instance.connection } before do visit "/" within("table.databases") { click_link "first_database" } within("table.collections") { click_link current_collection_name } end shared_examples "breadcrumbs for documents list" do xit "displays the breadcrumb" do within ".breadcrumbs" do within "li:nth-child(1)" do expect(page).to have_link("first_database") end within "li:nth-child(2)" do href = "/databases/first_database/collections/#{current_collection_name}/documents" expect(page).to have_link(current_collection_name, href: href) end end end xit "has a valid title" do within "h2" do expect(page).to have_content("#{current_collection_name} documents") end end end context "with small number for documents" do let(:current_collection_name) { "first_collection" } include_examples "breadcrumbs for documents list" xit "displays all documents for the selected collection" do expect(page).to have_css("tr.document", count: 2) within "table" do expect(page).to have_content("This is a sample record") expect(page).to have_content("This is the second sample record") end end xit "displays information about the collection" do click_link "Collection stats" within "table" do %w(ns count size avgObjSize storageSize numExtents nindexes lastExtentSize paddingFactor totalIndexSize indexSizes ok).each do |field| expect(page).to have_content(field) end end end describe "click on delete document button" do let(:document) do database = connection.db("first_database") collection = database.collection(current_collection_name) collection.find_one(name: "This is the second sample record") end xit "removes a document from the collection" do click_delete_button_for(document) confirm_dialog expect(page).to have_flash_message("Document #{document["_id"]} has been deleted.") expect(page).to have_css("tr.document", count: 1) within "table" do expect(page).to have_content("This is a sample record") expect(page).not_to have_content(document["name"]) end end def click_delete_button_for(document) document_row = find("{document["_id"]}") within(document_row) { click_link "Delete" } end end end context "with large number of documents" do let(:current_collection_name) { "second_collection" } before do database = connection.db("first_database") collection = database.collection(current_collection_name) 70.times do |n| collection.insert(name: "Document #{n}", position: n) end visit current_path end include_examples "breadcrumbs for documents list" xit "displays a pagination" do expect(page).to have_css("div.pagination", count: 2) within "div.pagination" do (1..3).each do |n| expect(page).to have_link(n.to_s) end end end xit "paginates documents" do within "table.documents" do (0...25).each do |n| expect(page).to have_content("Document #{n}") end end within "div.pagination" do click_link "2" end within "table.documents" do (25...50).each do |n| expect(page).to have_content("Document #{n}") end end within "div.pagination" do click_link "3" end within "table.documents" do (50...70).each do |n| expect(page).to have_content("Document #{n}") end end end end end