require "spec_helper" class TestDruid include Druid end describe Druid do let(:driver) { mock_driver } let(:druid) { } context "setting values on the Druid module" do it "should set the javascript framework" do expect(Druid::JavascriptFrameworkFacade).to receive(:framework=) Druid.javascript_framework = :foo end it "should add the javascript framework" do expect(Druid::JavascriptFrameworkFacade).to receive(:add_framework) Druid.add_framework(:foo, :bar) end it "should set a default page wait value" do Druid.default_page_wait = 20 wait = Druid.instance_variable_get("@page_wait") expect(wait).to eql 20 end it "should provide the default page wait value" do Druid.instance_variable_set("@page_wait", 10) expect(Druid.default_page_wait).to eql 10 end it "should default the page wait value to 30" do Druid.instance_variable_set("@page_wait", nil) expect(Druid.default_page_wait).to eql 30 end it "should set the default element wait value" do Druid.default_element_wait = 20 wait = Druid.instance_variable_get("@element_wait") expect(wait).to eql 20 end it "should provide the default element wait value" do Druid.instance_variable_set("@element_wait", 10) expect(Druid.default_element_wait).to eql 10 end it "should default the element wait to 5" do Druid.instance_variable_set("@element_wait", nil) expect(Druid.default_element_wait).to eql 5 end end context "setting values on the Druid class instance" do it "should set the params value" do TestDruid.params = {:some => :value} params = TestDruid.instance_variable_get("@params") expect(params[:some]).to eql :value end it "should provide the params value" do TestDruid.instance_variable_set("@params", {:value => :updated}) expect(TestDruid.params[:value]).to eql :updated end it "should default the params to an empty hash" do TestDruid.instance_variable_set("@params", nil) expect(TestDruid.params).to eql end end context "when created with a watir browser" do it "should include the Druid module" do expect(druid).to be_kind_of Druid end end context "when created with an object we do not understand" do it "should throw an error" do expect {"blah") }.to raise_error 'expect Watir::Browser or Watir::HTMLElement' end end context "when sent a missing method" do it "should respond to it if the @root_element exists and responds" do expect(druid).not_to respond_to :bar expect(druid).not_to respond_to :baz class Foo; def bar; :bar_called; end; private; def baz; end; end druid.instance_variable_set(:@root_element, expect(druid).to respond_to :bar expect(druid).not_to respond_to :baz expect( eq :bar_called end end describe "page level functionality" do context "when using PageObject" do it "should display the page text" do # expect(driver).to receive(:element).and_return(driver) expect(driver).to receive(:text).and_return("driver text") expect(druid.text).to eql "driver text" end it "should display the html of the page" do expect(driver).to receive(:html).and_return("<html>Some Sample HTML</html>") expect(druid.html).to eql "<html>Some Sample HTML</html>" end it "should display the title of the page" do expect(driver).to receive(:title).and_return("I am the title of a page") expect(druid.title).to eql "I am the title of a page" end it "should be able to navigate to a page" do expect(driver).to receive(:goto).with("") druid.navigate_to("") end it "should know it's current url" do expect(driver).to receive(:url).and_return("") expect(druid.current_url).to eql "" end it "should wait until a block returns true" do expect(driver).to receive(:wait_until).with(timeout: 5, message: "too long") druid.wait_until(5, "too long") end it "should retrieve the text from alert popup" do allow(driver).to receive_message_chain(:alert, :exists?).and_return(true) allow(driver).to receive_message_chain(:alert, :text).and_return('I am an alert') expect(driver).to receive_message_chain(:alert, :ok) msg = druid.alert do end expect(msg).to eql 'I am an alert' end it "should retrieve the text from confirm popup" do allow(driver).to receive_message_chain(:alert, :exists?).and_return(true) allow(driver).to receive_message_chain(:alert, :text).and_return('I am an confirm') expect(driver).to receive_message_chain(:alert, :ok) msg = druid.confirm(true) do end expect(msg).to eql 'I am an confirm' end it "should retrieve the text from prompt popup" do allow(driver).to receive_message_chain(:alert, :exists?).and_return(true) allow(driver).to receive_message_chain(:alert, :text).and_return('I am an prompt') allow(driver).to receive_message_chain(:alert, :set).with("blah") expect(driver).to receive_message_chain(:alert, :ok) msg = druid.prompt("blah") do end expect(msg).to eql "I am an prompt" end it "should switch to a new window with a given title" do expect(driver).to receive(:window).with(:title => "My Title").and_return(driver) expect(driver).to receive(:use) druid.attach_to_window(:title => "My Title") end it "should switch to a new window with a given index" do expect(driver).to receive(:window).with(:index => 1).and_return(driver) expect(driver).to receive(:use) druid.attach_to_window(:index => 1) end it "should switch to a new window witha given url" do expect(driver).to receive(:window).with(:url => /success\.html/).and_return(driver) expect(driver).to receive(:use) druid.attach_to_window(:url => "success.html") end it "should refresh the page contents" do expect(driver).to receive(:refresh) druid.refresh end it "should wait document load completely" do expect(driver).to receive(:wait) druid.wait end it "should know how to go back" do expect(driver).to receive(:back) druid.back end it "should know how to go forward" do expect(driver).to receive(:forward) druid.forward end it "should try a second time after sleeping when attach to window fails" do expect(driver).to receive(:window).once.and_return(driver) expect(driver).to receive(:use).once.and_throw "error" expect(driver).to receive(:window).and_return(driver) expect(driver).to receive(:use) druid.attach_to_window(:value => 'tim') end it "should call intialize_page if it exists" do class CallbackPage include Druid attr_reader :initialize_page_called def initialize_page @initialize_page_called = true end end page = expect(page.initialize_page_called).to be true end it "should call initialize_accessors if it exists" do class CallbackPage include Druid attr_reader :initialize_accessors_called def initialize_accessors @initialize_accessors_called = true end end @page = expect(@page.initialize_accessors_called).to be true end it "should call initialize_accessors before initialize_page if both exist" do class CallbackPage include Druid attr_reader :initialize_page, :initialize_accessors def initialize_page @initialize_page = end def initialize_accessors @initialize_accessors = end end @page = expect(@page.initialize_accessors.usec).to be <= @page.initialize_page.usec end it "should convert a modal popup to a window" do expect(driver).to receive(:execute_script) druid.modal_dialog {} end it "should know how to handle cookies" do expect(driver).to receive(:cookies).and_return([]) druid.cookies end it "should be able to save a screenshot" do expect(driver).to receive_message_chain(:screenshot,:save) druid.save_screenshot('tim.png') end it "should use the overriden timeout value when set" do Druid.default_page_wait = 10 expect(driver).to receive(:wait_until).with(timeout: 10, message: nil) druid.wait_until end it "should wait until there are no pending ajax requests" do expect(Druid::JavascriptFrameworkFacade).to receive(:pending_requests).and_return('pending requests') expect(driver).to receive(:execute_script).with('pending requests').and_return(0) druid.wait_for_ajax end it "should execute javascript on the browser" do expect(driver).to receive(:execute_script).and_return("abc") expect(druid.execute_script("333")).to eql "abc" end it "should know which element has focus" do expect(driver).to receive(:execute_script).and_return(driver) expect(driver).to receive(:tag_name).twice.and_return(:input) expect(driver).to receive(:type).and_return(:submit) expect(druid.element_with_focus.class).to eql Druid::Elements::Button end end end end