describe RSpotify::User do describe 'User::find' do before(:each) do # Get wizzler user as a testing sample @user = VCR.use_cassette('user:find:wizzler') do RSpotify::User.find('wizzler') end end it 'should find user with correct attributes' do expect(@user.external_urls['spotify']) .to eq '' expect(@user.followers['total']) .to be > 0 expect(@user.href) .to eq '' expect( .to eq 'wizzler' expect(@user.type) .to eq 'user' expect(@user.uri) .to eq 'spotify:user:wizzler' end it 'should find user with correct playlists' do # Keys generated specifically for the tests. Should be removed in the future client_id = '5ac1cda2ad354aeaa1ad2693d33bb98c' client_secret = '155fc038a85840679b55a1822ef36b9b' VCR.use_cassette('authenticate:client') do RSpotify.authenticate(client_id, client_secret) end playlists = VCR.use_cassette('user:wizzler:playlists:limit:20:offset:0') do @user.playlists end expect(playlists) .to be_an Array expect(playlists.size) .to eq 6 expect(playlists.first) .to be_an RSpotify::Playlist expect( .to include('Movie Soundtrack Masterpieces', 'Blue Mountain State', 'Video Game Masterpieces') end end end